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Sunday 10 August 2014

The Current Conservative News Blog And Politics

By Tanisha Berg

Now that America is approaching a new election cycle in 2016, people are wanting to keep up with politics more than ever before. When it comes to the republicans and tea party enthusiasts, one of the most common ways to do so is through posting to, and reading a Current Conservative News Blog. Whether tea party member, republican, democrat or member of another party, these blogs often have a lot to offer, whether that may be useful information for party members, or, a good laugh for outsiders.

There are several blogs and websites dedicated to those who live and identify with a conservative lifestyle. Some are less attack based than others, though most frown on the current administration. From healthcare to the immigration crisis, no matter what the President does, it is often not good enough for most in the republican or tea parties. Others, keep quiet in fear of a black lash from fellow party members. Then, there are always the few willing to cross party lines in favor of voting consciously.

Another resource, at least for those with right wing extremist values is that of The Right Wing Newsletter which provides information on different aspects of right wing political action. Another Hot Air is based more on gossip than fact. Still, while most knowingly promote this false information, there are also publications which do the right thing and only publish fact based data.

Democrats, republicans, Tea Party, the Green and Independent parties are generally all part of an election. Seems though that while the Green and Independent parties have often been overlooked in the past, the Tea Party, okay with some republicans will be more likely to get attention in the 2016 election than those in the past.

With the house now suing the President, it is no doubt conservative news blogs and websites will be quite active over the next several months. After which, the 2016 democratic and republican conventions will be being planned. Needless to say, conservative writers and editors are going to have hands full over the next few years.

With one of the most dynamic upcoming elections which does not include an incumbent being planned and organized for 2016, there is no doubt there will be plenty of political news. America, while ready for change, may have to deal with the president seeing a third term according to many of the news conservative news blogs. While this may be the case, there has not as of yet been any information in the news or elsewhere of the president saying anything of the sort.

Currently, the immigration crisis along the Texas border, Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel and Palestine are keeping the current administration quite busy. The president has still found time to make appearances along the campaign trail. Something many democrats appreciate, while others condemn the action as being irresponsible, especially in the light of current affairs.

As with liberal blogs, media outlets and websites, conservative ones also have a place in society. The smartest individuals often read blogs on both sides of issues before making a decision on where one stands. Others just tend to follow party lines and adapt to what one is told to believe whether based on current ideologies or otherwise. Whether conservative or liberal, a number of individuals believe it is always good to know what the other side is thinking.

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