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Sunday 15 June 2014

Affairs Of State; How They Are Managed In The US

By Ina Hunt

Every country holds its delicate issues with the care and caution they deserve. The affairs of state have to be always taken good care of, and should not be exposed to everyone. They have to be kept away from the ordinary citizen for the sake of their own welfare. Most of these issues directly touch on the security of citizens, and, therefore, must not be joked with.

In America, office of Secretary of state handles such matters. He office holder deals every foreign issue; he serves as the central guide of the white house on foreign matters. He, at the same time, works on foreign policies designed by at the command of the president. The main foreign policies touch on foreign services, the agency committed to fostering international development and civil services. The office bearer achieves all these through the state department. John Kerry currently holds this office.

Currently, John Kerry represents the US and their standpoints of various key issues around the world. He has given the views of his country regarding the state of things in Syria, Iran, Somalia and Russia among many other countries faced with conflicts. He has also stated the views held by the country regarding contemporary issues such as homosexuality, female genital mutilation, climate change and millennium development goals.

He is expected to make sure that there his country and its neighbors relate well. The good relationship is expected to extend to other nations that are not near the US. This relationship should be promoted through giving grants and repayable loans to less developed countries, assistance in getting solutions to problems in war-stricken countries. Military unity and many other elements of cooperation also enhance good relationships.

There is an established section within this department that specifically handles environmental, economic and energy matters. Main areas in this section are climatic change, science and technology, food security, trade programs and policies and disadvantaged small business utilization.

under the arms control and international security sector, the office handles security control, ways of countering terrorism, defense trade controls, diplomatic security, designing anti-narcotic laws, political-military affairs and many more activities. Most of these activities in this area are meant to ensure that peace prevails in this whole world, and not just in America. This office also deals with civilian security and democracy where they look at conflict and stabilization, countering international terrorism, global criminal justice, human trafficking, women issues and other issues mostly similar to those addressed under internal security.

Under public diplomacy, the office looks at many other issues that include daily press briefings, press releases, registration and updating of events, programs on international information, public affairs, education, culture, history and foreign relations among many other functions. This category of activities is made of the main events meant to foster international co-existence and cooperation.

The last type of events carried out in this sector is the development and assistance department. This department is charged with keeping every resource belonging to the American foreign assistance department. It is, at the same time, houses the office of world health diplomacy.

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