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Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Was it right for Fred Goodwin to be stripped of his knighthood?

By David Hardcastle

Newspapers were recently filled with stories about former Royal Bank of Scotland chief executive being stripped of his knighthood. Goodwin was awarded the knighthood bank in 2004 by the then in power Labour government. The knighthood was awarded to Goodwin for services to banking while at RBS but following the knighthood a lot has gone wrong. There are two reasons why Goodwin might have lost his knighthood but whichever it was, did Goodwin deserve to be stripped of it?

The first contributing factor is that during the time that Fred Goodwin was in control of RBS the bank got into a terrible position which required huge bailouts from the UK government. Overall a staggering 45 billion has been paid to RBS from taxpayer's money to stop the whole banking system from collapsing. There has been much investigation into the situation at RBS and it has been found that Goodwin's actions as chief executive officer are largely the cause of the problems.

The bailouts received by the Royal Bank of Scotland played a large part not just in causing the financial crisis in the UK but also the entire recession. Goodwin's involvement has been known for quite a long time now though but only recently has he been stripped of his knighthood after once again taking newspaper headlines.

The other possible contributing factor is that while the problems were occurring at RBS Goodwin was having an affair with a senior colleague. Goodwin took out a super injunction to keep the other person's name a secret but for a man who is known as partially causing the UK's recession her name is just a minor detail.

If Fred Goodwin's affair did not have any negative effect on his work then it would be unfair for him to be stripped of his knighthood for that incident alone. Having been found responsible for the problems at RBS and partly the recession in the UK though, Goodwin absolutely deserves to be stripped of his knighthood.

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Disabled Veterans National Foundation Sends Support to Veterans in Biloxi

By Rashad Vallian

The Disabled Veterans National Foundation delivered $118,000 worth of supplies to the Department of Veterans Affairs in Biloxi, MS. The DVNF shipments included water, blankets, hygiene products, clothing and hats.

Founded in 1932, the VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System has been helping the men and women who have served our nation. The VA Gulf Coast Veterans HCS serves more than 50,000 veterans. The organization also provides support for counseling centers and VA cemeteries along the Gulf Coast as well as overall health care.

"DVNF is proud to help the veterans in the greater Biloxi region," said Precilla Wilkewitz, President of Kewego. "The VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System has a terrific main facility that does so much to help thousands of veterans a year but it really is a system of care for the Gulf Coast."

The VA Gulf Coast Veterans Health Care System offers emergency department services 24 hours a day, dental care, extended care with home nursing visits as well as hospital inpatient services.

"We are truly grateful to our many supporters who enable us to be able to send these needed shipments to veterans all over this country and we know the supplies will be put to good use helping thousands of veterans in Biloxi," said Wilkewitz.

DVNF was founded in the fall of 2007 by six women veterans and State Women Veterans Coordinators to expand their scope of work within the veteran's community.

Having spent over twenty years focusing on women veteran's issues, the recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan brought forth the rising need to help returning wounded and disabled veterans.

This exacerbated and already over worked and strained VA hospitals and care network that was struggling to keep up with the many surviving veterans of past conflicts and service. For more information go to the company's website.

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Disabled Veterans National Foundation Issues Correction

By Laurette Deriggi

We apologize to the Cowlitz County Stand Down Committee and Further Announce the Successful Delivery of Office Furniture and Equipment Valued at Approximately $60,000 Went to the Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW Post 10435 in Washington

The Disabled Veterans National Foundation Answers the Call announces the successful delivery of office furniture and equipment valued at approximately $60,000 to the Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW Post 10435 in Washington.

The delivery included hundreds of wooden desks, thousands of filing cabinets, more than 1,200 lounge chairs and 600 refrigerators.

According to Helen Reid, Stand Down Chairman for the Ladies Auxiliary of the State of Washington, who helped distribute the furniture and supplies, most all of the supplies went directly to veterans. Reid expressed extreme gratitude to DVNF for making the contribution, which she says was welcomed by the veterans.

"Again, what a wonderful experience to work with DVNF," said Helen Reid. "I hope to do so many times in the future and God Bless you."

"We are so happy to be able to support and help so many veterans in the Cowlitz County area of Washington," said Precilla Wilkewitz, President of DVNF.

"These Stand Down events do a lot of good for gathering veterans and getting them so much assistance as well as giving everyone a fun day of social activities and a forum to reminisce about their lives and their service. For veterans who too often are afraid or proud to ask for help, organizing an event like this one is a great way to get them the help they need."

DVNF Executive Board Members are dedicated veteran advocates that are nationally recognized for their more than 35 years of dedicated service to others including both military and civil service. The Board Members are all volunteers, and take no salary or benefits of any type.

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Tuesday, 28 February 2012

A Day In The Region Round The Somme

By Dean James

Just like the region around Ypres, there are a good number of cemeteries, normally along tiny, muddy roads. My first planned destination was the Hawthorn Crater. This is among the mines that was detonated below the German lines at the outset of the Battle of the Somme in 1916. The explosion was captured on film and is frequently shown in documentaries about the Battle of the Somme. After driving round the area for a bit, I found the Newfoundland Park Commemorative & Visitors Centre and pulled over to have a look.

It is a part of the British and Canadian Ditches on 1st July 1916 when the Battle of the Somme began. A number of the ditches are very well maintained and looking out from the Caribou Monument, you're able to get a good knowledge of the terrain as well as the direction of attack. It is also frighteningly apparent the distance the soldiers were expected to advance over open ground facing of cannon and machine guns.

At Newfoundland Park, I was given directions to help me find the Hawthorn Crater and so it transpired I had gone right past it. It was not long before I was back and found the access point along a fairly muddy field. Initially I was hesitant but decided it was part of the experience. I got to the side of the crater although it was terribly over grown therefore I did not go too far and I was shortly heading to my next point of interest, Ulster Tower. It is a commemorative to the Ulster Regiments who conducted themselves so well on the 1st day of the Battle of the Somme.

Near by is the Thiepval Commemorative that is the largest UK War Commemorative on earth. Each 1st July, a huge rite is held here to honour the dead. The tower is visible from a significant distance and addititionally there is an interesting visitors centre with information about the battles fought here.

Some distance away is the South African Commemorative at Delville Wood. The commemorative was dedicated to all South African conflicts, not only those in The 1st World War. As with all of the memorials, Delville Wood is sacred ground but I found this place particularly to be very tranquil and suitable. I'm really not sure what made Delville Wood stand out to me but for me, there was really something a lttle bit distinctive about this location.

My last stop of the day was a short one at the place to the east of Amiens where the Red Baron was shot down. There's not really much to see excepting a little notice board by the side of the road. It is located by a local factory with an outstanding chimney. The history of the Red Baron is certainly one of the 1st I heard about concerning World War I therefore although there wasn't much to see, it was something that I wanted to do. The Red Baron was a German air ace called Baron Manfred von Richthofen. From 1916 - 1918, he shot down has a grand total of 80 Associated planes and was eventually shot down but ground fire from an Australian unit on 21 April 1918.

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How to Work Out Your PPI Compensation

By Alan Whitworth

PPI claims are still ongoing. If you're unsure about whether you've been misled into taking out PPI on a loan or series of bills it's definitely worth looking into, as you can claim compensation on all the payments you made. This comes after an FSA ruling on the misuse of PPI by banks in the UK. If your bank doesn't help with your enquiry they stand to get into trouble, so it's in their interests to help you out.

The answer for some people who begin to make a claim is nothing at all, and in fact they could end up paying more money to get that information. This is because some people are getting tricked into making claims when they don't have a case. Just having taken out PPI doesn't make you a victim. Policy protection insurance is actually a good deal for some people, as it helps you if you become unexpectedly unemployed. The reason it's become a scandal is the way in which bank staff sold the policies to some customers. Basically this comes down to whether you were unemployed when they made you take it out, and whether you entered into the agreement knowing that you could have got the same cover elsewhere.

