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Saturday 9 February 2013

If You Want To Help Defend Our 2nd Amendment, Then This Is What To Do

By Aidan G. Cannon

If you are a proud gun owner and a believer in the Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms, then you are fully informed about the current political environment in America right now. I'm sorry, what I should say is that it's a political crises...not a political environment. There is an active campaign going on to criminalize the use of rifles that some are deeming to be "assault rifles". Well, their campaign is working. We are on a path to lose many of the rights we hold dear, so you're going to need to step up and fight for them.

The very first thing you need to do is to win some hearts and minds locally. If you change the mind of your local community, then you will change the minds of the local community leaders when they learn of their constituents' desires. Speak openly and start the debate in public areas so that others can hear and learn. Be informed and speak of facts. Don't let passion drive your words, despite what you may feel. It's very important to make a good impression. You aren't representing yourself. You are representing all of us.

When you are out in your community, you need to look like the perfect example of a gun owner. You need to look like a cross between what someone imagines in their head as a gun owner, and someone who is respectable and an obvious upright citizen. You should definitely wear one of the hundreds of pro gun tshirts that are available to us through online shirt vendors who support Second Amendment Rights. These gun tees are excellent for showing your pride, but make sure you are well-groomed and presentable.

Your most powerful weapon is your mind, though. Gun rights are always going to be a subject that brews lots of emotional heat when it is discussed, no matter what the forum. The very best thing you can do is to make yourself keep your emotions apart from your discussions. Even if you do not win over the person you are arguing with, others will see how calm and factual you are in the face of anger and passion. Know your facts about gun ownership. If you can deflect senseless ranting with hard facts, you will win every time.

If you want to retain your broad Right to Bear Arms, then you need to become a political activist. You need to learn the names and contact information of your local politicians and make certain that they are either in your camp concerning gun rights, or that they are aware of your position and your drive to see gun rights preserved indefinitely. You also need to stay in close contact with state representation for the same reason. When you deal with members of the House of Representatives and Senate in Washington, you will have to be very persistent. Do your very best to speak with your representative yourself.

Get out there on the streets and on your phones, fellow pro-gun activists. You must be a part of a solution, or you are just one more slack-jawed yokel who is dumbfounded as to how our rights could be stripped from us so easily. We live in America, and the voice of the common man still matters here if you shout loud enough and with enough conviction. Wear those awesome gun t-shirts and show the rest of America that guns are not something to be feared, but to be honored and respected for the power of individuality they grant us.

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