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Friday 22 June 2018

How To Bring Out Your Cat's True Wildcat Foundation

By Richard Sanders

No matter how calm and gentle a cat is, there is always a little wild animal waiting patiently inside for their chance to be unleashed. It makes cats happy to be true to their nature and as such it is important for any owner to embrace their inner wildcat foundation and let it run wild and free. Luckily, this is very easy to do.

Indoor cats tend to be more docile and lazy because they are restricted to the inside of the house. They often develop weight problems and even depression because they are cut off from their natural habitat outside. There are many things you can do to bring out their inner wild animal and bring some happiness back into their lives.

There are a number of things that you can do to help your indoor cat. Setting up an area that can be its den is important to allow it time alone to recharge and escape everyone. You can also install climbing frames and ceiling-high cat trees so that it can stretch and exercise. The more complicated the better as it lets the cat explore.

If possible it is a good idea to have both light and dark spaces in the home. A cat will usually find its own hiding spot, somewhere dark and quiet, and it is not always where you place their expensive new cat bed; it's much more likely to be on your bed or favourite jumper. You also need plenty of natural sunlight in the home, especially for indoor cats as they are restricted and cannot find this for themselves.

Outdoor cats have the freedom to do what they want when they want so it is much easier for them to return to their inner wildcat, but there are things you can do to encourage it. Gardens with tall trees, forest areas and plenty of wildlife are a cat's paradise. They can explore, climb, hunt and enjoy their freedom each day, without needing to travel too far to find it.

A natural part of a cat's life is the regular occurrence of murder. It is unpleasant and sometimes even heartbreaking, but it is their natural instinct to hunt and kill all sorts of creatures and there is very little you can do about it. Indoor cats will still hunt whatever they can, whether it be insects, moths or even your pet mice.

Playing with them is an essential part of unleashing their inner wildcat. You don't need any expensive equipment for this and can use bits of threads, small balls or even a laser pen. Playing with them before you feed them is a good way to establish the hunt and kill instincts in them, as this is how they behave in the wild.

A happy cat is one that is free to sleep, eat, hunt and explore whenever they want to. As they grow older they become much more lazy and predictable, but cats always have the desire for freedom. By tapping into their natural wild instincts you are giving them the freedom to behave exactly as they want to, whatever odd and unusual behaviour that might be.

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