Getting these details sorted before you make a claim is important. Once you know you've been misled in some way you can go to the bank with the information and let them begin to handle it. All banks should be cooperative with this by now, as the FSA is fining banks that don't try to help customers get their money back. If there are problems you can use the services of a financial ombudsman.

The actually figure for your compensation is the money you paid in bills for PPI, plus interest. Ask your bank how much of your monthly loan repayment went into PPI cover, and then add on a low percentage of interest (around 3% is reasonable).

PPI isn't something to panic about, and if you approach the problem of being misled on a policy in the right way you should be able to receive the full amount of compensation quickly and easily.

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Report On The Film 'Beneath Hill 60 '

By Dean James

The 2010 film 'Beneath Hill 60 ' tells the true tale about a group of squaddies from the 1st Australian Tunnellers controlled by Captain Oliver Woodward CMG MC and 2 bars. In the film, Woodward is portrayed by Brendan Cowell. He was a miner and metallurgist from New South Wales and hadn't joined up as many other men from the area had done. He was seen to be wanted to stay home to help the war effort and as a consequence, he'd been sent numerous white feathers. It was typical at the time for folks to give white feathers to those who they said to be cowards.

Hill 60 can be discovered in the southern section of the Ypres Salient and it was not a natural feature. The hill is made with soil dug away to produce a local railway cutting. A handful of major battles happened at Hill 60 during both World War I and World War Two. During one evening in 1915, four Victoria Crosses were granted as a German offensive was effectively fought off.

The film concerns the action at the beginning of the Battle of Messines in 1917. 19 mines with close to 500k kilograms of explosives were fired prior to the start of the attack. The tale revolves round the exploits of Woodward and his men highlighting exactly what the tunneller corporations wanted to resist, part of war that gets little coverage.

Woodward is placed in charge of a company and leads by example during the process of the build up for the attack close to Ypres. The fighting starts in the little hours of the morning as Woodward fires the mine his men have spent the prior weeks establishing and protecting.

Right after the war, Woodward goes back to Australia to get married to his young fiance who had beseeched him never to join the army.

'Beneath Hill 60 ' is a great film which tells the tale of among the most frightful facets of the Western Front. The tunnellers on both sides had to work in awful conditions knowing the enemy could be just feet away prepared to either blow up their tunnel or break in and start firing.

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Monday, 27 February 2012

The Affairs Of The Special Operations Executive

By Dean James

Even though it was technically made in July 1940, the SOE (Special Operations Executive) had come together in 1938 with the blend of 3 current, top secret sections straight after Germany annexed Austria. Churchill's Secret Military was instructed to "Set Europe Ablaze".

SOE personnel were sent to different Nazi occupied nations to cause chaos behind German lines and additionally try to discover local resistance groups they could well work with the moment the moment for invasion was here. Theatres of Operation covered France, Belgium, Poland, Germany, Yugoslavia, Greece, Hungary, Albania, Czechoslovakia, Norway, Denmark, Romania, Abyssinia and the Far East.

As personnel operated deep in Fascist held territory and they were recruited from an assortment of social class and background. The key criteria was the probable agent had exhaustive understanding of the land they would operate in and in a position to pass as a local of that country. Because of this, those with twin nationality were highly fascinating.

The renowned plane employed by the SOE in France was the Westland Lysander. It's a small aircraft which made it be a whole lot more tricky to observe and was robust enough to land on temporary landing strips. It was used to ferry operatives to and from the United Kingdom along with collecting those that needed to be interviewed in London. Pilots who'd been shot down were also frequently brought back to the UK by Lysander.

Amid the SOE numbers were also female operatives and in the region of 30% of the female agents sent into France from Section F, did not survive. The kinds of operations in each country were various. For instance, in Poland, there had been little need to encourage the locals seeing as there had been already common loathing of the Fascists. This was in comparison to areas such as Vichy France which cooperated with the occupying forces and the probability of SOE agents being tricked was enormously increased.

For the length of World War II, the SOE had made use of around 13,000 folks who immediately supported or provided somewhere in the region of 1 million agents.

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Colditz - A Castle With A Long History

By James Dean

Colditz Castle is known as a top security captive of war camp utilised by the Fascists all thru World War II to house Associated captives of war who were thought to be "incorrigible". Nonetheless, the castle is around 800 years old so there's considerably more to its past than the six years when it was also known as Oflag IV-C.

Construction started in the middle of the 12th century on the majestic castle set on a hill overlooking Colditz in Saxony, Germany. Within a few years, homes appeared in the area of the castle and after virtually 250 years, it was sold by the Lords of Coldtiz.

A rather serious blaze in the early 1500s ended in heavy parts of the castle needed to be reconstructed not to mention the town hall, church and heavy parts of the city. Over the centuries, restoration and reconstructing building work saw the form of the castle transform and in the 19th century it was rebuilt once more and employed as a workhouse and later on a psychological facility until 1924.

In 1933, the Fascists took power and converted the castle to a prison for political pows. After the beginning of World War Ii in 1939, prisoners of war were detained here. It was used to hold risky captives of war who were deemed deadly and likely to try to escape. Though it's a maximum security pow camp, the nature of the inmates at Oflag IV-C (it's POW camp camp name), meant there were plenty of inventive escape efforts. There had been even one scheme where POWs meant to employ a glider even though it was never tried as the Allies recaptured the castle before the escape effort might be staged.

Colditz was a prison camp for officials and there were also several distinguished inmates including the British air ace, Douglas Bader, Patrick Reid who broadcast a number of publications on Colditz after the war, Airey Neave who was the first officer to escape from the POW camp and was also finally elected to the British Parliament, Sir David Stirling who set up the Special Air Service and Charles Upham from New Zealand who got awarded the Victoria Cross and bar. One of the more notable of all was Giles Romilly who was the nephew of Winston Churchill's spouse.

Lately, Colditz Castle has been reconstructed and is open to visitors to see this consequential building for themselves.

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Food of the Aztecs

By El Guaco

Corn - The primary Aztec Food

Of all of the foods the Aztecs ate, the most significant portion of their cuisine was corn, which they called maize. Actually, maize was so crucial for the Aztecs that it really played a role in their mythology. The value of maize for the Aztecs was equal to the significance that rice played to the Asian cultures, and also the role wheat played to the Europeans. It really should 1st be noted that maize came in a number of diverse varieties. These varieties will be based on size, color, and its texture. It would also be eaten in a quantity of unique approaches, and these included tamales and tortillas. In addition to maize, there had been a variety of other foods that played an significant role within the Aztec diet program.

Other Aztec Foods

Some of these foods had been salt, as well as chilies. During fasting, the Aztecs would refrain from consuming either 1 of these things. Beans were also pretty critical to the Aztecs, and also enjoyed consuming pigweed as well as chia. When these foods were combined with maize, it would have offered the typical Aztec a really wholesome diet plan, which contained all the nutrients they required. Nixtamalization is the strategy in which maize would be processed, along with the maize would usually be cooked in an alkaline substance. When this was carried out, it tremendously enhanced its nutritional value.


Another worldwide popular food that originates from Aztecs is guacamole. Aztecs had been identified for expanding avocados and turning them into guacamole. The name guacamole comes from Aztec language and it truly is a combination of words for avocado and sauce - ahuacatl (avocado) and molli (sauce). With all the arrival of Spanish conquistadors guacamole spread throughout the globe but it continues to be a staple in Mexican cuisine. If you want to find out how to make guacamole there are many guacamole recipes.

