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Saturday 15 February 2014

Some Valid Arguments Against Evolution

By Krystal Branch

In the world of science, one of the theories that almost all scientists would back up would be the theory of evolution which states that all entities evolved from an ancestor that was living in the ancient times. This theory usually goes against the very common belief that there is a creator who made the earth. The problem with this theory is that there are so many gaps and missing things inside that many valid arguments against evolution can pop up.

The most common question that a lot of people would have in their mind with regard to this theory is why it is not happening now. If the evolving of beings happened in the past then it is only logical that people can still see these types of occurrences even until now. However, it is hard to accept the theory simply because humans cannot see it happening in front of their eyes.

One of the things that the scientific community has tried to do was to attempt to create a brand new species of a fruit fly by using mutation. Of course many scientists have made new varieties of animals all over the world but there was no one who could really make a brand new species. Of course the creation of a new species cannot even be seen naturally.

Of course there is no actual proof that it had even happened many years ago because no evidence can back it up. Fossils are said to be evidence as the fossils would show the transition between the evolution of certain entities into a new entity. The thing about fossils is that there are gaps in the transition.

Of course there is also the famous principle that humans actually descended from the monkey or primates in general. The thing about this principle is that no one can seem to prove that the being who evolved from the monkey actually exists. This being is known as the missing link and he is the one thing that would be able to prove that evolution is actually somewhat true.

Now of course everything has to have an origin no matter what anyone says simply because something cannot just appear out of the blue. So if humans did come from the monkeys, then another question that would be asked would be where the monkeys came from. The origins of all beings would lead back to the fact that they were created from nothing.

Of course evolutionists would state that everything started with a big bang hence the Big Bang Theory. Of course the big bang had to also have an origin as there must have been something that caused the big bang. Now the problem here is that no one can actually prove where this big bang actually came from.

As one can see, the theory of evolution has so many missing parts which cannot be proven up until today. That is why arguments against evolution are ever present. A lot of things in the world cannot be proven by the theory simply because it can never explain the origin of everything.

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