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Saturday, 30 April 2016

Latvia National Flag And The Flag Company Inc

By Leo Derocich

The earliest people in Latvia were stone age hunters and gatherers who arrived there after the last ice age about 9000 BC. However, the ancestors of today's Latvians were Baltic tribes who migrated to the area about 2,000 BC. In the 12th century AD, some of the last pagans in Europe lived in Latvia. The Pope decided to convert them to Christianity - by force! In 1201, he sent German crusaders commanded by Bishop Albert von Buxhoeveden of Bremen. The crusaders sailed into what is now the Gulf of Riga. They landed at a fishing village on the site of Riga and built a fortified settlement there. So Riga became the capital of Latvia.

The Latvians are descended from those tribes who settled in the territory of modern Latvia, such as the Letts (or Latgals), the Selonians, the Semigallians and the Cours. The Latgals, Semigallians, and Cours gave their names to Latvian regions: Latgale, Zemgale, and Kurzeme.

Latvia was one of the most economically well-off and industrialized parts of the Soviet Union. The Baltic nations saw an opportunity to free themselves from Soviet domination and Latvia declared its independence on Aug. 21, 1991. Most other nations quickly recognized their independence.

The current Latvian flag was adopted on February 27, 1990. This Latvian flag was originally used by the independent state of Latvia from 1918 to 1940 when the USSR again took over the country and banned use of the flag. Latvia regained independence from the Soviet Union on August 21, 1991.

The banner of Latvia comprises of a maroon base with a white even stripe going through the center of it. The Latvian banner is accounted for to go back to a military unit in 1279, which would make it one of the most established national banners on the planet.

Dr. Karlis Ulmanis, the last President of Latvia before the Soviet intrusion in 1940 portrayed the importance of the Latvian banner as this: "White stands for right and truth, the honor of free residents and reliability. The maroon/red helps us to remember the blood that has been shed in the later past. It has been shed at all times in the remote past and we are prepared to offer it again for opportunity and freedom, for our country and nation." The Flag Company Inc specialized in flag designs offered a special edition of decals and flags to memorize the history of Latvian Flag for the future.

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