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Sunday 6 October 2013

Tips For Selecting An Advocate For Special Education

By Rhea Solomon

Children who require exceptional assistance find it very challenging to learn under normal school environments. Without help, they may not succeed and get the best out of their abilities. This makes it important for parents of such children to seek the assistance of an advocate for special education that can help address their needs. Below are some qualities one should look for when choosing such a professional.

An individual should be trained in advocacy for special education. This does not mean that one has to be a lawyer, but simply that they must meet minimum training requirements. Some advocates work closely with attorneys, while others offer their services independently. Because systems and laws change regularly, a good professional should engage in continued learning through attending conferences and workshops.

Next, you should consider experience. You need someone who has practiced in this field for a long time. Being a lawyer does not count as experience as you need someone who is well versed in special education advocacy. Therefore, ensure that this is the specialty they have been in for at least the last five years. This can give assurance that they have what it takes to understand various disabilities and manage evaluations and IEPs.

Consider the ability to facilitate the IEP process. A good professional should assist special-needs kids and their families with Individualized Education Program meetings or eligibility, discipline matters, administrative hearings and mediation. Therefore, they should be a role model to both the child and the parents. Their goal should be to get better school services by using their skills.

There should be a good rapport between the child and the advocate right from the start. This requires an in-depth understanding of the disability so that they can understand the client well. The ideas they suggest should be based on research-based and peer-reviewed materials.

The expert should help reduce challenges facing the parents and school. The child will benefit more when these two groups are working harmoniously. When there is any sort if conflict, it trickles down to the performance of the kid. It is therefore, very important to create an understanding.

An expert should be a good listener. The advocate should understand the needs of the child. This is only possible when they can listen and know how the situation affects the learning and educational achievement of the child. However, this does not mean that they should not ask questions to clarify issues they do not understand.

Look at the negotiation skills. Advocacy requires careful planning and approach so that conflict can be reduced between the two parties. Negotiation is a very essential art in IEP meetings, as it will ensure both parties reach a compromise.

One must understand the guiding legislation. There are guidelines to be followed for both special and general education. However, understanding of health and other legal recommendations is also important.

Understand the proposed fee agreement with the advocate for special education. Most advocates work with none governmental organizations that may or may not offer free services. In case you have to pay for the services they are offering, then ensure that you discuss the fees in advance. However, the charges are always subsidized in most cases.

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