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Sunday 14 July 2013

Facts On Protect Our 2Nd Amendment Rights

By Carmella Watts

The Second Amendment is included in the Bill of Rights outline in the United States Constitution. This American amendment was created to protect the right of citizens to bear arms, or weaponry. It was adopted into the Constitution in the later half of the 1700s. In more recent years, there have been laws introduced that some believe threaten or compromise rights to own weapons and so there is a movement to protect our 2nd amendment rights.

For hundreds of years, bearing arms has been regarded as a type of auxiliary right. It is meant to support the natural rights that US citizens have to act in the defense of their state, resist movements of oppression and defend. However, there has been a rise in injuries and deaths caused by the use of this weaponry, in many cases illegal use. These incidents have caused the government to push new regulation on guns. Throughout the history of this country, many cases have been to court related to this amendment and gun control.

Some suggest that implementation of outreach and education programs can help. These are meant to teach individuals, and reduce misuse and violence of guns. Many people are against the addition of new gun laws and restrictions. They think the government needs to enforce what is in place rather than add new ones. Not all share this point of view. Others think that added legislation is a good idea. In their arguments they note the many lives that have been taken away because of misuse of guns.

Many different versions of this amendment exist. They are different in capitalization and punctuation and because of this, some argue they have different meanings. The main differences between ratified, signed, published and drafted copies is a subject of debate. Many think that there are different meanings and interpretations to be taken from these, especially in regards to the intro clause.

A lot of collectives have formed solely to fight against gun laws. It is common for protests to be held to fight this legislation as well. Some people get signatures on petitions and hand them over to local government to push or resist certain initiatives.

A good majority of said initiatives are based in and focused on the United States of America. They believe in the right to self preserve and strive to secure this part of the Bill of Rights in order to maintain liberation for all. They believe that their right to keep and bear arms is being vilified and infringed upon. Most place emphasis on educating people.

Members of such groups say they are lawful citizens who do not deserve to penalized for the action of criminals. They hold that their purpose in owning guns is only to protect their loved ones and themselves when placed in dangerous situations. These peaceable women and men only want to defend what they own.

In America, a lot of debate is around people who feel it is necessary to protect our 2nd amendment rights and those who think more enforcement needs to be done. This argument has gotten bigger in modern times with the increase in new restrictions and laws and gun violence. Strikes, petitions and groups are just some of the ways people are coming together to show their disdain for the government infringing upon their natural rights.

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