Aztec Drinks

As far as drinks are concerned, water played an important function amongst the Aztecs, as it does with all humans. Along with this, the Aztecs also drunk the fermented juice which comes from the century plant, and they also enjoy drinking pulque. Beyond water, these drinks had been pretty common, and there were a number of alcoholic drinks offered which were produced from fuits, cacti, and honey. There had been occasions when even kids had been allowed to drink, even though this was not performed on a regular basis. Intoxication was not admired by the Aztecs, and with the exception of seniors, anybody else who became drunk may very well be put through to severe punitive measures.

Strangely enough, the Aztec aristocracy had rigid guidelines which ceased them from drinking. If they became drunk, the punishment could be as serious as execution. The aristocracy also didn't drink pulque, as they deemed this to be a drink of the common man. The elite instead liked to drink anything which originated from cacao. This beverage was highly prized, and it was consumed by warriors, kings, and nobles. They would generally add chili peppers to it to give it a bit of flavor. Honey was frequently utilized in cacao at the same time, however the list of herbs that could possibly be utilised are really numerous.

Cacao was so prized within the Aztec empire that the beans from it could possibly be applied as a form of money. It should also be noted that the Aztecs enjoyed turkey, numerous varieties of fowl, and they also feasted on iguanas and gophers. Shrimp and fish was an essential component of their diet plan, and they also loved both insects and their eggs as a portion of their Aztec food.

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Sunday, 26 February 2012

Disabled Veterans National Foundation Issues Public Survey on Behalf of America's 3.5 Million Disabled Veterans

By Troy Machens

In a public survey sent to more than 160,000 people, the DVNF recently asked the public '11' questions to measure public opinion and awareness on many issues facing our nation's disabled veterans. With over 4,000 responses received from the survey, DVNF videos will publish the survey results on the site.

The range of questions mailed to the public by the most recent development included questions about the level of help and services veterans returning home from Afghanistan or Iraq actually receive to how much or little the government and others are doing to help veterans who served their country. Following are questions that appeared in the survey with results from respondents.

1) Do you feel that the federal government is doing enough to help men and women who sacrificed their blood and their health in the defense of our nation? a. Yes 172 4% b. No 3463 80% c. Unsure 546 13% d. Blank 162 4%

2) Do you believe that disabled veterans receive all the medical care that they deserve after they sacrifice so much for our country? a. Always 258 6% b. Never 306 7% c. Rarely 1018 23% d. Sometimes 2194 51% e. Unsure 398 9% f. Blank 169 4%

3) Are you aware of the tragic impact of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on our combat veterans and their families? a. Yes 3199 74% b. No 499 11% c. Unsure 484 11% d. Blank 161 4%

4) Do you believe post traumatic stress disorder should be considered a disability? a. Yes 3581 82% b. No 74 2% c. Unsure 534 12% d. Blank 154 4%

5) Do you think the government should do more for the 107,000 vets who are homeless on any given night in America? a. Yes 3810 88% b. No 62 1% c. Unsure 317 7% d. Blank 154 4%

6) Do you believe that most Americans are fully aware of the challenges and hardships that confront veterans who suffered disabilities while defending our freedom? a. Yes 396 9% b. No 3378 78% c. Unsure 416 10% d. Blank 153 4%

7) A Rand Corporation study found that 1 in 5 troops coming home from Afghanistan or Iraq suffers a brain injury. Do you feel the government is doing enough to diagnose and treat veterans with these devastating war wounds?

a. Yes 144 3% b. No 2982 69% c. Unsure 1054 24% d. Blank 163 4%

8) Should employers give special consideration for hiring veterans after they return from wartime military service?

a. Yes 3883 89% b. No 69 2% c. Unsure 226 5% d. Blank 165 4%

9) Is the government is doing enough to reach out to the hurting self-sacrificing families of disabled veterans? a. Yes 124 3% b. No 3160 73% c. Unsure 890 20% d. Blank 169 4%

10) What are the most significant issues facing disabled veterans today? (Check all that apply) a. Untreated injury or illness 3125 72% b. Bureaucratic delays 3247 75% c. Unemployment 3400 78% d. Homelessness 2861 66% e. Hunger 1779 41% f. Poverty 2205 51% g. Other 252 6% h. Blank 243 6%

11) Are you satisfied with DVNF's efforts to help disabled vets? a. Yes 1811 42% b. No, I feel DVNF should do the following 1039 24% c. Blank 1493 34%

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A Boat Does Not Pilot The Ocean For Over Seventy Long Years Without Extraneous Point Of Reference

By Neil Baulch

Part 14. If then, the scientific world tells us that we only know about 10% of all there is to know, we know very little; yet if God is the great Creator who made us and everything else, He knows it ALL. So for us to claim 'I know what life is about and I shall set my course and values' etc.. Is a little silly, as we would need to be God with All Knowledge to know that the way in which we understand life is perfectly balanced.

It's like a boat navigating it's way around the globe for seventy-five years or so; through all the strange unknown places and the storms but employing only itself and it's crew members on board the very same ship, as a reference point to navigate by. Similar to a ship, we need somebody on the outside our own limitations to get our bearings for life. It is a massive gamble to do otherwise and thinking about the eternal consequences, I feel it is one not worth taking. It makes it even weirder when presently lots more people are joining the metaphysical craze of testing the laws of life with mystical feelings instead of normally accepted disciplines of scientific testing and literature and historical analysis.

A mountain climber would test a ledge he was about to step onto, by lightly stamping on it first; it would be foolish to test it by conjuring up an emotional feeling about it. It just does not make sense. In that case we suddenly get practical, why do we think that the risks of the life hereafter are any less serious. It is often not until a personal tragedy, that a person realizes the weakness and inability of their own potential, realisin that there must be a mastermind and higher power behind our world and existence; they then tend to be more open to the concept of something spiritual.

Regrettably some will accept a weird mystical faith as opposed to the God of the Bible as they know of a ill-disciplined Christian who has put them off. This could be throwing the infant out with the bath water. Recently a pal had a very near bad car accident with his family in the car, both he and his wife felt rather sick for the remainder of that day. In the days after he felt insecure about his life as he realised just how powerless he was. He didn't have total control over his life as he had always thought. He came to me to talk about the quandary he now faced, 'if I am not in control and I have no power to alter that, who does?

At times like that, we think about things that we merely do not think about when life is OK. We just know there has to be someone.' For me, after a lot of research, the God of the Bible, seems the legitimate solution to me. As has been stated "There is no such thing as an Atheist on the battle field."

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Saturday, 25 February 2012

Role And Function Of A Political Forum

By Berta Simon

A political forum exists to allow people to talk about serious matters or unwind with lighter material. It plays an important role and may exist either in a physical location or online. People who organize these forums aim to accomplish a lot in society. They want to drive social change by encouraging people to monitor current events.

There is a search function on some online forums that helps users to find quick results. Visitors may find related threads by entering a single key phrase. This way they can obtain information on the topics they find interesting and gauge popular opinion on different subjects.

It functions as a sounding board when people get frustrated with the actions of elected representatives. Individuals may also report on areas where they think there has not been enough action by those in leadership. Subjects that are discussed include civil liberties, labor, employment, financial issues and the right to bear arms.

Ideas that can build a nation are nurtured in these kinds of forums. Many users look at ideas in an international context. Some focus on domestic and community issues that impact their immediate neighbors. When leaders across the world make decisions that impact economics or education negatively or positively, community members examine the ideas that lead to those choices.

Spending time at these venues both online and offline instructs people in the policies of particular parties. When people share the pros and cons of a particular candidate, they are actively participating in the system. They help to lift the standard of what is expected from leaders in terms of performance.

