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Friday 18 July 2014

Some Tips On Hosting A Tea Party

By Juana Gamble

It is sad that you and your friends have not been seeing each other for a long time now. You understand that all of you have been busy with the things that you have to attend to with both life and your respective careers. Still, it is such a shame that you barely have the time to actually be gathered together in a room and just enjoy each others company. A Tea Party should be a good solution for that.

Decide on the time that you will be holding the event too. Most of the time, people would choose to have it hold in the afternoon. Any time of the day is actually fine. There are even those that would choose to hold them in the evening, after dinner. But still, go for a time that would be most convenient for you and for your guests. So they won't have a tough time making it.

Invite your guests. You need to give them the invites at least two weeks prior. There are people that would actually prefer getting some written invites. It is always important that you provide them the notice ahead of time so they get a chance to sort through their schedules and come. Calling them on the phone and letting them know of the date and the time is going to help too.

You are going to need to find the appropriate supplies for this purpose. Find out about the stuff that you need for the party to make sure that you are set and ready on the day that you have set. Make sure that you'll have your set ready too. Ensure that you will have the right tea for this purpose too.

Decide on the food that you will be serving on your table too. You have to make sure that the items you will serve are going to be right and appropriate for the beverages that you and the guests will be drinking. It is important to have savory and sweet stuff served on the table. You will need something light and at the same time, there are sweet stuff on the table too.

Set the table ready for the guests that are coming in. You need to get it covered with a linen tablecloth, go for the cloth white. As the host, you are expected to serve the guests with the drinks. But they are expected serve themselves with the food. By the way, add flowers to the decoration to get the area to actually look refreshing.

You are expected to dress the part. You need to ear the right type of clothing when acting as a host for these events. You would need to wear a cress that would be something that you might wear to church or if you are attending a causal wedding. It would not be bad to actually be dressier too. In addition, make sure that you have the table set and the water boiling ten minutes prior to guests' arrival.

Once the guests arrive, bring them to your table. Serve the drinks and allow them to enjoy the food that you have prepared. Then, sip your beverage, chat and enjoy each others company, try not to indulge in gossip though as this might hurt somebody as a result.

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