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Sunday 6 May 2012

New England Center for Homeless Veterans Thanks Vets' Groups for Addressing Supply Shortages

By Elliot Marinaccio

BOSTON--(EON: Enhanced Online News)--The New England Center for Homeless Veterans (NECHV) is thanking fellow veterans groups, like the Disabled Veterans National Foundation for supplying the Boston-based facility with needed food, water, clothing and hygiene supplies.

The NECHV is one of the largest veterans' services facilities in New England, assisting over 14,000 resident and non-resident veteran clients each year.

"The DVNF shipment of needed supplies came at an especially important time for us as the fresh water and cleaning supplies they sent allowed our cooks to prepare food at a time when the Boston area was experiencing a serious problem with the potable water system."

"We house over 250 men and women veterans each day and addressing the individual needs of each veteran is a formidable task," said Bob Hanafin of the NECHV. "The disabled veterans national foundation shipment of needed supplies came at an especially important time for us as the fresh water and cleaning supplies they sent allowed our cooks to prepare food at a time when the Boston area was experiencing a serious problem with the potable water system."

Hanafin also noted that DVNF's donation met a specific and particular need for items like men's clothing, women's clothing and non-perishable foods. The NECHV serves more than 14,000 clients from its headquarters on Court Street in Boston. The group prides its long-standing mission of helping to rehabilitate and reintegrate veterans who are homeless and unemployed with the tools they need to move forward toward self-sufficiency.

"We greatly appreciate the help and support of veterans' service groups like the DVNF as we need that assistance to meet the needs of our veteran clients," said Hanafin. "These organizations share the same mission we have to help our nation's veterans who did so much to serve us all. It is a true partnership we value with many groups whose mission is to help our veterans."

To learn more on the New England Center for Homeless Veterans, go to

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