A political forum exposes people to all the facts and history related to current events. They share their views and opinions with others who are affected by policy decisions in the same way that they are. Community members exchange thoughts that eventually lead to small and large actions that eventually may improve their way of life.

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Portugal's economic situation

By Larry Kleinwort

Portugal is a country in the south west of Europe, bordered by the Atlantic Ocean on the West and south, as well as Spain by the north and east. The country also includes the Atlantic archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira. The country gets its name from its largest city, Porto, which is called Portus Cale in Latin. What follows is a brief look at the economy of Portugal, both past and present.

Before Portugal was given its name, the region was a place of great importance. When it was a part of the Roman Empire, the economy of Hispania, particularly in the provinces of Lusitania and Gallaecia, was important, producing and exporting many of the Empire's goods. This prosperity lasted right through the Visigoth and Moorish rules, right up until 1139 when the area became the Kingdom of Portugal.

During what is sometimes called the 'age of discovery', Portugal grew quickly, fast becoming the first global power in the world. During the Renaissance, it became the most important economy in the world, as well as the largest. It introduced Africa and the Far East into the economic circle of Europe, initiating the global, cross-continental economy we enjoy today. When Portugal lost its biggest colony, Brazil, in 1822, however, Portugal's influence began to falter.

Nowadays, Portugal has somewhat less influence than it used to. It has enjoyed vast amounts of funding from the EU in attempts to stimulated economic growth through fiscal policies, but it has now found itself in a bottomless pit of sovereign debt, teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. Because of this, it has been forced to organise more fiscal stimulus form the EU and IMF, but in return it must implement strict austerity measures.

This means that not only will the growth of the country be stifled over the next few years, it will also have to cut back public spending. What this means to ordinary people is that, if they don't lose their jobs, they will certainly not see their wages go up in the next few years. This is clearly a bad time in the history of Portugal's economy. The idea is, however, that without these tough times, the very stability of the EU will be threatened.

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Friday, 24 February 2012

To what extent is Turkey democratic?

By Patrick Z. Peacock

Turkey is a country that crosses the border between West Asia and South East Europe. The majority of the people living there are Turkish speaking Muslims, but there is a substantial population (around 18%) of Kurds and Zazas. The country is a parliamentary representative democracy, but many people take issue with its being called a full democracy. What follows is a look at why you might think Turkey is not fully democratic.

The doubts arise, no doubt, because of the fact that in Turkey's history there have been many occasions on which the military has interrupted democracy. The first of these was in 1960, when General Cemal Grsel led a coup d'tat, removing President Celal Bayar, prime minister Adnan Menderes from power, and his cabinet with him. The military ruled Turkey after this until 1965.

In 1971 the military once again intervened, but did not take full power; they offered the then president an ultimate which demanded a transition to a new government. This has been referred to as 'guided democracy'. A more serious case of military intervention came in 1980, when the army took complete control again in response to what they called 'domestic political anarchy'.

These were dark times, as extremists from either end of the political spectrum resorted to violence, and even murder, to get their voices heard. However, in 1982, a new constitution was secured via a public vote, and so the road to democracy had begun once again. The 6th of November 1983 saw the Motherland party win a victory in a democratic election, and so Turgot zal became prime minister.

The government voted in on that day has remained stable ever since, but Turkey is still just shy of enjoying full democracy. The respect in which it fails is the inclusion of article 301 in the constitution, which forbids anyone from insulting Turkey. The article has been put to use in some extremely controversial ways, most of all so when used to charge writers and other artists for mentioning things like the Armenian genocide in ways in which the government does not approve of.

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Disabled Veterans National Foundation Announces Support of Homeless Female Veterans

By Isaura Coonce

The Disabled Veterans National Foundation (DVNF) announced today the shipment of supplies and support valued at approximately $141,000 to help women veterans who are homeless in the greater Tampa, Florida area. The Tampa Crossroads Athena House provides housing for women with 24-hour assistance, counseling, a place to sleep for up to two years and job placement services.

The DVNF shipment includes essential daily supplies such as sweaters, hats, blankets, clothing, water bottles and personal hygiene products. Officials at The Athena House will distribute the truckload of supplies to women veterans who are in need of help at the facility.

"The Athena House is a prime example of invaluable places in the community where many of our women who serve find assistance and a safe and supportive place to sleep," said Precilla Wilkewitz, President of the the community page on Disabled Veterans National Foundation. "Up to 8,000 women veterans find themselves homeless in America, and there are close to 300 female veterans who are homeless in the Tampa Bay area where The Athena House is making such an important difference."

The Disabled Veterans National Foundation was founded by women veterans and is dedicated to serving both men and women who serve the country and often find themselves in need of help that is too often lacking in their communities. Any honorably discharged female veteran is eligible to stay at The Athena House.

The Disabled Veterans National Foundation is a national foundation dedicated to serving those who have served the United States.

While focusing on disabled, homeless, and women Veterans, the organization works daily to provide resources and services to those who have come home to find themselves in need. Founded in 2007, the organization is housed in Washington D.C. Funded by donors, the organization provides assistance to shelters, partner organizations, and directly to Veterans who apply for grants.

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What People Might Want To Know About A Democratic Forum

By Berta Simon

There are lots of different message boards that a person can join in their free time. Forums are places where people can engage in interesting conversations about a plethora of topics. You may be interested in joining some forums that discuss balloon animals or even magic tricks. If you're the type of person who loves engaging in political debate, you might be interested in joining a democratic forum.

You might be a republican that wants to talk with democrats about their feelings and beliefs. That's perfectly acceptable. Everyone is welcome on a message board, even if it is mostly filled with democrats. You will be able to engage with others and talk with them about what they believe in politically, no matter what party you identify with.

It's important to respect other individuals when you post. You might not agree with them, but that doesn't mean you have to disrespect them as people. Always avoid curse words and try not to insult other people. You might get suspended or even permanently banned.

You can always log on to see what people have posted earlier that day or even earlier that month. A message board is open all hours of every day, so you can post a message and have someone read it later in the day. It isn't live like a chat room, so you don't have to worry about logging on at the same time as another user.

Be sure to choose a moniker that you really enjoy. People will be referring to you by your user name so be sure that it's something that you don't mind being called while you're on the internet. Try to avoid using vulgarities in the name or else it'll probably be rejected.

Many people of all ages can engage in interesting discussion on a democratic forum. It doesn't matter what political party you identify with, as long as you have something interesting and thoughtful to say, you should join a message board today. Have fun!

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Thursday, 23 February 2012

Use Of Anti-Obama Bumper Stickers While Change Is Inevitable

By Rosalinda Skinner

The emerging of President Obama have left some ecstatic, while others have been discontented and divided, both amongst the citizens of America and other nations. Some have opted to communicate their mistrust towards him and his represented political strategies, by displaying anti-Obama bumper stickers.

Regardless of the fact that during canvassing he endorsed the prospect of change, there are those who do not believe that he is qualified for such a mandate. Some are judgmental of his upbringing and also do not have faith in his ability to lead.

Due to lack of faith, others have jeered at him due to his fluent disposition and academic exploits. They have labelled him as yet another politician seeking campaign votes by promising bliss for the people, with no genuine aim to perform, once voted into power.

Nevertheless, his sense of appeal does appear to have produced some dividends. The presidential family is commonly regarded as embodying the ideal American home, providing a sense of optimism that the American Dream is achievable. However, since stepping into power it is his governmental guidelines that have been subject to scrutiny. Some people remain definite that he is not the answer for America as a country in general.

Individuals have employed different channels to express their unhappiness at the presidents leadership angle. There have been many occasions where he has been resisted and condemned. Included herein has been the open use of these stickers and laughter at his expense, due to these reservations.

