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Saturday 17 August 2013

Do Not Expect Non-Partisan Political Information From The Media

By Cara Torres

Trying to find non-partisan political information is becoming harder and harder each day. Between what partisan politicians are saying and what the news media decides to print or broadcast, it is difficult for people who want to know what is going on. The endangered species that is fact is disappearing faster than many of the animals that are actually on that list, which is also extremely partisan.

The large news agencies used to safeguard their reputations by making sure their hard news items, such as what was happening in the political field, were backed up by facts. This was made easier by having a commentary section where they could exercise their tin hat thoughts in a way that did not distract from their main purpose. The two of these sections have merged over the last 30 years.

By not presenting the non-partisan political information they claim to, the people are not well served. This is acceptable by many people, however, others want to know what is happening and not what some editor, or rather, politician tells them is going on. The hard questions that used to be asked of elected individuals make it plain that facts are not presented and, therefore, are that much more valuable when they are read.

Debates are in places and conducted in such ways as to prevent this type of information from getting the people. There is more heat than light in any debate and the reporting of same is treated as a way of promoting one side over the other. This is accomplished with countless discussions about who won or lost. Without factual information, the people lose.

Politicians, of all stripes, will present their talking points and hammer on them. This will rarely be fact based and none of those facts will find their ways to the voters as the media is not interested in them. Asking an elected official a direct question, unlike the press unless they are in the other party, will generate a jumble of words that means little to thinking people.

As an example of the two sides, a report on gun violence will talk about the fact that many people owning guns presents a danger that more violence will be done. The fact is that, as more guns are purchased and used by lawful Americans, gun violence goes down. The need for the scare tactics, from the press, does not present facts, only emotion. Emotion is always partisan.

Not being able to contend with all of the facts that are available when you think about it, immigration, for one side, is simply emotional. They will say that we need to make sure they can all partake of the American dream. They will not allow the fact that the illegal immigrants are not following the law and are, thus, illegal to be here. They must emotionalize the issue so there is no rel facts being considered.

Non-partisan political information is hard to find. There are websites and services that profess to be truly impartial, however, a quick glance through them will tell you which way they lean. One sided, unbalanced political information is something that is passed around to the like minded. This factual type of information is valuable only because of it scarcity.

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