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Sunday, 19 October 2014

Most Popular Non-Fiction FBI Books

By Dominique Martin

A-G Mans Journal is a collection of real life experiences as narrated by Oliver Revell. It hit the market in 1998 adding to the rich collection of non-fictional FBI books in the market. Oliver has worked as an investigator and supervisors in some of the most prominent cases in history including the Iran hostage crisis, JFK assassination, Watergate and Ku Klux Klan. He engages Edgar Hoover in a personal conversation that is very interesting to read.

The Guide to Identifying Terrorists Through Body Language is a combination of academic deductions and real life experiences by Lillian, Phd and Vincent. Vincent, an agent, has allowed Lillian to study his cases to explain the behavioral language of terrorists. It is very resourceful for agents and individuals charged with protecting civilians in all corners of the world.

ABCs of Behavioral Forensics focuses on the psychological motivation behind the crimes conducted by very nice or extremely rich fellows. It is put together by Ramamoorti Sridhar, Joseph Koletar and Kelly Pope. This is an attempt to explain or understand what the masterminds of the collapse in Wall Street or the Madoff scandal were thinking. It is an incredible title for anyone interested in dealing with fraud.

Agent Bishop, The True Stories from an FBI Agent is penned by McPheters Mike. It can be classified among the most exciting memoirs. Entry into the bureau was a dream come true for Mike. He, however, has to juggle that with the call to serve God as a Bishop. Its easy presentation, full of humor that makes it an incredible title.

American Indian Mafia is authored by John Trimbach and Joseph Trimbach. It seeks to expose how the American Indian Movement was intimidated as well as the laudable efforts of law enforcement officers at Pine Ridge and Wounded Knee. The former FBI agent also exposes the violent nature of this work environment.

Anatomy of Motive brings together a journalist and an agent charged with profiling criminals. Olshaker brings his journalistic skills to create an excellent narrative about the cases that Douglas has handled. It is interesting to read the minds of suspects and convicts in cases like children murders in Atlanta, shooting of 16 kids in Scotland and the Ted Kaczynski case.

Betrayal tells the tale of a determined agent who has to deal with unexpected obstacles in his quest to solve crime. He was born in slums and works hard to join the bureau and become a lethal crime buster. He is shocked by the realization that politicians and other influential administrators work in cohort with the criminals they are supposed to eliminate. Robert Fitzpatrick and Jon Land offer an interesting perspective on what it means to be regarded as a nosy cop.

Between Heaven and Hell was published in 2012 and captures the work of Larry Welch when he worked at and headed the bureau in Kansas. The incidences discussed include the capture of most-wanted criminals, serial killers, homicide suspects, cattle rustlers and notorious robbers. Other authors who have left their mark in titles about the bureau include Emerson Robert in Dancing with Devils, James Booting in Bullets, Bombs and Fast Talk and Joseph Wells in Bribery and Corruption Case Book.

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Thursday, 16 October 2014

The Differences Concerning The Constitutional Republic VS Democracy Ideas

By Patty Goff

The US Constitution, in 1787, established a Republican form of government. It set down certain duties and responsibilities of a central, federal government and left all rights to the citizens of what was called a great experiment. Many countries, around the world, have what they call democracies and they are fairing much worse for the people of those countries. The debates about constitutional republic VS democracy, for many people who do not understand, continue.

What does set the United States apart from all other countries is that US Constitution that establishes a country with rights guaranteed to the people, not to the state. The setting up of the three branches of government, the legislative, executive and the judicial is to further deter any ambitious members of the federal government from creating a series of tyrannical edicts.

A democracy votes on the people who will be their leaders, without a constitution to guide them. There will be no separation of the powers that they can, and do, take for themselves without appeal. The resulting regulations, laws and taxes, enacted with no connection to what came before or plans for the future, are usually not in keeping with basic human rights.

The true republican form of government will elect the various members of the House of Representatives, senate and the president. It is expected that these elected individuals will work together to enact reasonable laws and regulations. The will of the people should be considered for this to happen and, many times, compromises must be made before it becomes law.

A simple description of a democracy is majority rules. This type of government, or any other group of people, does not allow for the rights of minorities. It is simply mob rule and one vote can void what was done just a few months ago. It has also been described as a lunch vote, between 20 lions and 15 zebras. One group will win, disastrously.

It is important to note that the US Constitution had to be ratified, or accepted, by the majority of the current states in 1787. They had to say that they agreed to this document before it could be made the law of the land. This is important because it had never been done before in the history of the world. The people, of a majority of the states, must also accept any changes to it. They do not, in a republican form of government, get a chance to physically vote for everything that passes both houses of congress. They do, however, believe that the representatives they send should be tuned into their ideas.

A republican form of government is required to follow the constitution in their law making to conform themselves to what they were authorized to do in the first place. A democracy has no controlling document to assist them in making laws, administering rules and regulations. They generally do whatever they need to do to get them reelected, if the rule of law stays in place after their election.