All Heads of States have shortcomings, but perhaps people ought to afford some degree of confidence, rather than suspicions. This as a substitute to perhaps simply writing him off as another president of color now ruling.

Perhaps it is not his race per-say that make people uncomfortable, but rather his introduction of change. In general, change can be opposed because of society's inherent resistance to it. This is why some individuals have chosen to engage this American president and his policies, rather than defying him by using anti-Obama bumper stickers. anti-obama bumper stickers

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Wednesday, 22 February 2012

The State Of Political Discussion In The United States

By Rosalinda Skinner

When we talk about political discussion, we are forced to say that most of us are disappointed with what passes as deliberate examination of issues. We hear these on the TV, radio and read them in the print media whether on line or off. The dirty politics and the slinging of mud is all that we get for our attention.

The media claims that they are the ones that will provide the light and understanding for these conversations. They do not serve us any better than the politicians and their mouthpieces. The media, both on and off line, are in the various camps and will cover up for the actions and words of their favorite politicians.

Insulting the person who brings an issue to the conversation is standard for far too many politicians. A conversation must have the full participation of all parties to be enlightening for the viewers. Having all of the information, on both sides, will only help voters in their deliberations.

The speech correctness, on one side, and the inability of the other side to point this out is at the core of not being able to discuss things honestly. The state of political discussion has degenerated into the mud slinging it is now. The walls, erected because of this, allows the discourse to fail.

The few debates that are conducted do not accomplish what they were designed to provide. Because of the way they are set up they do not get at the issues they reputedly claim to examine. The hosts usually take the side of one of the parties and are not representative of the larger number of people watching.

Recommendations for the conduct of actual political discussion is to either have unhosted debates or, at the least, to have true moderators without the agenda they seem to have. Another thought is to place some kind of truth in campaigning law. Or, the press could actually start to report the news and what was said and what is true like they are supposed to do.

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The Disabled Veterans National Foundation Plans Deliveries to Veterans in 5 States

By Glenn Mellage

Washington, District of Columbia, July 21st, 2011 -- As part of an on-going effort to deliver needed goods and supplies to veterans around the nation, the Disabled Veterans National Foundation (DVNF) announces the recent delivery of $238,910.54 in supplies to 'Operation Stand Down' in Huntsville Alabama. The is also planning shipments to the VA Drop In Center in Little Rock Arkansas valued at $192,279.18 as well as truck load shipments valued at more than $200,000 each to veterans groups in Houston, Texas and Sacramento, California in the coming weeks.

"These truck loads deliver needed items ranging from food, water and blankets to many other kinds of basic products that most people take for granted every day, but for veterans in need these are precious items," says Raegan Rivers's Public Library - Diigo, Chief Administrative Officer of Disabled Veterans National Foundation. "For many of our nation's veterans who are living in a veterans home or shelter, things like vitamins and daily hygiene products are something they may go without if it were not for aid and support from groups like the Disabled Veterans National Foundation and our generous donors," says Rivers.

Thanks to the DVNF's growing supporters and donors, the group is planning a $236,054.48 shipment in goods to a veterans organization serving veterans living in Northern New England.

For more on grants available for veterans services organizations seeking additional aid and support, go to

The Disabled Veterans National Foundation is a national foundation dedicated to serving those who have served the United States.

While focusing on disabled, homeless, and women Veterans, the organization works daily to provide resources and services to those who have come home to find themselves in need. Founded in 2007, the organization is housed in Washington D.C. Funded by donors, the organization provides assistance to shelters, partner organizations, and directly to Veterans who apply for grants.

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An Examination Of Texas Railroad Commissioner

By Rosalinda Skinner

Three Texas railroad commissioners are elected to six year terms with one seeking election every two year. Since no specific seat is designated as Chairman, they must decide amongst themselves who will serve that position. The commission has an yearly budget of $79 million and manages oil, gas, mining, propane and pipelines and monitors production costs on a month by month basis.

The commission was originally designed to survey the railways. However, over time it has also come to exercise control over rates, operations of railways, terminals, wharves and express companies. The government took control of all of the railways in 1984, but the commission still continues to exercise control over safety, planning and maintenance and other affiliated programs.

To this day, it is still responsible for oil and gas. However, it is also in charge of monitoring the production and the associated monthly costs of these resources and holding hearings while also ensuring that rules and regulations are upheld. It also ensures that water resources are not contaminated.

There have been a number of hiccups in this industry throughout the years. During the Iranian Revolution and the Iran-Iraq war, oil prices increased and American citizens were interested in using local resources. These local resources continued to be profitable until 1986 when they crashed.

When these local resources crashed, bankruptcies resulted and there was a massive downsizing in the sector. In spite of these events, production has again increased. As an institution it is incredibly flexible and resilient although it continues to face unique challenges.

Texas railroad commissioners are in charge of surveying more than just the railways. As time passed, the jurisdiction of the committee has grown and it now has control over a wide range of resources. Although it has faced some challenges, it continues to play an important role in society today. texas railroad commissioner

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Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Disabled Veterans National Foundation Announces 2012-2013 Scholarship Program

By Erasmo Yidiaris

Disabled Veterans National Foundation announces the application period for DVNF Scholarships starting November 1, 2011 and ending February 1, 2012.

Selections of those awarded scholarships will be made in March and the financial awards will be granted the week of April 2nd.

In all, DVNF will award 50 scholarships of $1,000 each to disabled veterans to help them continue their education outside the military.

The award funds will be paid directly to the school to enable the veteran to attend an accredited college, university or trade school.

"We appreciate our donors giving us the ability to be able to help these veterans continue their education outside of their military service," said Precilla Wilkewitz, President of DVNF.

"Each year, it is inspiring to see so many veterans continuing their education and we are thankful that we can give them the financial support to complete their education and improve their lives."

Applicants must fill out the DVNF Scholarship Application Form, provide their Veterans DD-214 certified by their State, complete a 3-4 minute video or essay of 500-750 words and submit one letter of recommendation from someone other than a relative. The DVNF scholarships will be mailed by the end of May.

"This Disabled Veterans National Foundation 2012-2013 Scholarship Program is one we are exceptionally proud of and hope to grow in the future," said Wilkewitz.

"Education is so important for our veterans to be able to improve their lives and occupations after military service. We also understand that not all veterans are entitled to one hundred percent of GI Bill benefits so we aim to try to make sure the veterans we help with these scholarships truly are in need of the assistance."

Award funds will be paid directly to the school to enable the veteran to attend an accredited college, university or trade school. Visit the DVNF website for more information on the nature of these scholarships and the application process.

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Disabled Veterans National Foundation Announces Support for Fresh Start Veterans

By Emilio Chlebek

Disabled Veterans National Foundation announced the delivery of support valued at approximately $89,394 for the Fresh Start Veterans Residence located in Tyler, Texas.

Fresh Start is a new beginning for homeless veterans in the greater Tyler, TX area who served our country.

The Fresh Start program offers what do they stand for a unique approach to helping veterans in that the residence is not a shelter.

The goal of the program is to give veterans a turn-key approach that equips them with: resume and job preparation skills, job placement, food, clothing, financial training, medical referrals, drug and alcohol counseling and access to Veterans benefits that are available in the Tyler area.

"Fresh Start in Tyler Texas is just that, a complete fresh start for our heroes who deserve a new beginning in their lives after giving so much to the country," said Precilla Wilkewitz, President of DVNF. "We are so honored to be able to support groups like Fresh Start.

We and our team (as well as our donors) are amazed to see the depth of the innovation many of these direct Veteran services groups are offering our Veterans. It really is more than just providing a shelter and a hot's a whole new life."

Fresh Start even assists veterans with the lengthy paperwork to apply for available help.

The Disabled Veterans National Foundation is a national foundation dedicated to serving those who have served the United States.

