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Sunday, 30 September 2012

Civil War Flags Remain Popular

By Kristie Irwin

There are many ways that people connect with their heritage. Civil war flags can provide that connection for some. As a symbol of the region's history, these flags stir a feeling of pride in those whose ancestors attempted to secede from the union of the United States during the American Civil War during the latter part of the nineteenth century.

There are a number of people with no direct family connection, yet they are drawn to these symbols by the rebellion and anarchy that they feel they represent. Often called a rebel flag, this flag is favored by those would prefer a smaller, less intrusive style of federal government. These types of people prefer to be left alone to live life according to their own moral compasses. While for others, the allure is the historical era that the flag represents.

An offensive image for some, it remains a historical treasure in the eyes of many others. It serves as a reminder of ancestors who held strong in their beliefs and fought against what they felt was a tyrannical government at the time. It flies proudly outside many homes in a place of honor, denoting the owner's pride in his southern roots.

It can also be found for sale on many items. T-shirts are popular items worn by both males and females which also incorporate catchy phrases. Ball caps with this symbol are another unisex item that is commonly worn. Wallets, key chains and purses would be a close second. It even can be easily found on many popular novelty items.

If a person chooses to, there are many body adornments as well. Body piercings of all types and sizes are easily found such as navel rings or gauges for the ears. For those with less permanent taste, traditional jewelry such as rings and necklaces with matching earrings are also available. A peaceful morning can even be spent sipping coffee from one's rebel flag coffee mug.

Pocket knives proudly showing the emblem are popular as well with the men. At a carnival, prizes often include tiny versions of the rebel flag. Novelty items found there often have imprinted the flag on items such as ashtrays, sunglasses and belt buckles too. It is truly possible for dress so that every item from head to toe to shows this symbol if a person wishes to do so.

With such a rich history and family connections that endure through many generations, the flag is a viable and important part of this region's past. It is worn or flown with pride by a multitude of people. When a person is born southern, it is seen often throughout life. Many people no longer relate to it as a symbol of slavery, but only as a symbol of those who stood up for their beliefs.

Civil war flags still carry a rich and warm heritage for a great number of people in the United States. They will remain a popular folk item for generations to come. As southern as sweet tea and cornbread, there are those who may not understand their allure, but they will always have a special place in the hearts of many people across the country.

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Saturday, 29 September 2012

What Kind Of English Civil War Battle Flags Were Carried Into Action

By Kristie Irwin

The English Civil War is something of a blanket term used by historians to cover the series of conflicts which engulfed all the four nations of Britain and Ireland from 1642 until 1651. The war engendered huge change, with England no longer a monarchy, but a republic controlled by Oliver Cromwell by the end of it, and English influence in Scotland and Ireland further strengthened. Civil War battle flags provide an interesting perspective on the military and political culture of the time.

Six to 12 companies of musketeers and pikemen made up the typical English regiment of foot during this era, with each company possessing a nominal strength of 100 men. There was no standing army in England at the beginning of the war, so there was little uniformity across armies. Each company of a regiment carried its own banner, which was usually the same color as their coats.

Each company in such a regiment would carry its own banner, with most having the red on white cross of St George, the symbol of England, as a canton. Each company might make additions to this basic design, depending on the rank of their commander. The colonel's company might carry a banner with a personal mark of their officer, though often this flag was left as plain.

The major's company of the regiment would often have a 'stream blazant' leading from the corner of the canton on its banner. Captain's companies would also add designs to their colors to differentiate them from each other. It should also be remembered that there was often considerable difference between banners carried by Royalist forces and those brought into action by the forces of Parliament.

The additional features which often decorated banners were a reflection of the political and religious outlooks of the troops who carried the colors. Royalist, or Cavalier, designs often reflected the aristocratic background of their commanders, with heraldic symbols often utilized, while Parliamentarians favored plainer symbols or Protestant slogans. Few banners have survived to the present day, so much of this information is gleaned from descriptions and depictions of the era.

An infantry company at the time would have a nominal strength of 100 men, split between pikes and muskets. This was rarely the case though, and there was considerable variety in the caliber and skills of troops across armies, as there had been no standing army before the war. Some regiments were of excellent quality, while others were little better than armed mobs.

Regiments of cavalry also carried their own distinctive banners during the conflict. Cavalry regiments were of two kinds, horse or dragoons, with the latter functioning mainly as mounted infantry during this period. Cavalry colors were often decorated with slogans and personal mottoes, as well as individual devices, with little uniformity.

