When talking of office supplies, we will be able to simply say papers. These varieties of office supplies become preferred and commonly used by folks wherever and whenever. Like, we put our records at papers and create a message for someone using papers. Many of us might not know about papers, so here is a little history about paper.
During Sumerian era and around 400 BC, people put a hard time to write a message on a hard clay stone or tablets and deliver it the recipient. For a few years have passed, folks have learned about the way to make ease in making records and messages with out carrying the heavy clay stones to the recipient. They used wood, ceramics and clothing with finer surface and lighter weight than the clay stone. And later on , the Egyptians discover the use of plants for making finer writing utensils. They cut, crop, peel, and cut the plants into a small layer. Then they battered it till it had a smooth surface. They named their product as paper since it was made of the plant called papyrus.
For the whole 3,000 years, there weren't any changes about papers. It was 104 AD, and a Chinese person named Ts'ai Lun discover about quality surface that may be use as writing material. Before he discover about the paper, he first took the inside skin of a mulberry tree and fibers from bamboo. Then mixed the two with waters and thumped them with the use of wooden material. He pounded the mixes into a smooth surface of a wavered material and permitting the water to run through and leaving the fibers on the fabric. Then he waited until it became dry, so he was the first individual to make a modern paper with really light weight and smooth surface.
For a few years, the makings of paper were scatter around the planet. Many countries apply the kind of Ts'ai Lun in creating smooth paper but more improved than what the Chinese guy did.
There are numerous history about different types of office supplies, find many of them and share with us. Let us enjoy to talk about office supplies.
About the Author:
Joel Velos is an author and a publisher. He has written numbers of article about office supplies, and he also owns lot of office supplies posted on his web site.