While focusing on disabled, homeless, and women Veterans, the organization works daily to provide resources and services to those who have come home to find themselves in need. Founded in 2007, the organization is housed in Washington D.C. Funded by donors, the organization provides assistance to shelters, partner organizations, and directly to Veterans who apply for grants.

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The Good And Bad Side Of Political Talk

By Maude Moses

Modern civilization has contributed to the development of institutions in the modern society and political talk has thrived and will continue to thrive in today's society because of it's role in the growth and development of the institutions. It is actually the means by which the institutions run their day to day affairs especially in determining the leaders of the day.

For posterity, this kind of chat is not enough much as it interrogates the government policy of the day. It lacks principle and therefore can not be relied on in shaping the future of a society. It is cheap chat and easily renounced by those who engage in it especially whenever one is called upon to substantiate the issues they chat about.

Political talk when well thought in regard to the policies, it is able to identify inherent gaps in policies, champion policies and eliminate policies that are found to be counter productive in the development of the society. Whenever this chat is applied in improving the policies, it is then perceived to be positive and good chat.

Negative chat is not a strange occurrence in the modern society either. Politicians and other individuals seeking elective positions have more often than not been involved in divisive chat that ends up building tension and hatred among people of one society based on the politicians they are supporting.

In most cases, this chat is then used as a divide and rule strategy where people don't interrogate the chat. Popularity is a major concern among those seeking elective positions. Majority of contestants more often than not, engage in it to sell them selves and their agenda to the electorate so as to win elections and get to power.

Political talk has propelled those aspiring for elective positions into offices by making them more popular than their fellow contestants. And even after getting into power, this same individuals use it to remain in power and even gain more popularity.

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Ray Martin: Aussie Media Success

By Maude Moses

Ray Martin (1944) was born in Richmond, New South Wales, Australia. He attended college with the intention of teaching English History. Now, he is an award-winning television presenter. For his efforts, he has been awarded the Centenary Medal, the Gold Logie and the Order of Australia.

The popular presenter has never shied away from a fight. Over the years, he has slated producers for watering down their coverage of serious news and current events. He has also soundly criticized Rupert Murdoch at the height of the phone hacking scandal.

He currently promotes a movement to replace the current Australian flag replaced with a design that does not contain the Union Jack of the British Empire in the top left-hand corner. The 'Change the Flag' campaign want this symbol, with little relevance to present-day Australia, completely removed. The expectation is that Australia will vote to become an independent republic.

Opponents of the move point out that Aussies have fought and died as the flag just as it is and feel it would be an insult to their memories to alter it in any way. Others point out that the symbol is a part of their own heritage. Others believe that changing the flag would be a frivolous waste of money and invite pro-change campaigners to leave the country if they don't like it. There is even a Facebook page set up in opposition to the campaign for change.

Martin is angry with television producers that insult the intelligence of working class citizens with their insipid coverage of current events. Consequently, they are switching in droves to other channels. He cites the change to minute-by-minute television ratings as a contributing factor. Other networks provide in depth interviews and news coverage, demonstrating better faith in the antipodean viewer.

Martin has penned two books about his life and career. The first, published in 2009, was entitled, 'Ray - Stories of My Life'. More recently, he has been promoting his latest offering, 'Ray Martins Favourites: The Stories behind the Legends'. ray martin

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Finding Historic Lost Treasures: La Noche Triste

By Tom Snow

"The night of sorrows" - that's how Cortez described the defeat of the Spanish army at the hand of Aztec Indians. Cortez and his men were trapped in Tenochtitlan, the fabled city of gold in what is today modern Mexico. They were holding the Aztec ruler, Moctezuma, hostage. When Moctezuma died, the Aztecs grew violent and stormed the city.

Cortez planned an escape by night and instructed his men to take as much treasure as they could carry. They were hoping to slither by the Aztecs but were apprehended and a bloody battle ensued in which no individual escaped uninjured. A lot of Spanish infantrymen were fatally injured, unable to take flight because they were so bogged down with booty. They were killed by spears or drowned in the lake that the city of Tenochtitlan was built on. Many more soldiers would have died except the Aztecs stopped to retrieve their silver and gold. The date was 1520.

Though Cortez escaped with his life and later returned with great force to take down the Aztec Empire, one query remains to this day: What has happened to the treasure of gold and silver that the Spanish squads tried to cart off?

It is a historic fact the treasure is real. Its value has been estimated to be worth close to 1/2 of all the wealth ever found in Spanish South America. Some of the things that disappeared included solid bands of gold and silver, semi-precious jewels, a solid gold life-size alligator head and many collars made of gold. To this date, that treasure has never been found.

There are countless speculations about what's happened to the treasure. One theory is that a significant part of it sank into the lake and was covered by rubble when Cortez returned to raze the city to the ground. Treasure hunting has continued in the area to this day. The lake bed was even drained and dragged in attempts to find it.

Other ideas indicate the Aztecs hid the silver and gold in the close by hills or even in another field some distance away. This is plausible; particularly when you remember that the Spanish conquerors brought diseases like smallpox with them in that the Indians were defenseless. A grim pandemic soon destroyed the local population in that area. So perhaps the knowledge on where the treasure was hidden passed on with them.

Some may wonder whether treasure hunting can make money . There are sufficient success stories to prove it can be. In 1998, Mel Fisher found the wreck of a Spanish treasure ship in the Caribbean that was loaded down with 100,000 gold coins. He quickly turned into a multi-millionaire as a result. In 2005, $10 billion worth of treasure-in the form of 600 barrels of gold coins-was found at "Crusoe" Island near the coast of Chile.

There's more sophisticated gear for treasure hunting being developed all of the time. A mini robot that has the ability scan 50 meters below the earth was utilized to find the gold coins on Crusoe Island. With new hardware such as this, it's worth having a second look at the story of La Noche Triste and see whether the legendary lost treasure can be discovered.

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Monday, 20 February 2012

Disabled Veterans National Foundation Provides Support for Veterans Empowering Veterans

By Woodrow Westerfeld

The Disabled Veterans National Foundation is pleased to announce more than $70,000 of support given to Veterans Empowering Veterans based in Fayetteville, NC. This Disabled Veterans National Foundation delivery included emergency blankets, furniture, candy and personal hygiene products for veterans living in transitional housing.

The programs at Veterans Empowering Veterans help veterans and their families find housing, receive household items, food, clothing and sundry items. The group also 'empowers' veterans to look for jobs and enroll in school to continue their education.

"It is programs like Veterans Empowering Veterans in Fayetteville that DVNF aims to support as they provide direct veterans services and support," said Precilla Wilkewitz, President of Disabled Veterans National Foundation.

"Much like the name suggests, empowering our heroes is the right way to help them. So many of our Veterans who are disabled from their service need assistance they are not getting elsewhere, and often need to be empowered to get the help they need to improve their lives and the lives of their families."

The Veterans Empowering Veterans group is planning to offer veterans two kinds of housing assistance designed to give them a healthy and safe environment and place to live for up to 24 months or longer. The goals of their Transitional Housing and Permanent Supportive Housing are to help formerly homeless Veterans live in settings where they receive daily meals and support to be a contributing part of the community.

The Disabled Veterans National Foundation is a national foundation dedicated to serving those who have served the United States.

While focusing on disabled, homeless, and women Veterans, the organization works daily to provide resources and services to those who have come home to find themselves in need.

Founded in 2007, the organization is housed in Washington D.C. Funded by donors, the organization provides assistance to shelters, partner organizations, and directly to Veterans who apply for grants.

