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Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Affection And Pride When Showing National Flags

By Scot McKinley

The national flag is a symbol or emblem of a country, and therefore it represents a country. Each country in the world has its own combination of colors, shapes and symbols, but conventionally almost all national flags are rectangular. The African Union is a political union of 54 African states. The highest decision-making organ is the Assembly of the African Union, made up of all the heads of state or government of member states of the AU.

Flags were first brought to South Africa by the European explorers trying to find a sea route from Europe to India and the Far East. The first to reach what is now South Africa was the Portuguese explorer Diogo Co. He reached the mouth of the Orange River. Later, the Portuguese explorer and navigator Bartolomeu Dias de Novaes rounded the Cape in 1488 and landed at what is now Mossel Bay. Ten years later Vasco da Gama finally reached India.

These adventurers were coming from a military order known as the Military Order of Christ. Its identification was a red cross on a white foundation (which is still utilized as the identification of the Portuguese aviation forces today). However, the flags adopted at the time of the Union were based on the British colonial pattern and were not popular, particularly with the Afrikaners (Boer descendants) after having suffered defeat in the Anglo-Boer South African War.

Very different in design the national flags of the independent countries in this part of the world have some common features. For example, almost all of them are striped, except the flat rectangles of Morocco, Tunisia, Mauritania, Eritrea, Somalia. The frequently used colors are green, yellow, red and black. The most recognized of the region's symbols is the South African flag with a horizontal "Y" shape green strip on it. This is a brief story how the African national Flags were imagined that happened sometime in the past. This is a record of the banners that show history, wars, peace and commitment. This reason is difficult to get unless one feels free and feels the ground at his or her feet.

On the other hand, this is not the end of the story. You may draw out your own one by having your national banner. The Flag Company Inc. will assist you with finding your banner. You require simply look it on the web and what happens next is up to your status of being what you are.

On you may take some useful messages about the types of flags, and all other items associated with them, that you can find interesting, beginning with the American flags, you can find Farming flags, International flags, State flags and Decals, Patriotic Decorations, Military flags, Toothpick flags, Sectional Flagpoles, Telescoping Flagpoles, Commercial Flagpoles, Sport Merchandise and other Miscellaneous items.

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