English Civil War battle flags reflect the military organization of their times, as well as the outlooks and philosophies of the men who carried them into battle. The effects of this conflict continue to resonate across Great Britain and Ireland to this day, lying behind much of the political and cultural threads in British life. It is little wonder then that the battles, weapons and costumes of the conflict continue to be popular with re-enactment groups.

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Friday, 28 September 2012

Political T Shirts Conservative Way To Communicate

By Patrice McCoy

New problems and issues are being raised as a result of poor leadership and management of public resources. It is time that the ordinary citizen stood up and demanded accountability by those individuals that hold political positions in the government for their actions. By using political t shirts conservative individuals can now speak their minds without even having to open their mouths or call for press conferences.

A tee that is designed for politics often makes a statement showing followers and support for a particular candidate and declares allegiance of the wearer to the party that the tee shirt endorses. Whenever elections are around the corner, there are innovations on the designs, graphics and the message that this apparels advertises to other people. Tees can be used to gain popularity through campaigning messages on social, environmental, democracy, freedom and /or stability issues.

Leaders of these parties can reach their supporters and followers through tees by printing messages and artistic graphics on t-shirts. Some of these messages are often directed to opponents of the politician, questioning their capacity as public leaders. Others may go to an extent of mocking their rivals and even drawing their cartoons.

T-shirts that mention a bold stand in politics can bring new light into the subject by invoking thought and approaches from a different point of view. These apparels are known to be the best conversational starters, informative and can be used to express views and opinions in a professional manner. There is no other clothing that can display as much as a t-shirt can.

When making serious statements about politic-related issues, graphics can be used in designing tees that will appeal to a wide range of audience. Emerging issues, such as the need to conserve the environment aggravated by the global warming debate, can be presented precisely through the use of graphics. Since graphics provide two dimensional illustrations, they stimulate thoughtful opinions and analyses by the target audience.

The main essence of using messages on tees during campaigns and awareness creation is to disseminate policies, opinions and views of a politician or an independent body to the target audience. It has been established that the success of promotional campaigns is subject to the type of the message and the manner in which it has been presented. The design of these t-shirts should therefore be done with the target audience in mind.

For campaigning purposes, politicians can decide to design their own campaign tees or outsource the designing and reproduction to professional designers. It is advisable to contract expert designers who have knowledge on electorate behaviors. The type of messages displayed by a tee could make or break the success of a campaign.

At this point, it is quite apparent that when politicians or even individual citizens have intentions of designing political t shirts conservative approach will be the best for them. Messages that highlight on developmental strategies will appeal to most of the audience. On the other hand, Criticisms of current leaders will portray lack of focus to the politician.

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Wednesday, 26 September 2012

If You're Interested In Political T Shirts Conservative Philosophy Could Also Be Of Interest To You

By Hannah Sargent

If you have an interest in political t shirts conservative philosophy might also be an interesting topic to you. There are a variety of different ways in which conservative politics are expressed. Political t-shirts are one way that this is accomplished.

If You have an interest in the expression of politics of a conservative nature it might be helpful for you to develop some background in the history of conservatism. There are plenty of different avenues that you can utilize to get information about the philosophy. It is a good idea for you to educate yourself as well as you can so that you can be well informed regarding your position before you express it on a medium like a T-shirt.

Conservatism is a philosophy which promotes retaining of traditional institutions. Individuals who practice these philosophies are known as conservatives. There are many different approaches that these conservatives Adopt with respect to the practice of conservatism.

One such approach that is adopted by these individuals is a desire to maintain continuity of the status quo. They are of the belief that this maintains stability. One of the other approaches that they take is that it is important to have some resistance to changes that come about as a result of modernity. The resistance to these changes has it foundation in a desire to return to past practices.

The first known use of the term goes back to the early 1800s and was first applied by a French activist after the French revolution. The term is now used in a much more widespread fashion and the views that are referenced when using the term are much wider.

In England conservatism is also known asked Toryism. The philosophy has undergone some changes since it was formed. It initially existed as a philosophy that strongly supported the monarchy and the hierarchical society of the time. There are some questions about who the founding fathers of British conservatism were.

German conservatism on the other Hand was tied to the German nationalist movement. And notable figure in the German movement was Otto Von Bismarck. This political figure practiced a form of conservatism known as revolutionary conservatism which was responsible for many reforms in the German political system at the time.

