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Sunday 1 July 2012

The Changing Modes Of Transport

By Byron Jonas

The different modes of transport that man uses has changed dramatically in virtually every generation. At the very beginning we could only walk or run anywhere, but gradually we developed the skills to use other animals to move us around. As technology advanced, we quickly learned how to use mechanical means of transport to move us quicker and over greater distances.

Modern technology has greatly affected everybody, but it has also influenced and travel plans and experiences. Not long ago, it was common for people to spend their whole lives in one small geographical location. As technology has advanced, we now spend much of our spare time exploring other continents and ways of life.

In many countries the train became the first mass transportation system of people hundreds of miles. This opened up many opportunities for people to spend vacations by the coast, or even to move further away from relatives in search of work. Rail travel is still a vital means of transportation in many parts of the world.

With the gradual depletion of fossil fuels, and carbon emission targets, rail travel is seen as one of the easiest options to take the pressure off many highways, as well as being a much greener alternative. Many cities are now encouraging the return of trams to city center streets as a way to carry shoppers and workers to and from large towns and cities.

The main dominating mass transportation system in the modern age is air travel. At any one time it is estimated that over a quarter of a million people are in the skies over the United States. International traffic is a major source of profit for all airlines. At the busiest part of the day, a flight is departing on the New York to London route every 15 min.

In every economy throughout the world, the automobile has played a major part in every society. At one time, people were tied to timetables provided by the transport networks, but the car enabled everybody to travel where they want and when they wanted. However, with the massive price rises affecting fuel, and the likelihood that fossil fuel will run out at some point, many people may have to return back to public transportation unless a greener option is developed.

Transport has changed beyond recognition throughout every generation's lifetime. When we take a flight today and travel at 500 mph, this would have seemed science fiction to people living 100 years ago. With commercial sightseeing trips planned to the edge of space in the next few years, it is hard to imagine the different modes of transport that might be available in the next hundred years.

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