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Saturday, 23 April 2016

History Of Kansas Flag

By Nill Great

Kansas has had a dramatic history, even before it became the 34th state. Historians have reported that Native Americans were living in Kansas as early as 12,000 B.C. They were followed for centuries by many different tribes making the history of Kansas entwined with the first Americans.

The region that is now Kansas had been inhabited by Indians for thousands of years before the first white man appeared. In 1540, the Spanish conquistador Francisco Vasquez de Coronado marched north from Mexico in search of the Seven Golden Cities of Cibola. In New Mexico, he was told of the land of Quivira, and in 1541, he turned east and north in search of this fabled place of wealth. Coronado found no gold in Quivira but he called the country, which is now a part of Kansas, “the best I have ever seen for producing all the products of Spain.” This was 80 years before the Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock.

The state flag adopted on March 23, 1927, usually represented the state on official occasions. It showed the state seal without the inscriptions on its outer rim; above was the crest of Kansas as used by its National Guard a naturalistic sunflower over a heraldic wreath of yellow and blue. Complaints were raised that this flag was so close in design to those of many other states that it could not readily be identified.

Thus, in 1961, the state's name was added below the seal in large golden letters. Modifications have also been made in the seal design. In 1985, it was decided that the homesteader's cabin in the seal should no longer have smoke pouring from its chimney and that the herd of bison should comprise exactly five animals. The seal, dating from 1861, is very complex to manufacture if made in accordance with regulations.

The picture of the Kansas Flag is amazing as the meaning of the state's values is expressed by it. The twisted State Crest stands for the Louisiana Purchase, which resulted in the formation of Kansas. The depiction of the state flower or the sunflower, suggests the ability of Kansas to attend and solve its problems dauntlessly. The importance of the State Seal of the flag's center does not go unnoticed as it breathes out the tale of Kansas.

The state seal which is the most detailed part of the Kansas flag tells the historical story of Kansas itself. The thirty-four stars represent Kansas as the 34th state. Above the stars is the motto ‘Ad Astra per Aspera’ which is Latin for ‘to the stars through difficulties’. The Flag Company Inc specialized in flag designs offered a special edition of decals and flags to memorize the history of Kansas for the future.

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