In the United States, the American Revolution can be credited with the origins of conservatism. Occasionally there can be conflict between different countries definitions of conservatism. An example of this is the refusal by prominent British Conservatives to accept the American version as true conservatism.

If you are in the business of making political t shirts conservative philosophy could offer quite a variety of information for you to focus on. It is necessary though that you make sure you have a good understanding of all the details associated with the specific philosophy you choose to express. If you are careless you may end up sending a wrong message. It is always recommended that you perform whatever research necessary into the various philosophies in advance of expressing them on a T-shirt. When you have more information on which to base your expression you are bound to have a much better foundation to speak well about the subject.

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Monday, 24 September 2012

Facts About Journalism And Media Training

By Karen Rutherford

Some people don't know what is journalism and what does a journalist do. In this article we will tackle both and also about media training. To begin we will start to define journalism. Journalism is investigating and reporting the current events, issues and trends to a large number of audience, topics of information ranging from the business aspects and government to the cultural aspect of the public such as the arts and entertainment. On the other hand a journalist is any professional who practices journalism and provides information for public use with the use of the print and electronic media.

The different classes of journalist are as follows: Reporters - they are the ones who state things as it occur. Correspondents - either writes or relays events as they happen. Photojournalist - capturing events in video or pictures. Can either be a photographer or a cameraman. Editors - they are the ones who have the responsibility of deciding what story or report is news worthy enough to use. Researcher - the person who handles documentaries, features, and other special duties. Newscaster - journalist responsible in relaying news on television or radio to the public. Broadcasters - they are the ones with the responsibility in handling the packaging and presentation of television and radio programs. Publishers - they are the ones who usually own the news paper and magazine companies.

We all know that the major sources of information are the media. That is why it is essential that a journalist should undergo media training to improve their communication skills and understand the significance of communication strategy, to gain more knowledge on the new ways and techniques in journalism in this era of technology growth and information and also to find effective solutions on the issues that the media face nowadays.

In this time and age journalism is facing rapid changes to survive the challenges of the new world. Even though there is a decrease in the demand of newspaper, still the hunger for news and commentary news is still present. The media world is extending its arms to the online world to also use the benefits that the internet provides. This new technology is posing as a threat to the traditional news including the broadcasting and the print. Additional knowledge to be gained by journalist is a must to cope up with these rapid changes.

Media Training aims to develop a variety of ethics and standards in journalism, teaching journalist to consider the importance of objectivity and lack of bias in their way of reporting the news and including methods in providing the factual and accurate information for use by general public. Making a journalist to be the best in the field, a person who takes personal responsibility on what to write, and has a strong ethical and moral codes that could help determine what information to write and what to leave out.

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Sunday, 23 September 2012

It Is Vital To Join Unions Australia Citizens Assert

By Patrice McCoy

There is a greater need to have unions Australia members confirm. Workers in the region can only become safe after joining different unions. Workers are protected from harassment and other unlawful dismissal when they join different unions in the country. Members are allowed to join different organizations they deem necessary without any interference from the government.

All workers in the country are protected to ensure that all their needs are taken care. Oppression of workers is limited when they decide to join different groups that have their interests at heart. Grievances from workers are handled well when workers form groups or join existing ones.

When workers work under poor conditions, they are provided with the opportunity to inform their employers of these conditions. This gives the employers time to make different changes that fit the needs of all the workers. There is an overall need for all companies to ensure all its workers are provided with facilities that ensure their overall safety.

A greater percentage of workers in the country are not aware that they are supposed to receive protection from different organizations. Small business owners fall in this category, as they never understand that they have the right to sue their employers in the event of poor working conditions. All employees are given the mandate to ask for better pay and other facilities needed for them to work perfectly.

Most People working in production lines are mostly not considered when overall rights of workers are discussed. Individuals working in these industries always need to have proper garments like boots and helmets that keep them away from danger. The protective materials are to be provided by the employers.

The need for unions should not be underestimated as they act fully on behalf of all the workers in an industry. When problems occur the workers present their grievances to the particular group they are attached. This group is then given the mandate to face the company or government and make different demands as aired by the workers.

People are often required to pay a little sum of money that goes far in assisting to pay for the groups expenses. The groups have different rates that correspond to the number of members and the regions covered. The unions in the country always defend their members when they feel that their rightful share is not handed to them.

