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Tuesday 1 May 2012

Warriors of the Aztecs

By Eddie Montezuma

Aztec warriors were broken down into two categories, and these were commoners who were offered basic military education, and very experienced warriors who were members of the aristocracy. The extremely experienced Aztec warriors had been regarded as Pipiltin, and they were substantially smaller in number than the commoners who comprised the bulk of the army. The elite Aztec warriors were positioned in ranks based on their expertise, and with regards to the triumphs they had made on the battleground. Like all empires, the Aztec Empire was consistently in a state of growth, and in an effort to expand, combat was necessary. By defeating nearby city states, the Aztecs could obtain their money and property by means of tribute.

Aztec Military Education

Each and every man born in the Aztec Empire received a specific degree of military education. This education was offered at a really early age, and it was the only way that a commoner can climb up to achieve a higher social position. Lower level Aztec warriors could rise up speedily if they captured enemy soldiers rather than killing them outright. The reason for this was because of the Aztec's want to engage in human sacrifice. They needed those who can be employed for these sacrifices, and for this reason, enemy combatants had been very valued. In reality, a number of historians have stated that war was the main manner in which the Aztecs expanded their economy.

Aztec Eagle And Jaguar Warriors

The most significant class of Aztec warriors was the Jaguar and Eagle soldiers. They would dress in the type of the animal from which their name was taken, and while some put on jaguar skins, others dressed with the feathers of eagles. The base of operations for these soldiers was Quauhcalli, that could be found in the Aztec capital city of Tenochtitlan.

An additional class of Aztec warriors had been the Otomies. They based their name from the Otomi people, a group who had been acknowledged for their ferocity and fighting expertise on the battleground. Of all the warrior classes, none were greater than The Shorn Ones.

The Shorn Ones

The Shorn Ones are to the Aztecs what Delta Force and the Navy Seals are to the Usa of these days: a extremely elite battling force that were regarded to be the absolute greatest. The Shorn Ones shaved their heads with the exception of a braid which would extend over their left ear. Their faces and heads were painted half blue and half red. Yellow would in some cases also be utilized. Just before going into battle, The Shorn Ones took a vow to never move backwards during a battle, and when they did, they can be killed by their allies.

The Weapons Of Aztec Warriors

The Aztec warriors used a number of weapons on the battleground. Certainly one of the most frequent was the Aztec spear, which was referred to as the Atlatl. The Aztecs tossed their spears rather than utilizing them as a melee weapon. Aztec throwers can toss their spears at terrific distance, and with a good deal of power. The bow and arrow are another staple of the Aztec warriors, and these gave the warriors long range success. The Aztec arrows could usually have points which had been produced from obsidian.

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