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Monday 11 August 2014

Information About Stem Cell Treatment Centers

By Tanisha Berg

Stem cell treatment refers to the use of stem cells to prevent or treat medical conditions or diseases in human beings. The conditions are treated through the use of various techniques to replace cells that have been damaged or destroyed by diseases with healthy ones. Some of the techniques are relatively new but they have proven to be beneficial in curing several conditions. Research in this line of work is still underway to develop reliable sources of the cells.

The number of diseases that can be treated will increase once research into this treatment option is complete. However, at the moment, stem cell treatment centers can cure eye diseases, heart diseases, injuries, cancer, and diabetes among other conditions. Stem cell therapeutic techniques currently in use and under investigation are therapeutic cloning, and bone marrow, peripheral, and umbilical cord blood transplants.

Today, the only most commonly applied stem therapy is the bone marrow therapy. Bone marrow therapy has been used to treat leukemia and lymphoma in people with cancer for over thirty years. Cells are kept under frozen conditions and are only taken out they are needed. They are derived from adult donors. Over 10, 000 doses can be derived from a single adult donor.

There are many facts involved in these treatments that require a lot of understanding. This article discusses some of the basics. The body has many stem cells each being formed at different body parts at different times. Example are the embryonic cells which are formed during the early stages of development. There are others which are formed as one grows and remain in the body throughout the life of an individual.

The body uses each type of stem cells for specific purposes. Tissue-specific cells are limited in their capabilities because they can only manufacture cells of the same type as the tissues they are derived. For instance bone marrow cells are the only one with the ability to generate blood. Blood generation can therefore only be done by that type of cells. For that reason, multiple unrelated conditions cannot be treated by a single cell type.

Currently this treatment option is made unreliable and unsafe by the numerous challenges that face it. The high degree of restriction placed on the methods by different jurisdictions is one of the major challenges. Culture also leads to a loss in some qualities of the cells due to subjection under certain conditions. Modifications may result from such losses. Failure to behave as expected by the cells also cause a lot of concern among professionals.

The techniques used for transplants are also very sophisticated and risky in themselves. Tissues have been known to get damaged by the method of transplant. The introduced cell may also be contaminated with viruses, bacteria, and fungi among other pathogens which may cause diseases in the body. Immune reactions from the body can also cause severe side effects.

The high costs involved in going for the therapies also inhibit people from attending them. Sometimes several therapy sessions are necessary for the treatment to be successful yet each session is very costly. The challenges named above need to be sorted out before the techniques are declared safe.

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