It was discovered that most workers were sacked without being given any notices from the places they worked. The group petitioned these companies in question and made them provide valid reasons for sacking its worker. Currently it is not lawful to sack workers without proper documentation.

Strikes and demonstrations are currently organized by the registered groups who desire to see its members rights are upheld. Final decisions are often left for the courts to decide when stalemates become the order of the day. After decisions are passed in courts, the groups are mandated to inform its members of the outcomes.

Without unions Australia workers are not able to perform their duties well because of the threats they receive from their bosses. The need for such organizations is vital because they stand in the gap when workers are not treated well. All workers in the country are encouraged to join a particular group that is consistent with what they do.

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Saturday, 22 September 2012

The Telangana News Paper Delivery Person

By Rebekah Alford

The Telangana news paper guy might work to fulfill paper deliveries on time. An occupation to work with the newspaper may be challenging to so many for different reasons. Any person can deliver the rolls and perform this type of service. The route is supposed to be a job that one gets paid to do which can be additional income for women and men. In a lot of places people feel good about getting the paper early morning so workers have to start dropping of early mornings.

The paper is handed out to peoples commercial properties and residence. Men, Women, and young adults tend to roll newspapers. Jobs can be demanding based on the numbers that are supposed to be rolled. The articles can not roll themselves so people have to do this job which getting someone to help would help. In this instant it might be simpler to have extra people rolling in order to get the job done faster.

The vehicle that a person drives while throwing a route is the personal preference of the person. One may want to use a large vehicle to make sure that all the items fit. Others might squeeze all the rolls into a smaller car. The important requirement is that the rolls be delivered to the paying clients in a timely fashion. Customers tend to want the item early so that they can read all of the daily information.

A all bunch of things can be found in announcements, classifieds, new around the world, comics and updated business. The section of business that people like could be for a business owner. In the world of business certain sections are more popular than others. So many details can be added in these sections. The sections are the dates of birthdays, weddings and death. There are items sold and traded in the classifieds.

Adults have the choice which is a decision to get a new article. Individuals that are close to a person tend to buy certain advertisements. The reasoning is behind knowing a person in the advertisement. Advertisements can be pick up on the isle of a store. This is a great advertisement to use in scrap booking.

The route that the drivers throw is dependent on the assignment given by the company. Normally the company assigns drives according to the demands of the clients. Some paths direct driver in areas that are rural. Some paths direct drivers in areas of the city. When the driver delivers in the areas the person would watch out for trouble. The hazards to look at while in route could be animals or people.

Safety comes first while performing duties at the job. There are certain details that may be written from the contracted employee to have work done. The money that has to be paid from the people who have ordered is due to the contracted employee or the business. The services are intended to pay. Signing the contract may require payments to be made weekly or monthly.

The Telangana news paper delivery people may face challenges when working. The job might be demanding. Hiring an assistant to roll is beneficial for workers. This job can pay well with quality customer service. After the job is complete workers can go home and relax.

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Friday, 21 September 2012

Law of Attraction History

By Glenda Feilen

The history of the Law of Attraction extends back to the beginning of the universe - if indeed the universe had a beginning. This in itself makes for an intriguing conversation.

Our world had its beginning, we know that. The Big Bang theory is now commonly accepted. But did the universe start, or has it been here eternally? If it didn't start, then it won't end. But we are getting away from the subject matter.

Natural laws have always existed, so it is safe to say that the Law of Attraction too has always existed. No one is aware of precisely when it was first 'discovered.' Most likely, some ancient people knew about it. There's a consensus that it was known 7 - 8,000 years ago, which would take us back to the Stone Age.

It is interesting to hypothesize whether such knowledge could somehow have had an impact on projects like the construction of the pyramids, or Stonehenge and other enormous works.

Exactly how were those enormous stones at Stonehenge moved? The mighty sarsens, each one weighing 50 tons. They had to be dragged for about 25 miles, and it has been been estimated that it would take nearly 500 men to drag one stone, with another hundred to move the huge rollers upon which the stones were placed.

Then they needed to be uprighted, and the lintel stones positioned on top. Not simply slung up any old way. They were keyed in with amazing precision. For some reason, I find it tough to believe that this was achieved by manpower alone. I know it sounds wild, but something along the lines of the Law of Attraction, some natural law, may have been known to these people and they were able to use it advantageously in their building.

