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Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Wisconsin State Flag And The Flag Company Inc

By Fred Nielson

The Wisconsin region was first explored for France by Jean Nicolet, who landed at Green Bay in 1634. In 1660 a French trading post and Roman Catholic mission were established near present-day Ashland.

In the years leading up to the Civil War,Wisconsin was an important stop on the Underground Railroad, with many slaves passing through the state on their way to freedom in Canada.

Above the state shield, there is a badger, which is the state animal, and the state motto 'Forward'. The year on the flag, 1848, is the year Wisconsin was admitted to the Union. The state shield is divided into quarters and the quarters represent the main industries of Wisconsin.

The coat of arms in its present form dates from 1881, although the basic design had been adopted 30 years earlier. The U.S. motto “E Pluribus Unum” (“One out of many”) and national shield appear in the center, surrounded by symbols of typical 19th-century occupationsâ€"farming, mining, manufacturing, and shipping.

The national motto and shield represent Wisconsin's loyalty to the United States. Supporting the shield is a sailor and a miner, who represent labor on land and at sea. At their feet is a cornucopia overflowing with fruit and vegetables. This represents abundance and prosperity. There is also a lead pyramid consisting of 13 ingots. The lead represents mineral wealth and 13 represents the 13 original states of the Union.

There is a barrage of cheap and inferior Wisconsin flags being imported and sold, that do not comply with the flag statute. This is bad for a number of reasons. Imported flags are cheaply made and more importantly, the designs, materials, colors, and methods of printing do not compare well with the better quality, longer-lasting, and correctly designed flags made by American manufacturers. The Flag Company Inc specialized in flag designs offered a special edition of decals and flags to memorize the history of Wisconsin flag for the future.

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