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Wednesday 15 October 2014

Some Christian Arguments Against Evolution

By Patty Goff

According to the evolutionists, all life came about in a random, unguided process. Christian arguments against evolution are based on the fact that they believe implicitly that God created the universe. They do not believe that the universe could have created itself. This view is not without scientific support. Many scientists, both past and present, agree with the theory of intelligent design.

According to the second law of thermodynamics, all natural systems degenerate when left to themselves. This is a firmly established laws in science: that complex, orderly systems tend to become simpler and more disorderly with time. This law totally contradicts the premise of evolutionists that a system becomes more complex and orderly when left to its own devices.

Christians argue that the complexity of human systems such as the reproductive system could not have developed bit by bit over time. They say that of necessity it would have had to be completely functional right from the start or reproduction could never have taken place. There is also the problem of why asexual reproduction is not the dominant means of reproduction as it has obvious advantages.

Fossils are used to back up the theories of evolutionists. They have developed a chain of life from the more simple to the more complex. There are gaps, however, in this line although fossils have been found that appear to close them. Christians argue that no-one can establish without a doubt the exact age of a particular fossil and that human interpretations of their relevance are subjective at best.

Evolutionists believe that mutations or changes in genetic makeup create the new genes necessary for progress. They argue for natural selection whereby those most adapted to their circumstances survive. Christians argue that mutation does not create new genetic material. In fact many negative things such as diseases are a result of genetic mutation.

Some Christians argue that the very complexity of life, such as a simple strand of human DNA, proves the existence of a Creator. This is a flawed argument that cannot be accepted by scientists. However, there are scientists who agree that intelligent design is a probability. There are even those who agree that there is no other satisfactory explanation for life in all its complexity.

Developments in molecular biology have allowed for a comparison of the same cells in different species. These comparisons, according to molecular biologist, Dr.Michael Denton, did not reveal a trace at a molecular level of traditional evolutionary theories of the progression from fish to amphibian to reptile to mammal. This argument has been adopted by many Christians although evolutionists discount his views regarding them as flawed.

Christians have many convincing truths to support their belief that God created the universe. This is what they read in the Bible and it forms the basis of their faith. Despite the fact that many scientists support evolutionary theories, there are those who regard it as more than likely that there is some form of intelligent design.

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