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Sunday 1 July 2012

Important Things About Bail Bonds Miami

By John Smith

If you have been pulled over in Miami, you will need bail bonds Miami to help you get out the jail. A lot of people get arrested for certain reasons and it can be very frightening for them to spend precious time of their life in jail. According to laws, an individual is legally innocent until proven guilty. In most cases, judge passes the order that the arrested individual should provide some kind of guarantee (or security in other words) that he/she will face the charges against them in the court of law after getting released from police custody. This guarantee or security is called Bail Bond. A great number of bail bond companies are offering their bail bonds Miami services to individuals pulled over for crimes.

In Miami Florida, the Miami Dade County Court determines the bail amount. This amount is set on the basis of the criminal charges that the defendant is facing. It is important to note that different bail amounts are applied to different types of crimes. In case of a serious crime, heavy bail amounts are applied.

If anyone is not able to provide the whole bail amount or he/she is not willing to pay off the whole amount at a time, bail bonds Miami stands besides them. Without obtaining the license of bail bond service from the Florida State, no one can run this business. Moreover, the state of Florida will also fix up the rate of charges for posting bail bond by the bondsman.

Bondsmen can't apply fee more than 10% for posting a bond in Miami. For a specific bond of $1,000,000, for instance, bondsman can charge you maximum $100,000. If you are not able to present before the court or deliberately remain absent to be there, you'll put the bondsman in danger of losing his or her entire bail amount. To protect the interest of the bondsman, there is a provision of putting any asset as a support against the posted bail bond. Bonds, property, cars, etc can be considered as the supporting asset.

As the accused person is desperately seeking bail and the bondsman is ready to helping him/her, the bondsman offers certain terms & conditions to the accused guy. When these two parties come into a point after negotiation about the terms, they will sign a formal bail contact. Just after that, the bail bond will be posted and police will free the person from their custody. The bondsman will be accountable to make the accused person present before the court in the following day.

To summarize, we can say when any person is under the police custody who can't arrange sufficient bail amount to get bail, bail bonds Miami are ready to help them. After signing a formal bail contract with the person in question authorized bondsmen help him/her to get bail.

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