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Friday 18 April 2014

Grounds For Christian Arguments Against Evolution

By Essie Osborn

Science and religion have always presented divergent ideas. According to Christians, God is the ultimate creator of everything that we see, man included. Contrastingly, the scientists approach this issue by proposing many hypotheses and theories such as that of evolution. There have been heightened arguments on this thorny issue. Christian arguments against evolution have been received differently.

The evolutionists believe in the assertion of Charles Darwin that human beings are descendants of apes. According to them, they changed their appearance over millions of years due to environmental and genetic changes. There is therefore the presumption that very soon humans will be transformed into another form and apes will become like humans.

The creation story of the Bible is the whole truth according to Christians and there is no need to debate about it. Adam was created and given dominion over the earth and all that is in it. He and his wife Eve were told to multiply and subdue the earth. Cain, Abel and Seth were born and all human beings are said to come from that lineage. Reproduction is thus seen as a way in which man becomes a co creator with God.

Most theologians of the Christian religion have for a long time demonized the evolution theory. The issue of man having to emerge out of a lesser being is clearly outrageous, in their view. If those chemical equations put forward were able to work, then it could be possible by now to raise the dead or to create a person from scratch, given the intense researches that have been conducted in this area.

Several predictions have been made about the end of world to no avail. The Two Thousand Millennium was the closest prediction but it disappointingly flopped. Belief that beings evolve could foreground the western racist tendencies that Africans are savage and thus still evolving. This can be detrimental to world peace in this century. Just as the beginning is unknown, the mystery of the end of the world cannot be revealed by any man.

Although Darwin and his theory of natural selection and survival for the fittest are being studied in classrooms, believers find it out rightly wrong. One man who was not religious in the first place could not claim such a revelation. Being a theory, it has the probability ratio of either being right or wrong. What is written in the Holy Book however cannot be disputed because it came from the Great One whose knowledge surpasses that of man.

In matters of faith it is hard to sway people to the right or to the left. A long held belief cannot be dismissed by a mere theory which, thousands of years down the line, is yet to be proven. Since its beginning, the earth has always been the same. Only the perception of men and their utilization of resources have changed. Education has also caused some confusion here and there.

The war of words still continues with the scientists pushing hard and the believers maintaining their stance. With time, one group might win. The Christians believe that the rupture of the church will be the end of this world. Researchers, however, hold that only natural phenomena such as climate change can wipe out life on earth if not kept on check.

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