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Friday 18 December 2015

National Flag Incarnates For All Mankind The Spirit Of Liberty

By Gloria Pane

The origins of present-day Austria can be traced back to prehistoric times. The Danube River valley was populated as long ago as the Paleolithic Age (50,000 B.C.E. รข€"8000 B.C.E. ). Austria was inhabited by Celtic peoples from prehistory until it fell under Roman control in the first century B.C.E.

The banner of Austria is a red and white triband that was re-embraced on May 1, 1945, after World War 2. This red and white striped banner is one of the most established national banners in Europe.

The Austrian Empire was founded in 1806. Austria was taken over by the Nazis in 1938. The allies occupied Austria after WW II until it became totally independent in 1955 on the proviso that it remained neutral. Red colour has a great deal of implications. It could mean adoration, amazingness, war, receptiveness or even sickness. Since this colour is used to portray strength. This characteristic mix to have courage.

The banner of Austria has three parallel lines with two red hues and white the middle. It doesn't make a difference in the event that you are known, yet a demonstration of honesty towards others evokes chain reaction. As with just about every other nation in the world there is meaning to the colors used on the Austrian flag but that is a story for another time.

The flag of Austria has three parallel lines with two red hues and white in the middle. Same with other nations - white is for truth. It doesn't make a difference on that you are known, yet a demonstration of trust towards others gets chain responses, enlarging the message of peace in everyone, peace in heart, the quality of soul, and amicability to the earth where you live. Today an Independent Austria Establishes Constitutional Neutrality.

Austria is a combination of pristine landscapes and bustling cities, historic towns and cutting-edge architecture, love of tradition and thirst for the new. What keeps travelers coming back to Austria is the sense of a lifestyle that celebrates the finer moments in life.

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