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Tuesday 22 October 2013

Intro To Current US Foreign Policy In The Middle East

By Elena McDowell

The current US foreign policy in The Middle East is the country's stand with regards to how the nation should be interacting with nations all over the globe. These are usually guidelines that are in accordance to the interests of the nation. The secretary of state is the one who leads these relations. A progressive nation such as America can have a lot of influence when it comes to this kind of relations.

For the most part, the united states have these guidelines in place to ensure that national interests are protected. The administration establishes goals and comes up with strategies to get the desired results. These goals typically have to do with the promotion of peace and prosperity. It includes international trade, agreements, and even how the government will aid other nations.

The importance of establishing priorities and taking a stand when associating with other nations was emphasized when wars took place. These events caused a lot of devastation. The aftermath led to the formation of an organization for various countries. Having such an organization can help with the tensions in various communities.

Depending on how a country handles its affairs, its actions can either lead to productive relationships or disastrous consequences. A country can choose to take a stand and even lend its support to another. If you take your time to look at the news, you will see many such examples. One country for example may release an official statement, offer military assistance, and so on.

Aside from extending help during conflicts, there are many other concerns that can be covered under these relations. The spread of infectious diseases is something that every nation takes seriously. Environmental issues are also critical given the rise of pollution levels. Weapons of mass destruction are also hot topics in international relations.

Another issue that is important to international relations is crime. There are a lot of crimes that have been committed across borders. Without the cooperation of all the parties involved, it will not be possible to gather enough evidence and try the guilty parties. All problems that affect communities around the world can be addressed through these relations or associations.

Each nation has its own approach to these various issues. These approaches typically receive mixed reviews from the citizens. The United States is not alone in this problem. Some approve but there are those who think that what the administration is doing do not serve the national interest but only those of a select few. Some are convinced that these are just moves to gain more power.

The United States, with its robust economy, has a lot of influence in the international arena. Though this country is still a recognized power, there are also new countries that have become key players. The formation of groups among nations has also made a difference when it comes to how these relations turn out.

The current US foreign policy in The Middle East is a topic that is hotly debated. Some approve of how the government has approached the matter while others are in doubt. These relations are supposed to promote the nations interests and contribute to progress. Whether or not these goals have been achieved would be a matter of personal opinion.

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