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Monday 29 July 2013

A Concise Analysis Of The Unions Australia

By Maryanne Goff

A trade union is a very organized corporation that aims to establish a common good for its all members. These members in most cases are workers of a certain organization. In some instances, members could be pooled form different organizations. The organization has many objectives. The main objective being promoting the social affairs of workers. They are also entrusted improving the personal affairs of such people. For incredible unions Australia workers must promote the common good for all the people.

The organizations are formed in different ways. This is usually stated and explained in the company constitution. The formation process is agreed upon by members across the board. The members pool personal resources to facilitate the initial operations. The level of pooling is then translated into a stake within the corporation. This is what determines the returns each member will get at the end of each accounting period.

The leaders assume offices after a general election. General elections take place at the same time as the annual general meetings. Members are invited to these meeting at the end of each accounting period. Each of the members has equal voting right. The voting process is in most cases in form of a ballot paper. Members can send a proxy to vote for them if they are absent.

There are different types of properties held by such corporations. Most of such items are in form of tangible assets. The assets are acquired by the establishments through formal commercial processes. The funds for such commercial operations are the retained earnings from profits. Additional funding may be in form of loans issued by the financial institutions to the organizations. The establishments embark on commercial operations to generate revenues.

The members of a specified union can borrow from the accounts of the company. The members have to place different types of information with the organization. The credit information is used as a basis of evaluating the credit worthiness of a certain individual. This information is used in assessing whether to issue the loans or not. Most of the loans have a very low interest.

The members have different duties. The leaders are the steering team. They are entrusted with steering the association in the right direction. This encompasses setting the strategic objectives for the organizations. The members have a duty to help each other in times of a crisis. In the event that one of the members falls sick, then others ought to help them raise the required amounts to offset the bills. This is commonly done in personal contributions.

Some of corporations expand their operations rapidly. They could end up being listed in the stock markets. Listing is one of the avenues of pooling further funds for the company. Before getting listed, they have to place specified documents with the registrar of companies. Once listed, they have to abide by the stock market codes. This includes having all the accounting documents in place. Such documents should be issued to the public for scrutiny.

The organizations exist to protect the welfare of the workers. This entails protecting them from any form of exploitation by their employers. Some employ lawyers who offer their services to the members. For reputable unions Australia ought to assess the services offered by each and every organization before joining them.

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