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Friday 17 April 2015

Info On The Constitutional Republic Vs Democracy

By Stella Gay

The two main parties in the US that are popularly recognized are the republican and the democratic parties. The two parties have followers who believe in the main terms the party sets. During the elections, the two parties both support their candidate to vie for the presidential seat. Campaigns are carried out to try and win the seat. They have representative in all states. Constitutional republic vs democracy helps us determine which party is better.

In a nation where the leaders use democratic method of ruling, ensure that the equality principle is adhered to and no one is above the law. The citizens of such nations are trained about the political activities of government without been charged. Educating the public on the affairs of the government gives them a sense of belonging and responsibility. The government puts the likes of public first. The public determines what is right and wrong.

There is responsibility and stability in the general administration in a state that uses a democratic type of government. There are minimal causes of revolution as citizens and government is pleased with this type ruling. This form of government is stable hence economic growth.

However, countries that apply this form of government have challenges that make it hard to function properly. Democratic method of ruling is a quantitative method. It only emphasizes on numerical figures of majority in the country. Citizens are after quality and productive leaders who will help them to develop their economy. The method uses the rule of unskilled and incompetent leaders.

The citizens elect a leader in a republican country. This ensures fair running of government. Since the citizens have elected leaders who they share the same vision, they both participate in running of a government. The leaders work hand in hand with the local citizen in development projects. This method of ruling fosters economic growth in the country. This is because the elected leaders present the problem their citizens are going through and ensure they are solved.

In the land where republican is applied, all the people and the government are accountable under the law. The rights of all citizens are recognized individually under the law and not of majority people. When it comes to making of laws in land, the bill is thoroughly scrutinized before passing it into a law. The separation of power makes it easy to monitor all the systems of a government.

On the contrary, the republican method of ruling is faced by several challenges. The powerful unelected members of trade unions and members of other associations may influence a government. This leads to compromised decisions and passing of unfair laws. Opposition officials can influence the running of government by inciting the public to deny a law. Changing of any act of constitution is very difficult, as you have to consult the experts.

The merits and demerits of each system of government show that there is need to incorporate all the systems of government. It will help take care of the demerits of each other. Important functions such as making of constitution should be done on an open manner where everyone participates.

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