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Thursday 8 August 2013

Current US Foreign Policy In The Middle East Influences Others

By Andrea Davidson

Since his installation as US Secretary of State, John Kerry visited the Middle East a half dozen times. The current US foreign policy in the Middle East has many Arab nations to take into account as well as striving to further an agreement between many of those countries and Israel. His diplomatic endeavors have resulted in the recent return of Israeli and Palestinian leaders to the negotiating table. This follows a three year lapse, since September of 2010. The two leaders met in Washington for the initial talk.

Other nations are significantly affected by the powerful US. Everyone professes to wanting peace. It is complicated to sort out conditions and policies that make agreements difficult. It is especially difficult for the Palestinian and Jewish populations due to both laying claim to old Jerusalem.

President Barack Obama met with Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Abbas. He expressed his appreciation of them agreeing to resume talks. Later, he also made a personal phone call to each, reiterating his approval. The two plan more discussions over the next nine months. They will hold those talks in either Israel or Palestine. Perhaps some will be held in each location.

Mahmoud Abbas, respected Palestinian statesman has held the office of President of the now replaced National Palestinian Authority. He currently is President of the State of Palestine.

More than one office is held by Prime Minister Netanyahu. He is the Foreign Affairs Minister in Israel. In addition, he fills two other official roles.

There is one more dignified leader who is not as actively involved as he would wish. President Shimon Peres has served his country in one capacity or another for 65 years. This 90 year old politician has seen numerous wars and repeated peace negotiations.

Many worldwide companies have standards set for them by the US. Secretary of State Kerry is charged with conducting diplomatic meetings with the diplomats of other countries. Although Kerry takes full charge of his duties, he is not the final authority on how diplomacy is carried out. If there is a disagreement between him and President Obama, the President has the final authority.

Officially, the foreign policy in the US is to promote a prosperous and safe democratic nation for the benefit of all Americans. With a $15 trillion economy and a $711 billion defense budget, it is no wonder the US has the status of being the strongest influence in world politics. An additional intent of the US government is to benefit the international economy.

Some of the responsibilities of the US House are carried out by its Committee on Foreign Affairs. There are watchdogs keeping an eye on nations that are indicating an intent to advance nuclear technology. Some may pose a danger if they achieve that capability to further their plans. It is their responsibility to decide on the countries that will receive foreign aid and how much will be dispensed to them. This important task is not completed without vociferous disagreement and debate.

John Kerry, Secretary of State, has made a significant contribution to making new discussion between Palestine and Israel. The peace talks bring new hope. He has been a force when it comes to current US foreign policy in the Middle East.

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