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Wednesday 16 July 2014

The Goal Of The Tea Party Blog

By Juana Gamble

In every political endeavor, you really would not be able to make out a pure white from the governance because there would really be a black and white. Some say that in order to improve the political outset, the solution would be to eliminate the bad crop. But then sadly speaking, such idea is not possible. Given the factors and considerations which are not immune to the outcome, it is uncontrollable.

But there is basically one advantage in the being part of the democratic rule that puts things into a fair light. This advantage is that the people are free to voice out their sentiments and concerns. This is why in the US, the Tea party movement was developed. But other than just being an organization on move, it also realized the Tea party blog.

Basically, what is contained in this blog is the voice of the people who are against some policies set by the government and would like amendments. Since they are not in the seat of power, doing things like this is the most effective way to push their comments through. With this, combined with the visible physical strength shown in protests, they were granted attention.

You can say it as this movement is people power. And being in a democratic state, the government cannot ignore the protests of the people. This way, the government is forced to look into their opinions and ideals. So with this, they are able to see the views of the community which they can consider in carrying out their decisions. But other than that, they will also visualize their behavior.

Actually, there is a pattern developed out from the interaction of people in the social media sites. Just like for example, the event of the Arab Spring. Through the patterns of interaction that revealed a very chaotic mess, it meant that the subject is too serious a case for individuals to actually react in the way the patterns explain. And as expected, there was a turmoil that happened later on.

That is why sites like this carry an importance to the government. And such is the purpose of this party as well. That is why it has gained attention from the authorities and has been recognized for being a movement. But then most often, movements like this serve as a thorn for the authorities to do what they want.

So to speak, the tea party is an American political movement which is known for being an advocate for the reduction in the US national debt and federal budget deficit by reducing government spending and taxes. Basically, what comprises this movement is a mix of conservative, populist and libertarian persons. Asserting the rights of the people, they supported protests and chose their own candidates.

In asserting their rights, this movement lead a lot of protests and supported their own candidates to the seats. However, outside of this physical force, they also held on to the saying, pen is more powerful than sword by advocating their blogs. What is practically inside these blogs are their mission, vision, core values, principles, ideology, sentiments, comments, etc.

It is actually like a school organization website wherein all the transactions of the group are posted. Speaking of this, under the Tea party movement are many more organizations. Some of the most common are the Tea party federation, patriots, nation, and many more. Due to this venue, Americans felt the fullness of their freedom.

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