The world food situation is becoming so grim that the UN recently held an emergency meeting to address its concerns that food riots will most certainly occur overthrowing many government authorities . The worlds grain supply has fallen to 72 days consumption an ominous situation that brings us perilously close to to the 64 day mark that incited the worldwide food riots in 2007-2008.
Of the top 10 grain food providers in the world the following nations have experienced appalling disasters last year: China (flooding), India (flooding), Canada (drought), Russia (drought), Ukraine (drought), Australia (drought and locust plague) and Pakistan (floods). In Pakistans case the loss of crops was nearly total due to exceptional flooding. Russia banned all grain exports. Right now in August 2012, the corn belt in the USA is suffering from severe drought.
Julian Cribb award-winning Australian science writer wrote "millions of people will shortly begin mass migrations in search of food and water." Look what happened in Libya last year in August 2011: NATOs 'liberating' forces devastated a vital water pipeline in Libya denying drinking water to 4.5 million people. Crops that feed millions cannot be irrigated. As repairs was underway on the pipeline NATO targeted and destroyed the factory that was carrying out this work.
The same is happening right now in Syria and Iran is next on the US 'must invade' list. This is the crop equivalent of financial collapse Watch the price of bread, cereals and other grain based foods rise. Look how many nations are demonstrating against corrupt governments around the globe yet there's no media coverage of these events.
And then of course there's the threat of Martial Law. Under Martial Law everybody loses their rights. This one we all need to be prepared for. And its when not if.
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone
To better prepare yourself mentally look at the rest of the Survival Instincts that covers bushcraft, first aid, camping, power & fuel, food and water storage, and most importantly self-defence and personal protection.
Of the top 10 grain food providers in the world the following nations have experienced appalling disasters last year: China (flooding), India (flooding), Canada (drought), Russia (drought), Ukraine (drought), Australia (drought and locust plague) and Pakistan (floods). In Pakistans case the loss of crops was nearly total due to exceptional flooding. Russia banned all grain exports. Right now in August 2012, the corn belt in the USA is suffering from severe drought.
Julian Cribb award-winning Australian science writer wrote "millions of people will shortly begin mass migrations in search of food and water." Look what happened in Libya last year in August 2011: NATOs 'liberating' forces devastated a vital water pipeline in Libya denying drinking water to 4.5 million people. Crops that feed millions cannot be irrigated. As repairs was underway on the pipeline NATO targeted and destroyed the factory that was carrying out this work.
The same is happening right now in Syria and Iran is next on the US 'must invade' list. This is the crop equivalent of financial collapse Watch the price of bread, cereals and other grain based foods rise. Look how many nations are demonstrating against corrupt governments around the globe yet there's no media coverage of these events.
And then of course there's the threat of Martial Law. Under Martial Law everybody loses their rights. This one we all need to be prepared for. And its when not if.
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone
To better prepare yourself mentally look at the rest of the Survival Instincts that covers bushcraft, first aid, camping, power & fuel, food and water storage, and most importantly self-defence and personal protection.
About the Author:
Graeme has hacked his way through the Borneo jungle with
Punan nomads, hunted with blowpipes, sailed
the Indonesian seas with modern-day pirates, climbed volcanoes in Java,
kayaked the northern lakes of Minnesota and fished with the Portuguese sardine
fleets. Having settled in West Sussex, he is now faced with a very real challenge surviving the economic depression that will impact everyone.By
way of this site his contribution is to help as many families build up their
outdoor and other necessary survival skills as best he can.
Punan nomads, hunted with blowpipes, sailed
the Indonesian seas with modern-day pirates, climbed volcanoes in Java,
kayaked the northern lakes of Minnesota and fished with the Portuguese sardine
fleets. Having settled in West Sussex, he is now faced with a very real challenge surviving the economic depression that will impact everyone.By
way of this site his contribution is to help as many families build up their
outdoor and other necessary survival skills as best he can.