We don't really know anything about the early manifestations of the Law of Attraction. We do, however, have documents of the opinions of people from the 19th and 20th. centuries. H.G. Wells wrote in his book, "The Time Machine" that 'Viking people know very well that time is only a kind of space.' In another part he wrote, 'There is no difference between time and any of the 3 dimensions of space except that our consciousness moves along it.'

Plenty of the great thinkers of that period were firm believers in what was later referred to as the Law of Attraction. Interestingly, of all the major newspapers, it was the New York Times in 1879 that used the phrase first in connection with the trains of the Colorado Gold Rush.

The electrician, John Ambrose Fleming, believed in the 'energy of attraction,' and pronounced his beliefs in 1902.

The New Thought Movement of 1904 - 1907, of which Thomas Troward was a leading light, claimed that physical form arose from thought.

William Walker Atkinson, in 1906, used the phrase in his book 'Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World.'

Another great supporter was Wallace Wattles who, in 1910, wrote his renowned piece, 'The Science of Getting Rich.' I can't say for sure how rich Mr. Wattles became from this volume, yet lots of individuals have professed to use the Law of Attraction to bring them wealth. At any rate, the Law of Attraction is an idea that ought to be continously researched in years to come, who knows what power it could possibly unleash for the human race?

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Wednesday, 19 September 2012

The Effectiveness Of A Private Investigator

By Arnold Brewer

There is nothing more important than knowing you've hired the right person for the job. When you've got your ideal investigator for a position in your company, a simple phone call just won't do. You need to have his or her background professionally evaluated to minimize the risk factor in your hiring decision.

A pre-employment background check will put your mind at ease of a certain investigation service company. They offer a full menu of screening services, including: Previous employment, criminal record, driver's license, professional affiliations, education, substance abuse, and homeland security.

A complete surveillance and investigative services has a full service investigative company specializing in worker's compensation and insurance fraud investigations. Surveillance can also be used as a method of systemic observation for professional research. They do also offer accident investigations, criminal investigations, domestic investigations, background checks, employee theft/misconduct, witness interviews/statements, computer forensics, polygraphs, GPS tracker services, surveillance, locates, expert witness testimony, and database searches. Their staff is comprised of individuals with extensive legal, law enforcement, and insurance claims experience. This experience combined with state-of-the-art equipment and the most thorough investigative techniques enable us to provide your company with the best results available. Integrity is of the utmost importance in their practices. They are very committed in providing professional services at an affordable price.

For vehicle surveillance that will last a only few days, they always do switching units each day to avoid detection. Since they do not have more than one vehicle, they can borrow or rent a car or van from a low cost rental agency. But they are aware that even if they are driving a rental car and your subject "makes" them, they could find out who they are through the rental agency. Therefore, they must use the same precautions as they would use driving your own vehicle.

Its main role is to collect information of an investigation requested. The differences between police and security help to clarify the importance of surveillance in the investigative process. Surveillance may be considered a skill or a task for the police officer. In a private security is more function specific, being the protection of an organization through proactive and preventive services. The function of a private investigator is more specific and more reliant on the specific tasks of observation and surveillance.

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Monday, 17 September 2012

Search And Rescue Supplies Use What People Have On Hand

By Eric Holm

Disasters strike all over the place and can hit even at the worst possible time for people. That is when you should know about why you need to be prepared with your own search and rescue supplies. The main reason that you should have this is because the government and its forces could easily be overwhelmed with the scope of the disaster that is striking their area.

Lack of proper supplies has taken the lives of many who could have survived had there been adequate search and rescue supplies available. With the right search and rescue supplies and equipments, a noticeably positive change can be brought to a crisis situation. There are many voluntary and non-voluntary organizations that work for search and rehabilitation during natural disasters. Community Emergency and Response Team CERTS are one such organization that works toward emergency preparedness and the hazards that occur suddenly. Search and rescue could be classified into different types including, mountain rescue, urban search and rescue, combat search and rescue, and sea rescue.

You could be asking what kind of rescue supplies will be needed in a disaster. Well, n most cases it will take time for the crews to arrive, but during this time life could be lost. That is when you should know that you may need to take action right away to help control some of those problems. So why you would you need to have a diverse sort of supplies for helping in the search of people.

