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Thursday 12 December 2013

Why People Love To Hear About Conservative Vs Liberal

By Cornelia White

Anyone around realizes that conservative vs liberal is an excellent topic to discuss in America. These two groups have been going at it for decades and they will never stop fighting. Each side believes that they are in the right and nothing will ever change their mind. Gay marriage, abortion, gun control and mixed marriages will always ignite a debate between these two groups.

Many people who sway to the right will not tolerate anyone who is different than they are and they will always stick to their own personal morals. Abortion is a very hot topic that will cause certain people to become very violent. Human beings who believe in the Bible believe that a life begins once an embryo starts development within a woman's body.

Left wingers do not really recognize an embryo when it is first conceived in a woman's body. This group of free thinkers believe that a woman should always decide on what should be done to her body and this really makes sense to so many people. These ladies will be able to find good support groups through the democratic party whenever they find themselves in this situation.

Black people and white people rarely marry one another in American society and this is really not unusual. On a few occasions the two groups will become romantic with one another and this will cause confusion for many right winged people. A great many of them feel that their race loses its purity once a child is born out of this unholy union.

A more tolerant person does not care what race a person may be and they do not spend their time thinking about this particular issue. They will usually accept anyone who is different from them since everyone is part of the human race. Sometimes these people have to fight for their rights in very drastic ways since right winged individuals will always give them grief.

So many people like to carry a gun to protect themselves from all types of evils that may roam the Earth. Traditionalist will always adhere to this rule no matter what the circumstances may be. They believe that it is their civic duty to carry a weapon even if there is not a real threat in sight. These are also the very same individuals who do not care when a person goes to a public school and shoots everyone.

People who vote for a democrat that is running for office will never support the NRA. Many of them live in reality and they know that guns can be very dangerous in the hands of a very unstable person. Unfortunately many of the victims in these shootings are usually people who do not own a gun and they had voted republican in the past.

In the end conservative vs liberal should always be around for a very long time. The two groups feel that they are both correct in their beliefs and nothing will change their attitudes. When it comes to gay marriage these two parties really disagree on this particular subject. People towards the left are for these unions while people on the right are against them.

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