When you do understand the differences between the two forms of government, you realize that the United States, in 2014, does not resemble either one. This makes it easier and easier for your representatives to abandon the founding documents and rule against the desired will of the people. This still does not make it a democracy, however, tyranny is closer to the truth.

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Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Some Christian Arguments Against Evolution

By Patty Goff

According to the evolutionists, all life came about in a random, unguided process. Christian arguments against evolution are based on the fact that they believe implicitly that God created the universe. They do not believe that the universe could have created itself. This view is not without scientific support. Many scientists, both past and present, agree with the theory of intelligent design.

According to the second law of thermodynamics, all natural systems degenerate when left to themselves. This is a firmly established laws in science: that complex, orderly systems tend to become simpler and more disorderly with time. This law totally contradicts the premise of evolutionists that a system becomes more complex and orderly when left to its own devices.

Christians argue that the complexity of human systems such as the reproductive system could not have developed bit by bit over time. They say that of necessity it would have had to be completely functional right from the start or reproduction could never have taken place. There is also the problem of why asexual reproduction is not the dominant means of reproduction as it has obvious advantages.

Fossils are used to back up the theories of evolutionists. They have developed a chain of life from the more simple to the more complex. There are gaps, however, in this line although fossils have been found that appear to close them. Christians argue that no-one can establish without a doubt the exact age of a particular fossil and that human interpretations of their relevance are subjective at best.

Evolutionists believe that mutations or changes in genetic makeup create the new genes necessary for progress. They argue for natural selection whereby those most adapted to their circumstances survive. Christians argue that mutation does not create new genetic material. In fact many negative things such as diseases are a result of genetic mutation.

Some Christians argue that the very complexity of life, such as a simple strand of human DNA, proves the existence of a Creator. This is a flawed argument that cannot be accepted by scientists. However, there are scientists who agree that intelligent design is a probability. There are even those who agree that there is no other satisfactory explanation for life in all its complexity.

Developments in molecular biology have allowed for a comparison of the same cells in different species. These comparisons, according to molecular biologist, Dr.Michael Denton, did not reveal a trace at a molecular level of traditional evolutionary theories of the progression from fish to amphibian to reptile to mammal. This argument has been adopted by many Christians although evolutionists discount his views regarding them as flawed.

Christians have many convincing truths to support their belief that God created the universe. This is what they read in the Bible and it forms the basis of their faith. Despite the fact that many scientists support evolutionary theories, there are those who regard it as more than likely that there is some form of intelligent design.

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Monday, 6 October 2014

What Is Done Stem Cell Treatment Centers

By Jocelyn Davidson

Stem cell therapy has been a field of much concern to many scientists and scientific facilities for a very long time. This therapy uses stem cells to treat and prevent conditions and diseases in both humans and animals. This medication is still under intensive research and most of the treatments discovered are still not in any use. Most stem cell treatment centers practice bone marrow transplant.

Bone marrow transplant is the only kind of stem cell therapy that is in wide use. It is employed in the treatment of blood diseases like leukemia in cancer patients. It has been in use for several years and continues to be researched further. In future, this therapy will be able to be used in the treatment of heart diseases, diabetes, HIV AIDS, deafness, missing teeth, baldness, neurodegeneration, infertility, and formation of blood cells among several other conditions.

Cells are derived from many different sources and some are under serious criticism. Embryonic stem cells form the bulk of all the cells used because they are easier to derive. They get isolated from embryos first before being taken through culturing and preparation procedures to ready them for use. Human cloning and abortion politics are highly stirred by these methods. Other methods include pluripotent stem cells induction and utilization of methods of somatic cell nuclear transfer.

Treatments that base on transplanting of stored umbilical cord blood have faced a lot of challenges in marketing because of the wide criticism in this area. Many research facilities therefore face financial difficulties and shut down while researchers get discouraged by these difficulties and controversies. Some of the treatments are not complete yet because of these challenges.

Diseases destroy and kill cells reducing their numbers, stem cell therapy works to restore the lost or damaged cells in the area that is affected. When introduced into live tissues, they result in formation of new cells. This way, Parkinson disease, amyyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer disease, and other brain degenerating diseases are curable and preventable. Similarly, wounds can be treated by formation of normal body tissues instead of typical scar tissues.

Many people have a lot of hopes in these treatments hence it is good to understand what they can do and what they cannot. First, it is worth knowing that the body has different types of stem cells and each type is specific to the function it does in human bodies. That is the reason why unrelated medical conditions cannot be treated by the same kind of cells. Tissue specific cells are specific in what they can do hence they cannot be used for functions they are not specialized for.

Various therapies use very complicated techniques to introduce the cells into the body. The introduction process is itself very risky and involves a lot of risks to the patient. After the cells are derived from the body, they are cultured in before they are reintroduced into the body. The culturing targets to instruct the cells to behave in a given way once introduced into the body. Such instructions may fail causing severe effects.

The therapy also involves very high costs to be performed. This makes it unaffordable to most people. People therefore continue suffering because they cannot afford treatment.

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