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Monday 21 October 2013

Examining The Arguments Against Evolution

By Elena McDowell

The arguments against evolution have been hotly debated for many years. It all began with the publication of Charles Darwin's On the Origins of the Species back in 1859. Interestingly Darwin himself was hesitant to publish his discoveries as he was well aware of the controversy it would stir up. He waited many years before finally making the decision to publish his findings, knowing that he would change the course of scientific thinking.

The majority of the Western world believed in creationism until the work of Charles Darwin was published in 1859. English scientist Darwin wrote his famous book On the Origin of the Species after many years of work. He was in fact quite hesitant to publish it as he was well aware of the controversy it would generate. Darwin was from a family of religious background and had almost become a member of the clergy himself.

Darwin's work was mostly undertaken on his voyage on a British ship called the Beagle. The Beagle had been commissioned to sail to the Pacific and study the natural flora and fauna. Darwin was a civilian artist and scientist who spent many hours observing the plants and animals in the natural habitat. From his observations he was able to determine that birds on each of the islands had evolved in slightly different ways. This was the basis of his argument for the survival of the fittest.

Although Darwin did not understand genetics, he was able to observe the results of random genetic mutation. These mutations occur naturally through out all species. If a certain mutation allows an animal to prosper in a particular environment, those with the adaptation are more likely to prosper than those without. This notion has been exaggerated and in many cases is erroneously responsible for individual beliefs about evolution.

The argument for creationism focuses on the belief that God or a Deity created the world. Creationisms feel that the hand of God is present in every aspect of life and by ignoring this we are denying our fundamental being. They feel very strongly that their views should be taught in public schools as an alternative to evolution.

Many supporters of creationism rightly argue that Darwin's words and theories have been grossly distorted to reflect the beliefs of the uneducated masses. Darwin never felt that the survival of the fittest should be used as justification for brutality of one group of people towards another weaker group. The entire notion has taken on a life of its own that he never intended.

Many people would be happy to see a more fair and balanced approach that gives equal time to both theories. As neither has been proved it would be reasonable to offer both perspectives. However, the separation of church and state prevents the discussion of religious materials in publicly funded educational establishments.

The arguments against evolution will continue until both sides find a way to reconcile their beliefs. Both are very committed to their own views and find it hard to consider the others perspective. In addition, the evidence given as proof is often not conclusive. There is always room for a personal interpretation of events and this adds more fuel to the controversy.

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