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Saturday, 19 May 2018

Getting The Best Out Of Arab News Sites

By Kathleen Fisher

Information helps color how a person sees the world. No one lives in a bubble where information is unnecessary. As such, people often follow and keep up with the hat happens during the day. But the source of this news varies from person to person and from medium to medium, and one such source is Arab news sites.

Because the mind is so fundamentally inquisitive, keeping up with the news is a great way to keep it stimulated. Simply following stories can make a person seem more aware of the world, if it does not make them so. Lastly, a person is shaped by society at large, so it is important to keep up with what and how society is doing.

News used to be an oral tradition. Heralds would strand in public spaces and proclaim whatever was going on that day. Then society turned to newspapers, where everything was printed and then distributed. This meant that the news could be consumed at leisure. Then television entered into the fray. Then everything changed. At the dawn of the new millennium came a seismic shift in how information was distributed, it was the beginning of the internet and the websites that people turned to the get the news.

It is not enough to simply report a story. A journalist, particularly on one screen, must also show a measure of empathy. Empathy is the ability to emotionally relate to someone. While objectivity is all well and good, and actually is vital in order to get to the truth of any matter, empathy is the ability to emotionally relate to another person. A cognitive understanding of a story is enough to report. But to truly get to the heart of it, there must also be an emotional understanding. The news is essentially a report on actions and actions are committed by human beings, and more often than not, people out of emotion.

It is often said that there are two kinds of people in the world. Much like the world in general, members of the press can be divided into two camps, journalists and pundits. The terms are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same. A journalist chases the truth in order to report it fairly. A pundit does not care much for the truth and will twist it in order to push a narrative.

Fakes news has become a societal fear in recent times. So often, stories presenting as fact get spread by those who have no idea what a fact actually is. Such practices are dangerous because they can drown out legitimate information and make a person distrust traditional sources.

Information can be limited in some parts of the world. All too often, stories from certain parts of the world wind up being about some new terrorist attack. While there are parts of the Middle East that are lousy with terrorism, there are also parts of it that are stable and even prosperous, more so than some parts of the west.

The truth must be made free. A press that is not free is not a press at all, it is a propaganda machine. Any law that seeks to limit that freedom should be struck down.

What people know will color their perception of the world. It is important then to be aware of sources. Skepticism is healthy, but paranoia is not.

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