About the Author:

Sunday, 19 February 2012

DVNF Launches Video Sharing Community

By Sanjuana Klickman

The Disabled Veterans National Foundation (DVNF) launched the Disabled Veterans Video Sharing Community on its website, The Disabled Veterans Video Sharing Community, or DVVSC, will allow program recipients to directly "sound off" about their experiences with Disabled Veterans National Foundation, post personal video blogs, as well as deliver news and other organization information by way of video.

"By allowing the people we serve, and those in need of our charitable goods and services, an open forum for sharing their thoughts and ideas about their growing relationship and personal experience with the Disabled Veterans National Foundation we will raise the overall public consciousness about the plight of today's veterans," said Prescilla Wilkewitz, president of DVNF.

Ms. Wilkewitz, a Vietnam veteran and founding member of DVNF, spends a large amount of time visiting with fellow veterans and listening to their concerns. But, she says, there are many more veterans who need to be heard. With this cutting-edge technology, DVNF will now be able to connect with more members of the veterans' community.

"Our new Disabled Veterans Video Sharing Community on not only provides us with direct feedback from program beneficiaries; it also allows others to learn about the organization and find another possible resource to help them through tough times," she said.

The new Disabled Veterans Video Sharing Community is completely open and accessible to the general public at

To date DVNF has provided goods and services to over 40,000 veterans.

About the Disabled Veterans National Foundation

DVNF, a nonprofit 501c3, was founded in the fall of 2007 by six women veterans to expand their scope of work within the veteran's community. The Trustees, with over twenty years of combined work focusing on women veteran's issues, realized the recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan brought forth a rising need to help returning wounded and disabled veterans.

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DVNF Helps Make 2011 NJ Stand Down Event Success

By Nathaniel Soliday

Disabled Veterans National Foundation delivered approximately $157,000 worth of supplies to support the recent Stand Down event held in Newark, New Jersey.

The DVNF contribution was delivered to the New Jersey Department of Veterans Affairs which helped organize the Stand Down event that helped hundreds of the areas homeless veterans.

This DVNF delivery included items such as blankets, water, hygiene products, clothing, hats and even cough drops.

The Stand Down helps New Jersey homeless Veterans deal with life on the streets by providing a broad range of necessities such as food, clothing, medical support, job counseling - and fellow companionship. Go to New Jersey Department of Veterans Affairs for more on assistance provided to area veterans.

"We at DVNF recognize these Stand Down events held around the country over the summer and fall provide an excellent forum and venue to help our homeless veterans in so many ways on one big day," said Precilla Wilkewitz, President of DVNF.

"Thanks to our supporters, DVNF has delivered supplies and daily necessities valued at many hundreds of thousands of dollars to many Stand Downs this year. This help lasts more than the one day of a Stand Down for veterans who are struggling to survive on the streets."

The country's first Stand Down was started by Veterans Village of San Diego in 1988 and was aimed at helping homeless veterans in that region - many of whom served in the Vietnam War.

It is estimated that today there are hundreds of organized Stand Down events around the country helping close to 50,000 homeless and at-risk veterans according to the National Coalition of Homeless Veterans.

The Disabled Veterans National Foundation exists to change the lives of men and women who came home wounded or sick after defending our safety and our freedom.

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A Christian Voters Guide Can Help People Of Faith Choose A Candidate

By Lynda Ratliff

A Christian voters guide can help inform people of faith about where the candidates stand on important issues like religious freedom, school prayer, abortion, pornography and marriage. This information helps educate voters on the candidate's stated positions or voting records on issues that are important to religious voters.

Instead of relying on television advertisements paid for by campaigns or on the coverage of the mainstream media outlets, the material lets you know the positions of the presidential challengers as well as the voting records of elected officials in the House and Senate. The guide can help you see where these men and women stand on issues of importance.

Cast an informed ballot, based on research conducted by religious organizations that have compiled the records and pronouncements of our public officials. Make sure that the person you cast your ballot for upholds biblical principles and will be an ally once elected. An informed choice now can save you from disillusionment and heartache later.

A good resource will not dictate who you have to vote for, that decision is between you and God. However, it can help you view each candidate's strengths and weaknesses and help you decide which people are in line with your core spiritual values. As you evaluate each person issue by issue, you may discover some surprises.

With so many crucial issues facing our nation at this pivotal time, it is more important than ever for citizens to be informed about where the prospective candidates stand on key social issues. Liberty, religious freedom, school choice, and moral values are all at stake this election cycle. Being well informed is your best weapon in a democracy.

A Christian voters guide can enable you to make the best possible electoral choice. Not only can it help you select the next President, but it can also be useful in picking Senators and Representatives. Informing yourself can be the best way to ensure that God is not forgotten in the corridors of power in Washington. christian voters guide

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Thursday, 16 February 2012

DVNF Distributes Holiday Gifts to Disabled Veterans at Walter Reed Army Medical Center

By Branden Neiss

Thanks to the gift of an anonymous donor, the Disabled Veterans National Foundation (DVNF) distributed holiday gifts including $100 gift cards to disabled veterans at the Walter Reed Army Hospital on December 21, 2010.

"It was touching to visit these brave young warriors who are recuperating at Walter Reed and give them a meaningful gift for this Holiday Season," said DVNF Chief Administrative Officer, Raegan Rivers.

"Many of the veterans we met are young people whose lives have been changed forever as a result of the injuries they received fighting the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. As a nation we must be thankful to the sacrifices made by our armed forces; and, as an foundation dedicated to improving the lives of disabled veterans, we are thankful to our anonymous donor for his generosity."

Since its inception in 2007, Disabled Veterans National Foundation corporate info has provided goods and services to over 40,000 veterans through donations to local shelters, veterans' programs and other agencies. Earlier this week, the Foundation's Board of Directors committed to providing $10 million on support efforts in 2011.

Walter Reed Army Medical Center is the largest Department of Defense military hospital serving military personnel. Its dedicated staff provides comprehensive health care to more than 150,000 Service Members, retirees and their families.

You can follow the progress of DVNF's efforts and learn more about how the Foundation is helping veterans by visiting

About the Disabled Veterans National Foundation

DVNF, a nonprofit 501c3, was founded in the fall of 2007 by six women veterans to expand their scope of work within the veteran's community. The Trustees, with over twenty years of combined work focusing on women veteran's issues, realized the recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan brought forth a rising need to help returning wounded and disabled veterans.

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The Disabled Veterans National Foundation Announces Success of Veterans Individual Emergency Grants Program

By Berneice Sharpnack

The Disabled Veterans National Foundation (DVNF) has given more than $56,000 in individual emergency grants to veterans in 2011 which has assisted 66 veterans avoid becoming homeless. The DVNF offers these individual grants of up to $1,000 to veterans on a case-by-case basis to avoid homelessness.

Veterans can use these grants to help pay their rent or mortgage as well as utilities.

"We are very glad to see that so many of our nation's veterans are taking advantage of our individual emergency grants program," says Raegan Rivers, Chief Administrative Officer of Disabled Veterans National Foundation.

"We try to make applying for these grants straight forward and easy for the veteran so that they can get the help they need to be in a place of their own."

The application process consists of a financial request form, a letter from a Veterans Services Organization stating amount and need of the request, a copy of bills to be paid, the veteran's 'DD214 form' and a signed consent form.

These application details can be found at under the 'Helping Individuals' tab.

The DVNF has also given more than $75,000 of funds in support of other veteran organizations who help provide support for disabled veterans nationally and our goods and services have been distributed around the country this year to over 70,000 veterans.

"Homelessness is a growing problem not only for male veterans but for female veterans," says Rivers. "We look forward to growing our individual emergency grants program so that more of our nation's true heroes get the help they need and deserve...and having a place of their own is a big part of their independence."

