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Saturday 25 January 2014

FBI Books Offer Excitement And Wisdom

By Nelda Powers

When you hear the phrase, "FBI books", you may not necessarily think of fiction right away. The fact is that there is much more fiction available on the topic than there is nonfiction. The popularity of crime/thriller novels is not rivaled by many other subjects. The classic theme of "good guy vs. Bad guy" will never lose popularity.

Psychopaths are defined as a person suffering from chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior. Most, if not all, serial killers can be lumped into this category. They are individuals who don't show compassion for other lives and let that show by killing other people. It is, however, difficult to categorize them with generalizations. No one killer is exactly the same as another just as no one person is exactly the same as another.

The classic good guy is a character that has developed many different traits. Oftentimes it is a male protagonist who is employed by the authorities in some sort of investigative capacity. This character can be very important as the story develops because they are the example of a positive influence. In the cowboy movies of old, they would be riding a white horse and wear a white hat.

Often times, the protagonist is haunted by some sort of crisis or disaster from their past. This is what the authors use as the motivation for their dogged sense of justice and right and wrong. This character flaw allows them to shape the character into someone who is unable to allow injustice to go unchecked. They develop into persistent and tenacious people who will rest at nothing to get their man.

Fiction is writing that is made up by an author. All of the stories that you have heard in fairy tales, fantasy or sci-fi are fiction. The ability of fiction to entertain people has been used by authors for thousands of years. A market exists for just about any kind of fiction, whether it be a classic novel or a bawdy romance.

The authorities have made many inferences based on both the well-known and less well-known serial killers from the past and have even developed ways of profiling them. They have entire departments that are dedicated to stopping them before they can increase their body count. This sort of proactive enforcement is the only way to effectively combat them.

The mixture of good and bad, as with yin and yang, gives a balance to any story that will leave the reader going back and forth between the characters. The story will often develop around the interactions that they have with each other. Each one will taunt and torture the other into making the next move.

Serial killers inhabit a niche in the human world that is very dark and evil. The authorities can combat it as well as they can but they will never be able to completely stop the phenomenon as it isn't really known what causes it in the first place. There are many reasons that someone might turn to this but none are appealing. The public's consumption of FBI books and crime dramas might only serve to encourage this behavior.

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