One item that you will need to have is going to be reflective fest. These can allow you to be see from a distance and can make it easier to communicate with other people. You will also notice that the bright color will provide search and rescue victims to know if a victim is present in the area. Lights should be used as well. With these, you could flag down people with the light. However, if you are using a megaphone it will be easier to shout out the orders without straining your voice. One of the most important things that will be needed is going to be the blankets or bags. These will be used to help keep people warm, but if people are not viable as determined by triage it could be used to cover up the people so that other people do not have to see them.

While you may think that you will never need your search and rescue supplies, you need to remember it takes time for the crews to arrive to do this properly. That is when you should know that you need to keep your flashlights, blankets, and axes close by. Then you will be able to help the crews out by looking for people before they arrive. This can be rather important when you are living in an area that is prone to disasters of any type that could strike in a specific area.

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Thursday, 13 September 2012

Receiving And Cashing Out Your Stimulus Check

By George Cashman

Once in a while, tax-paying residents or citizens are offered some form of supplemental income by the federal government. Although, the amounts would still be dependent on what state the economy is in during issuance. Receiving a stimulus check will indeed be financially benefit people. However, the procedures entailed can be quite confusing and most people are often left unsure of what needs to be done. Perhaps, these guidelines can ease out the plight.

Taxpayers should see to it that they will be submitting their tax payments on time. Doing so will be one way to guarantee that they will be receiving the stimulus money that would come their way. Upon the completion of the information processing, taxpayers will be sent checks by the IRS. The amounts on the checks will be dependent on the status of the national decree at the time of issuance.

The checks will only be made available when federal governments approve them either for the public or for special groups. For instance, 2 stimulus checks for families and for people who have met the guidelines were sent out in 2008. No checks were slated for the year 2010 but a pending legislation for senior citizens and veterans existed.

There may also be years when no defined payouts take place. During such times, the government will incorporate the special monetary supplements with the tax returns. This will also have to be done by way of credits. In the year 2010, credits were known as Making Working Pay. These amounted to 400-800 dollars tax returns.

Several institutions offer services such as cashing of checks. More commonly sought out are banks. If you have filed for your tax by electronic means, the fund you are entitled to receive will immediately be deposited in your account. If you file for your tax manually, on the other hand, you will have to submit the check to the bank yourself.

When heading to banks though, it is essential for the recipients to prove that they are who they say are. They will be asked to sign their checks prior to handing these to the financial institutions. People who do not have any account can still cash their checks out but they would need to pay a minimal fee.

Aside from banks, you may also head to retailers or grocery stores for a cash out. However, know that these establishments mostly only cater to the service for promotional purpose only and not necessarily on regular basis. You may be given the option to choose whether you would want to get your fund in pure cash or have the amount charged to your debit card.

Other sites that offer services of cashing out a stimulus check are check cashing stores. These establishments facilitate similar processes as those with banks or big box stores. However, they may charge some fees for the service.

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Saturday, 8 September 2012

The World Wide Necessity Of Haiti Reconstruction

By Kerri Turner

A devastating earthquake shook the foundation of the nation of Haiti. On Tuesday January tenth a 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit. On that Tuesday widespread loss of life and infrastructure occurred. Approximately two hundred thousand people lost their lives. One and a half million citizens were left homeless. This destruction from Port-au-Prince and beyond would be a difficult situation for the country to endure for years to come. Haiti reconstruction would then become a focus for the world. In response support, which included spiritual, medical, and financial, poured into the country with the focus on helping the people and the country move back to a position of normalcy.

Sadly, Haiti and reconstruction have been partners for some time. Beyond the loss of life and infrastructure in previous natural disasters the country had been weakened to the core by dictatorships. Through two generations the dictatorship suppressed growth, exploited wealth, and left them with very little competitive advantages for the future.

During and after dictatorial control there was a struggle against the plague of poverty. This plague was continually fed through high rates of illiteracy and unskilled labor. But the nation has never been without resolve. There has been a slow but gradual move towards a better future.

There was substantial financial support that poured in after the earthquake. Over twelve billion dollars came in with the United States contributing close to three billion. Yet three years later there is very little evidence to suggest that there was ever any contributions at all. Schools and health care facilities, barometers for growth and well being, still lie in ruins. There are still hundreds of thousands still living in makeshift tent cities. This was still the case when Hurricane Isaac hit the island nation recently.

Any large amounts of cash that enters an area without little or no oversight will surely lead to theft and misappropriation. There is little doubt that this occurred again in this small french speaking country. This is only magnified here. Embezzlement is a problem that plagues even the most advanced nations. So the world should reconsider harshly judging Haiti.

