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Monday 14 July 2014

What To Expect In The Illinois Elections 2014

By Marylou Forbes

Citizens have the democratic right of voting in representatives for different state positions. It is not an easy process since parties need to choose leaders who will attract more voters and offer lasting solutions. The correct process shall follow suit during the illinois elections 2014. Parties have the mandate of selecting leaders for different positions. Voters shall choose the ideal representative in a free and fair election.

Different parties take part in an election. In December, parties shall line up the selected candidates in different electoral positions. This is the chance for voters to practice their democratic right and vote for the ideal candidate. However, aspirants need to undergo a series of selection process from the team, and compete with different aspirants. Upon choosing the flag bearer, the party shall introduce the aspirant to the voters.

Campaigning needs avid planning, agendas, time, and cash. Some politicians spend immense cash to pay for cars, advertisements, campaigns, and managers to ensure the entire process runs smoothly. This process needs a professional approach to create a good agenda, and prepare for different debates. Voters measure seriousness of key aspirants by asking questions, and carry a background check. A successful campaign process instills confidence in the voter.

It is important to create awareness using the correct channels. This is the only way to gain massive popularity. Some people listen to radios and televisions, making it easier to understand the message channels. Media plays an integral role in during the election period. Many parties come up with banners, stickers, caps, billboards, and use social media channels to popularize their campaign. This process creates awareness since voters can identify the party colors, participants, and the message.

Some aspirants spend most of their time spreading lies and propaganda to the masses. There are leaders who have corruption cases in court. When such leaders take the podium, the public has the right to question and demand answers. Spreading malicious lies to opposing teams is a common practice done by many aspirants in the state. However, using the right channel, voters shall identify parties spreading lies, or involved in corrupt deals.

Each party has an agenda, promises, and plans for the state. However, you need to attend campaigns of different parties to know the selected aspirants, plans, and campaign process. Some parties promise projects, but have a poor record of committing to development goals. You have the right to make an informed decision on the party you find suitable to hold office. Take time to go through party resolutions, reputation of leaders, and views of different voters in the state.

You shall find many voters discussing the number of leaders to elect for different positions. This is not an easy process especially when you have reputable leaders vying for the same position. It is all about choosing someone who has a proven record of accomplishment. You do not want to vote in leaders who have poor records, and have corrupt deals.

During the voting day, many people line up to cast votes. This is a very simple and easy process since you already know the candidates and the one you want to elect. After people cast the votes, the process of counting commences and results expected later in the day. However, the right process of verifying votes follows to ensure everything happens in a transparent manner and avoid election disputes.

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