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Saturday 25 January 2014

Qualities To Consider When Searching For Special Education Parent Advocates

By Eliza Mendoza

Help from parent advocates will be essential especially if you have an autism child or one who has problems in learning. You can also seek help when having problems dealing with the staff in the school. The good thing about the professional is that they will help in acquiring the right education for the child. This type of advocate usually undergoes special training that enables parents in steering the system of special education. There are some cases where parents usually assume the role of the advocate. However, it is recommended that you should hire professionals because of the vast knowledge they provide. Here are some qualities that you should look for when hiring this expert.

Before you hire him, first you have to check his experience. It is important to be sure that the advocate is familiar with the kind of disability your child has. This way he will be able to advocate effectively. So you should ask him about the different cases he has handled.

Being conversant with state laws that govern the special education program is a good quality for the advocate. This is because the expert will apply the laws in relevant situations. It is important noting that special education is governed by several state and federal rules. Some of them include Disabilities Education Act, No Child Left behind Act and special education federal rules.

An advocate should have some knowledge on what is contained in the different laws. Laws that are advantageous to your child should be used by the lawyer in IEP meetings. It can rather be unprofessional for the expert if all he required was one law that he is not aware of in order to solve a particular issue.

The good thing about competent advocates is that they do not offer promises that they cannot achieve. This means that a lawyer who promises to offer even that which is not easy to achieve should not be considered. The major benefit about a competent professional who understands the law is that he will ensure most of your child requirements are meet.

A good advocate should be passionate about your child and the education service he needs. Advocacy can at times take a lot of time. If the professional is not passionate about your child then he may not be willing to help you for the period of time that may be needed to get your child the appropriate education.

Good justification skills are something else that should be considered. This is something that will help your advocate to effectively defend your child even when dealing with the special education personnel. This is an important quality that should guide you to the best professional.

One has to ensure the advocate he hires is detail oriented. He should also make sure that any service promised by the special education staff is written down. Good parent Advocates should be able to read the IEP before leaving the meeting and bring up any changes that should be made. At times the small detail is what makes for success. By considering these tips, you will be well equipped to find an advocate that is able to help you get the right education for your child.

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