The next steps are questionable. It is understood that complete reconstruction will take time. It is not unreasonable to assume that it will take twenty years to not only get back to post earthquake conditions but also to reach the levels of economic freedom that all countries deserve. Educational will be an essential part of this process. The educational process needs to start with the inspiration and challenging of the children through qualified teachers.

The adults must be able to receive technical skills in the process. There must be a resolve within the nation that lack of education and high unskilled labor are unacceptable. The contributions of education are embezzle proof and will always put a nation on a more solid foundation.

The economy of Haiti is one that is heavily dipped in agriculture. An ideal plan would be to move towards manufacturing. This could be complimented with improvements in education. The entire world will gain from Haiti reconstruction. As she goes, so goes the world.

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Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Finding Civil War Flags And Other Items

By Madge Lindsay

Collecting Civil War flags and historical items that have survived from that period in history is a popular activity with a lot to offer those who are interested in it. Exploring the means, methods and opportunities for creating such a collection can give you the chance to learn a great deal about an important period of history. You could be quite pleased with what you are able to find.

Anyone who has little to no experience in such collectibles may find themselves at a loss for where to find them. Looking into the retail options, private sellers and ways to find better selections and purchase options may not be as difficult as you would have thought. With plenty of ways to find what you need you would do well to learn more about all of them.

Discussing this activity with other people who are passionate about it can give you a great deal of insight. Passing up on the opportunity to learn from the experiences of others can cost you the chance to find the perfect item. A little effort to network may end up going much further than you would have expected, allowing you the means to find new options and sellers.

Searching online may give you a wealth of information as well, ensuring that you are not missing out on any easy to utilize resources or opportunities. Forums, discussion groups and even professional web sites can all hold opportunities that you will be happy to have made use of. Searching over the Internet for the items and artifacts you desire can give you greater results than you would have imagined.

Local retail options and dealers can also have a selection of such items, making them something you should explore. The chance to chat with a shop owner or other professional may bring with it a way to learn even more about the deals, resources and opportunities that are available for collectors. Visiting any near by store or shop can give you lots of information and event the chance to make a purchase.

Special events like conferences and conventions can be a gold mine for collectors. Attending such an event can provide you with a wide variety of shopping opportunities. Meeting other people at a convention can be very enjoyable as well as it will ensure you have the chance to discuss your shared interest and learn about other facets of this hobby.

For serious collectors, shopping online is clearly the way to go. Hard to find, rare and valuable items may only be available to you through an Internet search making such a resource an important way to get the most out of your available opportunities. Learning more about how shopping online can be to your advantage will ensure you have the best options available.

Civil War flags and other artifacts can offer a chance to really connect with the past and the history surrounding this conflict. Should you be seeking the items most suitable to complement your collection, you would do well to know how to find them. Searching for the best sales opportunities can be a fun activity in is own right.

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A Union Flag Civil War

By Shari Swanson

During the American civil war, there were two opposing sides. These sides were the federal government and the confederacy states. The federal government was usually referred to as the union as it was fraternity of many states. The union flag civil war was a symbol of unity, hope and togetherness amongst the states.

Each state had its own troops who were given the flag to carry. The troops were usually given the flags in a ceremony. It gave the individual soldiers great pride to fight for their community and nation. The flags would demarcate where the troops belonged when they were in the battlefield.

However, due to the inexperience of most members in the troops, many volunteer soldiers wound up dead. Some would be seriously injured. They were given tribute for having served their country faithfully and honorably.

There is no doubt that the war was a huge milestone in the American history. It had a profound effect on the continent and shaped much of the future happenings in America. It also contributed a lot to the culture of the American people by giving them a solid foundation of standing together in solidarity. The reenactment of the war is a show of patriotism and respect for the American fore fathers who fought and some lost their lives for the betterment of a nation.

An important aspect of the reenactment is the flags. It is important to note that there were three kinds of these flags during this kind of war. These flags were the thirty three star flags, the thirty four star flags and the thirty five star flags. The addition of stars represents the joining of Oregon, Kansas and West Virginia states respectively.

Individuals have the option of making the union flag civil war on their own like the earlier Americans did. Materials which are required in making the this kind of flags include different colors of felt. The colors that are needed are white, blue, red and yellow or gold felt. In addition, the individual should have adhesive gold stars, a hook and loop tape as well as a dowel rod.

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