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General Nil: the Polish hero who fought Fascists and Communists

By Joseph De Monvallier

Emil August Fieldorf, more widely known as General Nil, was born on March 20th 1895 to German folks. Regardless of his origins, General Nil would win fame for fighting both the Fascist and Commie regimens, protecting the nation of Poland from any who would dare threaten it.

His story really started at the tender age of 15, when he joined the paramilitary organisation called ?The Riflemen?s Organisation. ? This organization, which fought to save autonomy, culture and education in Poland, would test the young Emil?s mettle and eventually send him on to serve in many different militias, including the Brigade of Legions, the Austrian Army, and the Polish Military Organization. After many years of storied service, Emil finally enlisted officially in Poland?s military.

As World War II began, General Nil commanded a regiment charged with resisting the looming Nazi invasion. He won his fame during the Polish September Campaign, and his heroism would win him a job as the 1st emissary of the exiled Polish Government.

He worked as a diplomat in South Africa, Egypt, Sudan, Rhodesia and Rumania, all in an effort to serve his beleaguered folks. As the war drew to a close, General Nil thought that he would eventually be able to return to the land he had fought so difficult for, but he shortly found himself arrested by the occupying Red government. He was misidentified as Waleny Gdanicki, a traitorous dissident, and was sent to a labor camp in the oppressive Ural Mountains without so much as a trial.

After 2 long, frightful years, Nil was released. His liberty was not to last nonetheless , and he was shortly sent to jail again after attempting to negotiate a accord with the occupying central authority in the name of his London-based government-in-exile. Betrayed by the communist authorities and charged with being a 'fascist Hitlerite criminal', Zero was executed by hanging on the Feb 24th, 1953.

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Know Which One Of The Unions In Australia Is Most Suitable For You

By Debora Rodgers

Countries differ in so many ways, just as companies do. Some do not encourage the workers of certain industries to form a trade association for a number of reasons. But, there are also reasons why you should be a member of one of the unions Australia has.

As an employee, if you are still trying to decide which one to go with, you need to know how to make the selection process more efficient. Overly stressing about it is unnecessary, and is completely avoidable. Just make sure you consider these factors.

Correctly assess your situation. There are different groups that you could join but, you should understand that not all of them would fit you like a glove. By correctly identifying what your line of work is, as well as where you are from, for starters, it would be easier to choose.

You should avoid skipping considering this because this would be the best way to start looking for what would be appropriate for you. As a member of the right one, you can have proper representation. And, they also have their own way of advocating their cause.

Find out what they could provide. Joining them is one way that you know would help you gain the best benefits possible. So, you need to be certain of what they could help you with, as a member. This is going to make the comparison easier and more effective, thus figuring out becomes easier, as well.

They have different ways that they can help each worker. No matter how big or small the company they work for is, they can provide you professional assistance. One of the things workers would want to be sure of is that they get the right value for their wages, and all other company benefits they are entitled to.

Even if there are fees to join one, they may still continue benefiting from it, as these are fully tax deductible. In the long run, it could save you more money. You do not have to do the search on your own. Keep in mind that there are firms that can help you which of the unions Australia has would be perfect for you.

About the Author:

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Disabled Veterans National Foundation Delivers Support to National Guard and Military Reservists in Northern California

By Walton Yarbrough

The the site announced today the delivery of office and residential furniture valued at approximately $47,000 to the Rancho Cordova Elks Lodge #2484 in Mather, CA to support their 'Catch the Spirit' program.

The 'Catch the Spirit' program helps the many National Guard and Reservists troops serving in Afghanistan and Iraq on extended duty.

The Catch the Spirit project is especially focused on helping these veterans' families who too often struggle without enough assistance to make ends meet.

"In the recent past we have relied heavily on our National Guard and Reservists to play a vital role in fighting the war on terror, and these troops are most often serving alongside our full-time military for extended periods of time," said Precilla Wilkewitz, President of Disabled Veterans National Foundation.

"Many times these reservists or National Guard members leave behind families and good-paying jobs. The Catch the Spirit program is an excellent and vital program to help these soldiers and their families and we are grateful to our supporters to be able to send them needed support."

In 2007, the Rancho Cordova Elks Lodge founded 'The Catch the Spirit' project to expand its support for military families and veterans. In the few years following, the Lodge and the project helped close to 4,000 military families who received Thanksgiving meals and Christmas toys.

"The recent challenge of supporting peace and fighting terror in the Middle East has tapped our National Guard troops and reservists incredibly," said Wilkewitz.

"Many of these Guard or Reservist soldiers are often serving for a year or longer and their families at home need all the help they can get. That is where this project is making such a difference for veterans in Northern California and we at DVNF are proud to be able to deliver so much needed support."

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The Cruel Reality of Children Detained in the United States

By Brandon Sheffley

Under our present immigration laws, some interviews for the immigrant visa, or green card, are conducted together with adjudication of a waiver once the intending immigrant has left the U.S. A waiver is needed when the intending immigrant is topic to a penalty, such as a 5-year bar due to a earlier deportation or removal. The processing time can be lengthy, thus, forcing the immigrant to wait abroad away from his immediate loved ones when also risking the loss of his job. If the waiver is denied by the consular authority, the intending immigrant is excluded from the United States and separated from his or her family for five or, in some instances, up to ten years.

A handful of weeks ago, the media was abuzz about a so-referred to as immigration reform proposed by President Obama in order to lower the hardship surrounding the application of such a waiver. In terms of his proposed alter, a waiver would be adjudicated in the U.S. just before the intending immigrant left for his or her appointment abroad. Following a positive selection by the government, an immigrant would then go to the consulate in order to full the procedure of obtaining his or her immigrant visa.

This most up-to-date proposal is bittersweet. At a glance, it looks helpful to people who are undocumented even though living in the United States, who would wait for a positive choice before going abroad. The proposal's key aim is to cut brief the time that intending immigrants are separated from their families.

This is a great argument in favor of the new proposal. If the waiver is adjudicated in the U.S., it allows families the opportunity to remain together and makes it possible for breadwinners to deliver for their families for a longer period before leaving the U.S. for the interview.

Yet another advantage of this method is that it might lower the anxiety levels for families. Moving on to the second part of the method with an approved waiver is positive to instill extra trust that one's loved one will come back. This will lower anxiety levels and the incidence for creating mental health troubles

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Disabled National Veterans Foundation Sending Truckloads of Supplies and Support to Austin

By Tanya Reynosa

The Disabled National Veterans Foundation (DVNF) announced in September 2011 that a truckload of needed supplies was shipped to a relief distribution site in Austin, Texas in response to the damage from the recent rash of deadly fires that destroyed 1,700 homes. The DVNF is coordinating with the American Legion Post #83 in Austin to distribute the supplies to area veterans.

"We are proud to support veterans in Texas and several other states where this month we are shipping more than two million dollars worth of basic, everyday supplies that too many veterans need - just to live".

"Whenever a natural disaster such as the fires that destroyed Texas homes and caused so much damage occur, we are grateful that we can step up and play a role by sending needed relief," said Precilla Wilkewitz, President of DVNF.

"Veterans facing problems everyday are especially hit hard in times like this in Texas due to the strain on already limited resources by groups that help those in need. The extra burden can be too much at a time when their need for supplies is even greater."

The DVNF truckload includes essential daily items such as clothing for men and women, personal hygiene products, blankets, water and sports water bottles.

The American Legion Post in Austin will work to distribute the DVNF truckload from a storage unit that the group is using to collect needed supplies.

"We are proud to support veterans in Texas and several other states where this month we are shipping more than two million dollars worth of basic, everyday supplies that too many veterans need - just to live," said Wilkewitz.

For more on the Austin area relief effort contact Ray Leyendecker at 512-442-2896 or go to to learn more about the company and its efforts to provide aid to veterans.

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