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Wednesday 18 July 2018

Steps To Protecting Against Elephant Poachers

By Angela Wagner

The population of elephants is decreasing at a rate of eight percent every year due to poaching. Recent research indicates that most ivory sold in different parts of the world comes from elephants that have been recently killed. With advanced technology, researchers are now able to determine whether ivory present in the market comes from old stashes of ivory or recently killed elephants. These findings have led to numerous campaigns that aim at protecting against elephant poachers.

Conservationists have strong networks which guarantee effective results, however, it is difficult to prevent animal killings without help from the public and private sectors. Conservationists also need help from individuals to increase chances of eliminating poaching. Individuals involved in the ivory trade are advised to stay away from the practice. Wildlife conservation groups know how difficult it is to campaign for wildlife safety alone. Take a look at the list of things individuals, relevant authorities, and groups can do to protect elephants.

State authorities in different countries have implemented strict regulations on ivory trade. Traders are allowed to sell and purchase ivory which has been resting on old stashes. However, it is difficult to regulate the trade of trophies because poachers have a way of getting fresh ivory. Individuals can eliminate ivory trade if they avoid buying products made from elephant tusks. Jewelry, pool cues, trinkets are some of the common products made from antique ivory.

Elephants need safe habitats which allow them to live freely without human interference. Poachers find their way to wildlife because most coffee and timber farms are located near wildlife reserves. To ensure elephants are safe in their habitats, coffee and timber buyers are advised to buy certified products. This step aims at discouraging illegal activities in plantations locates near animal reserves.

Another great way of protecting elephants is to declare them as national treasures. Government authorities can change the minds of citizens by valuing elephants. Governments are in better positions to lead campaigns against poaching by raising budgets for wildlife conservationists, ban the sale and purchase of trophies and educate citizens on the value of elephants.

Wildlife authorities organize different types of events to engage citizens in wildlife conservation. Events aimed at educating individuals about the importance of having elephants and other animals in the environment. Individuals get information on how to safeguard wildlife and how to handle poachers. Invest time attending events hosted by wildlife authorities to ensure you are a key player in wildlife conservation practice.

Although zoos and circuses provide elephants and other wildlife animals room to live, it is wise to boycott these areas. Most zoos and circuses have insufficient space for elephants to live in, forcing them to give up social groups. Elephants and other animals need the freedom to control their lifestyles. Be part of the campaign to set animals free in the jungle.

Adopting elephants has proven to be an excellent solution to prevent poaching. Although you are not allowed to carry an elephant home after adopting, you are assured of getting photos and updates about the well-being of elephants. Money paid for adoption is spent on upkeep and establishment of conservation areas.

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