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Monday 6 October 2014

What Is Done Stem Cell Treatment Centers

By Jocelyn Davidson

Stem cell therapy has been a field of much concern to many scientists and scientific facilities for a very long time. This therapy uses stem cells to treat and prevent conditions and diseases in both humans and animals. This medication is still under intensive research and most of the treatments discovered are still not in any use. Most stem cell treatment centers practice bone marrow transplant.

Bone marrow transplant is the only kind of stem cell therapy that is in wide use. It is employed in the treatment of blood diseases like leukemia in cancer patients. It has been in use for several years and continues to be researched further. In future, this therapy will be able to be used in the treatment of heart diseases, diabetes, HIV AIDS, deafness, missing teeth, baldness, neurodegeneration, infertility, and formation of blood cells among several other conditions.

Cells are derived from many different sources and some are under serious criticism. Embryonic stem cells form the bulk of all the cells used because they are easier to derive. They get isolated from embryos first before being taken through culturing and preparation procedures to ready them for use. Human cloning and abortion politics are highly stirred by these methods. Other methods include pluripotent stem cells induction and utilization of methods of somatic cell nuclear transfer.

Treatments that base on transplanting of stored umbilical cord blood have faced a lot of challenges in marketing because of the wide criticism in this area. Many research facilities therefore face financial difficulties and shut down while researchers get discouraged by these difficulties and controversies. Some of the treatments are not complete yet because of these challenges.

Diseases destroy and kill cells reducing their numbers, stem cell therapy works to restore the lost or damaged cells in the area that is affected. When introduced into live tissues, they result in formation of new cells. This way, Parkinson disease, amyyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer disease, and other brain degenerating diseases are curable and preventable. Similarly, wounds can be treated by formation of normal body tissues instead of typical scar tissues.

Many people have a lot of hopes in these treatments hence it is good to understand what they can do and what they cannot. First, it is worth knowing that the body has different types of stem cells and each type is specific to the function it does in human bodies. That is the reason why unrelated medical conditions cannot be treated by the same kind of cells. Tissue specific cells are specific in what they can do hence they cannot be used for functions they are not specialized for.

Various therapies use very complicated techniques to introduce the cells into the body. The introduction process is itself very risky and involves a lot of risks to the patient. After the cells are derived from the body, they are cultured in before they are reintroduced into the body. The culturing targets to instruct the cells to behave in a given way once introduced into the body. Such instructions may fail causing severe effects.

The therapy also involves very high costs to be performed. This makes it unaffordable to most people. People therefore continue suffering because they cannot afford treatment.

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