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Thursday 6 July 2017

Key Tips To Consider When Electing The Best Rockland County Executive Candidate

By Stephen Myers

It is every citizen's civic duty to participate in elections. Failure to do so provides a loophole for corrupt leaders to get into power and mismanage the local resources. As a result, spare sometime and participate in the elections to determine the future of the area. The below guidelines will guide you settle on the best rockland county executive candidate.

Settle on a native of the area. The perfect individual for such a key position should be a native of the area, who understands the problems, developmental agenda and has experienced the difficulties that residents go through on a daily basis. This cannot be said of an outsider who only comes to vote during electioneering periods.

Find out more about your potential leader. During election periods, all kinds of rumors emerge concerning various candidates. So, instead of feeding on such negative vibes, do your own research confirm whether the rumor mills are true. In addition, if you find anything suspicious during your search, raise it up during the debates, and see what the individual has to say.

Compare what each contestant has to provide for the community. The key most question to ask yourself is what special abilities one has over the other. For instance, their personality, reaction to problems in the district and personal initiatives to uplift the members of the community. It is such small things that make a difference in the community and most people will cherish them.

Education is a key consideration. Many people can attest to the fact that, some people are naturally born leaders. Nonetheless, education is a key element that any aspiring leader should have to implement the various policies in the area. It would be a mistake to elect a clueless individual to such a critical position.

Check the experience of the contenders. Even though one may be well educated, it is critical that he also has experience of serving in such key positions. Having the relevant managerial experience ensures that one can handle problems that may arise during his tenure and withstand the stress that comes with it. Nothing will ever beat an experienced leader.

Digest the manifestos of all the contenders. A potential leader should have a plan that he hopes to implement once he gets into office. The agenda must be realistic and easy to implement with clear sources of funds. Additionally, the individual should be able to defend queries that may be raised concerning its implementation.

Ensure that you attend the discussion debates of the contenders. Debates among candidates contesting for various elective post are very important. Therefore, make a date, attend at least one, and see how the contenders articulate issues touching on the area. Be keen on the eloquence of the competitors, how they reply to questions, sale their manifestos and defend allegations made against them.

Lastly, do not engage in partisan and discriminatory decisions. It is always prudent to make objective decisions. Do not be blinded by party stands, gender, or social class. Be ready to elect a leader who will have your best interests at heart and bring out the desired results. This is the best person to pick for the post.

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