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Tuesday 15 May 2012

Aztec Spear

By Eddie Montezuma

I've constantly been fascinating on ancient history and the Machiavellian intrigues they got up to. Who would have believed our ancestors were so vindictive and so terrible? Despite the fact that I'm really happy, human kind has managed to drum a little bit of the viciousness out of our souls, it is not genuinely shocking we are such a blood thirsty species once you look at the Aztecs.

The Aztecs! Really noble civilization when you could get around their nasty practice of human sacrifices! But to tell you the truth that is what drawn me to them in the first place. Ever envision how the Aztecs warriors had been so powerful? As a result of their excellent weapons! With these wonderful innovations the Aztecs had been able to conquer a huge part of the ancient world and gather them to their rule. They then proceeded to scare the subordinates by ripping hearts out of living people but that is a different story. One of the most innovative of all Aztec weapons was the Aztec spear. These spears have still survived to the day and you can gawk at the couple of good ones in some famous museum till currently.

Atlatl - Aztec Spear

The spears were so famous all over the ancient world because of the particular program that allowed the warriors to throw the spears for 100 meters and made them penetrate armors. The name of the hurling method was the atlatl. The atlatl was an critical component of the Aztec warfare method and most Aztec young children and warriors were trained to make use of these with deadly force.

So what specifically is an atlatl? It is actually a tool that uses leverage to assist the warrior throw spears with significantly greater speed. You could picture it like some kind of sling which has a handle and a cup where you place the end of the spear.

Aztec spear throwing device - atlatl

These Aztec weapons were the main weapons utilised during Aztec warfare and they helped the warriors win quite a few a war with them. In truth it was also feared by the conquering conquistadors who donned heavy shield to safeguard themselves.

The atlatl made the Aztec warriors highly feared as with the atlatl they were able to acquire a considerably superior velocity to their thrown spears. This made the spear move with a much much quicker rate and penetrative power as compared to when being thrown with the hand by itself. These Aztec weapons ordinarily consisted of a shaft along with a hook. The foot of the spear was inside the shaft of the atlatl. While working with the atlatl, the thrown spear was able to maneuver over a hundred meters and penetrate metal as well. These remarkable Aztec weapons quickly penetrated the Spanish metal armor pining invading soldiers towards the ground.

Later Developments Of the Aztec Spear

Actually the design was so preferred that the Aztec warriors continued to improve the style for a handful of years after wards with additions to the atlatl including thong loops to accommodate the fingers, the use of supple shafts to provide balance, counter weights produced of stone to balance out the throw, as well as thinner, extremely elastic darts rather than spears for added penetration. The darts looked like thin spears and penetrated over 100 meters on account of the decreased weight of the shaft.

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