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Saturday 1 February 2014

Non-Partisan Political Information Is Hard To Find

By Serena Price

The dominant media used to be able to present non-partisan political information. These are called facts by the viewing, reading public. This type of information is designed to present knowledge about the issues being discussed so that the receivers of this can process it into a rational decision. That is not happening any more as the media has made their bed, so to speak, with one side of each debate.

The media does not look for this type of information as it does fit in their template for their world view. All of the facts interfere with their partners in political circles, so those must be left out of news coverage. The fourth estate has decided their allegiance does not reside in the people but in the masterminds they have helped create.

Even on the Internet, there is trouble finding this type of factual information. Some websites or blogs will suggest they offer balanced coverage. They will often be fairly straight forward, however, the larger portion of them have some ax to grind as far as which side they are rooting for. There are a few tests that can be conducted to determine the objectivity or truthfulness of these and other sources of data.

An easy test to conduct for the purpose of finding the elusive non partisan information would be to check on the emotional tugs it contains. The harsh rhetoric is also a clear indication this piece is not presenting facts. The effort, in the piece, to get the reader to allow something to be done, right now, is also a danger sign that you are not getting the information to make a rational, well considered decision.

Partisan talking points, about the gun control issue, will tell us that there are too many guns in the hands of people. They will not tell us that our second amendment rights are in the US Constitution. They will tell us that a law abiding citizen with a gun is just one more gun on the street. The emotional pull is for everyone to believe that a law abiding gun owner can become a criminal quite easily. That is why they want to do something, right now.

The facts that are rarely, if ever, published tend to show the difference between law abiding gun owners and what happens in the many shootings the media report on. Gun restriction laws do not curb crime as the harshest laws are in cities with the highest crime rates. Mental health issues are only marginally mentioned and nothing is proposed in the legislative items that purport to be fixes for this touchy problem.

One of the very reasons that the factual information is not found in the media is that they have their own agenda of distorting them. Their partners in legislative branches, around the country, need this cover as they grab the emotional strings of doing something now. The press wants their people to succeed and do not find it an unworthy mission to help them.

Many people would believe that the facts and non-partisan political information will come out in the political debates. They would be mislead about this as the media has their people installed as the moderators in most of these debates and coverage is one sided, as well. The participants, on both sides, will be paired off with one side and their emotion driven appeals for things people do not want against another side that might argue with them but not much.

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