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Saturday 5 April 2014

A Missing Plane And A Missing President

By Phillip Katz

Not knowing their fate, the 227 passengers and 12 crew members on board Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 bound for Beijing, China from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia got ready for their 6 hour flight. These 239 individuals from 15 different countries had no indication of what will happen to them nor did their families and friends have any reason to fear. More than a week has passed now and Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 is still missing. What happened to them?

Various theories came up in connection with the Malaysian Airlines Flight 370. News from all sources flooded the internet since the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370. The mystery of the sudden disappearance when there seems to be no indication that anything could go wrong has astounded the world. What could have happened with Malaysian Airlines Flight 370? Did the aircraft crash into the ocean? Were they overpowered by terrorists? Or was it an inside plan that have gone awry?

With all the news going around, it doesn't seem to answer the real question. There are reports that seem to be rational but some are just too strange and irrational to accept. They present a good read though but they have confused a lot of readers. The more rational reports were leading to conclusions of a crash or hijack. Automatically, when a plane would disappear, people would assume the worst. And with reports floating about oil spillage and debris found, speculations on a crash seemed logical. However no plane was found. The other logical news that came up was of a hijack. Especially with reports on two stolen passports used by Iranian men and the pilot having a flight simulator in his home, it has led to further speculation that maybe there was foul play involved. While the reports are based on facts, the conclusions are still speculative.

In separate reports, there was also talk that Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 is somehow connected to the Bermuda Triangle mystery. Other reports also claim that it was aliens that abducted the passengers and all its crew members. Our rational thoughts would reject these ideas of course but somehow, in this great mystery, some might start to believe that maybe there is a grain of truth in it. How could a plane just disappear like that without a trace? There are a lot of technologies available now, somehow, something has to come up already unless there is a bigger mystery that cannot be answered by whatever technology is available. These implications are what these reports are driving at. Fueled by both fear and hope that somehow the passengers are still alive, some may be inclined to believe such fantasies.

In spite of all the available reports, bizarre and otherwise, still no answers can be found about what happened to Malaysian Airlines Flight 370. The only thing available is little fact that can lead to finally solving the mystery. But it is not wise to jump into conclusions basing from the meager facts that is being fed to the public. The best that we can hope for is that the long wait will finally be over and that we can all know what truly happened.

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