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Friday 22 November 2013

Masonic Secret Pyramids In Canada ?

By Roy Brown

Some of the evidences of ancient living were not recognized until the construction of the Manitoba Legislative Building, one of the best examples that portrayed the existence of the Babylonian people thousands of years ago. It was located in Winnipeg with its 30 acres land territory and different symbols located inside of it. According to Frank Albo, a researcher from the University of the Winnipeg, the measurements and details of the MLB were precisely the same as the old temple of Solomon in the bible; thus, spirituality was seen as one of the best reasons of the MLB creators. The remains of the old temple were carried out by the Babylonian few decades ago. What are the lists of Masonic Symbols and their interpretations?

The Manitoba Legislative Building - riding on the banks of the historic Assiniboine River in the Canadian Province of Manitoba , was designed with lots of figures, monuments and even symbols from the ancient world. One of the sacred symbols is the two great sphinxes with inscriptions related to Ra, an ancient sun God. Multiple pairs of life-sized bison, cattle skulls, lion heads, Medusa portraits and even sacred lamps and lights, statues of some ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses such as Hermes and Aphrodite, monument of Moses with Ten Commandments on hand, sculptures by Piccirilli Brothers, a tree of life painting in the legislative hall, astronomical themes were the secondary features, but the best evidences how sacred the MLB was.

Egyptian symbols were also included to decorate the whole structure. Two great sphinxes were placed on the roof of the central tower, one of which faces the direction where the sun sets, while the other faces the rising sun. The sphinxes have hieroglyphic engravings that translate the name of Thutmosis III. Hieroglyphic references were also made to acknowledge the power of one of the Egyptians God, the Sun God Re. The inscriptions were translated in English as "everlasting manifestation of the Sun God Re, who gives life."

Aside from the Golden Boy and grand staircase, the other symbol was the Rotunda, which has four pairs of Corinthian columns rise from the floor of the doom to the surrounding base. The ground of the Rotunda was built from Tennessee marble bounded with Black Vermont. The designs were created for one purpose - to symbolize the Grecian key or the eternal quest of knowledge and eternity. Aside from the designs, the number 13 was also etched in the several bulbs of Rotunda. Some expert concluded that this number was known to provide good fortune and luck. However, other beliefs were concerned about the freemasons who have been involved in design and construction of the building. The truth behind this symbol was then unrecognized and unsolved at this point of time.

The Manitoba Legislative Symbols were not limited in the sacred rooms, but most of them were located on the roof and outside part of the building to represent how sacred the place was. The Pool of the Black Star, Holy Rooms, ancient God and Goddess figures, murals of Jesus Christ and sculptures are all designed to convey a message. Some interpreters opinionated that those symbols were related to fertility sex, love and even state matters. However, most of the people considered them as sacred things.

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