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Thursday 9 July 2015

Exploring Mike Huckabee Policy Solutions

By Jana Serrano

Michael Dale Huckabee was born and raised in Arkansas, in what he calls a 'working class' family. A former Southern Baptist pastor, he was Lieutenant Governor and Governor for over a decade. He ran for president in 2008 and has entered the race again for 2016. Mike Huckabee policy solutions are fairly well-known, since he has been a radio and television talk show host, leaving only to mount his latest campaign.

Huckabee's record as Lieutenant Governor and Governor in Arkansas can stand scrutiny. During his tenure, the budget was balanced and a record surplus amassed. He takes pride in the fact that he reduced the tax burden on individuals and businesses and eliminated many taxes altogether, all while getting the state back to a sound financial footing.

Arkansan families emerged from the Huckabee years with higher incomes, while the number of welfare recipients declined by almost 50%. This was certainly good news for taxpayers in the Natural State (Arkansas's latest nickname). He is known to have initially endorsed the Common Core, but he also showed himself a strong supporter of homeschooling and of charter schools.

He was an unwavering supporter for the sanctity of life; he is on record saying that 'Roe vs. Wade' should be repealed. He supported traditional marriage for its proven value in stabilizing society and being best for children. He was tough on crime, did not want drug laws relaxed, and thought prisons should be privatized and utilized as deterrents to crime. Homicides declined markedly during his time as Governor.

His record reassures many voters as to his competence to assume the country's highest office. Now, he is building and explaining his presidential platform. People who fear that news reports are incomplete and/or slanted should access the complete transcripts of his recent speeches and interviews.

He does not consider climate change data 'settled' and opposes curbing fossil fuels, but he also supports efforts to optimize green energy. He wants to see America energy independent. He thinks many decisions, like abortion and the definition of marriage, should be decided on the state level. He supports adult stem cell research and treatments.

He advocates repeal and replacement of Obamacare. He opposes gun control. He opposes amnesty and advocate secure borders. He stands with Israel and supports a unified Jerusalem as that nation's capital. He wants to abolish the IRS and establish a 'Fair Tax' that spreads the burden over the whole of society. He wants to 'fix' the VA and hold government bureaucrats accountable for failures and corruption. He believes that America should lead the free world and have a strong military.

A clear understanding of Huckabee's positions now (and there have been some changes over the years) is important to rightly judge this man who would be president. The number of candidates running for the Republican nomination may seem overwhelming, but it is important to choose the one who will best fulfill the desires of the American people and best lead the nation in the future.

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