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Thursday 29 September 2016

Mozambique Flag History Today

By Albert Derrick

Bantu speakers migrated to Mozambique in the first millennium, and Arab and Swahili traders settled the region thereafter. It was explored by Vasco da Gama in 1498 and first colonized by Portugal in 1505. By 1510, the Portuguese had control of all of the former Arab sultanates on the east African coast. Portuguese colonial rule was repressive.

Guerrilla activity began in 1963 and became so effective by 1973 that Portugal was forced to dispatch 40,000 troops to fight the rebels. A cease-fire was signed in Sept. 1974, and after having been under Portuguese colonial rule for 470 years, Mozambique became independent on June 25, 1975.

One of the early leaders in the struggle for independence from Portuguese rule was the Democratic National Union of Mozambique (Udenamo), whose flag was adopted in November 1961. It had a diagonally divided field of green (for the country’s forested mountains and plains) and black (for the majority population). Its white central disk suggested the rivers and the Indian Ocean, and its central red star indicated the common blood of all struggling for liberation.

After independence from Portugal the flag of the main revolutionary army, the Mozambican Liberation Front (FRELIMO), was adopted as the flag of the new country for an interim period until the flag that is seen today was decided on.

The red stripe represents the Mozambique's struggle for independence. The green symbolizes the land. The black represents the African continent and yellow stands for the mineral wealth of the nation. The yellow star represents the socialist beliefs of the country. The book represents education and the hoe represents the peasants and agriculture. The rifle represents the nation's determination to defend its freedom.

A yellow star was added to the red triangle, surmounted by an open book and a crossed hoe and assault rifle, standing, respectively, for education, the peasantry, and defense of the native country. The Flag Company Inc specialized in flag designs offered a special edition of decals and flags to memorize the history of Mozambique flag for the future.

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Wednesday 28 September 2016

Morocco Flag History

By Jesica Farrow

Morocco’s first-known inhabitants were Near Eastern nomads who may have been distant cousins of the ancient Egyptians. Phoenicians appear to have arrived around 800 BC, and when the Romans arrived in the 4th century BC, they called the expanse of Morocco and western Algeria ‘Mauretania’ and the indigenous people ‘Berbers’, meaning ‘barbarians’. By 829, local elites had established an Idrissid state with its capital at Fès, dominating all of the Morocco. Thus commenced a cycle of rising and falling Islamic dynasties, which included the Almoravids (1062â€"1147), who built their capital at Marrakesh.

During the 17th and 18th centuries, Morocco was one of the Barbary States, the headquarters of pirates who pillaged Mediterranean traders. European powers showed interest in colonizing the country beginning in 1840, and there were frequent clashes with the French and Spanish. Finally, in 1904, France and Spain concluded a secret agreement that divided Morocco into zones of French and Spanish influence, with France controlling almost all of Morocco and Spain controlling the small southwest portion, which became known as Spanish Sahara.

Starting in the 17th century, at the time when Morocco was still under the rule of the Alaouite Dynasty, the Moroccan flags were mostly in red color with no markings. It was only until Mulay Yusuf ruled Morocco in 1915 that the green laced pentagon-shaped star was placed at the center of the flag. The pentagon-shaped star was generally used by occults for centuries. It is said that the “Seal of Solomon” was used in the flag in order to distinguish the flag from the other flags of Islamic nations with the similar red background.

The original design of the flag had been used continuously even at the time of the French and Spanish domination of Morocco. However, it was required to be used in land only and not in the sea. When Morocco finally acquired its independence in 1956, the original design of the flag was considered as the national flag of Morocco.

The flag of Morocco is a deep red with a green five-pointed star, or pentagram, at its center. The pentagram is outlined in black. Red has many important meanings for Morocco, reflecting the nation's history. Red has been used in Morocco to represent the royals, including the Alaouite family who ruled in the seventeenth century, and the Sherifs of Mecca and the Imams of Yemen. The red symbolizes bravery and strength.

The Moroccan flag remained unchanged when the sultanate of Morocco was restored by the two colonial rulers of France and Spain, and independence was granted in 1956. A year later, the sultan became a king and Morocco became a kingdom. The Flag Company Inc specialized in flag designs offered a special edition of decals and flags to memorize the history of Morocco flag for the future.

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Tuesday 27 September 2016

The Flag Company Inc And Montserrat Flag

By Lean Bold

Montserrat is a small island in the West Indies. The country is currently in the midst of redevelopment after Hurricane Hugo destroyed much of the island’s infrastructure in 1989, and then its active ash volcano-ravaged the southern region with pyroclastic flows between 1995-1997.

Before 1995, this pear-shaped island had a population of about ten thousand and was lush, green, mountainous, isolated, and unspoiled. There are three green-clad mountain ranges and the island is edged by largely black sand beaches.

The Soufrière Hills volcano began erupting in 1995, and the situation continued to worsen through 1998, with the capital, Plymouth, destroyed and the southern and central parts of the British colony having been evacuated. Thousands had moved to nearby Antigua, Britain, or other parts of the Caribbean.

The current Montserrat flag was adopted on January 25, 1999, when the coat of arms was enlarged. The Montserrat flag was originally adopted on April 10, 1909. Much of the island of Montserrat was devastated and over two-thirds of the population fled after the eruption of the Soufriere Hills volcano that began on July 18, 1995. The eruptions have continued, making large parts of the island uninhabitable.

Being originally adopted 1909, the flag has been changed only once 1999 when the British Blue Ensign was enlarged in order to be recognized. Facts and History of Montserrat Flag show what actually happened on the Caribbean Islands during Colonialism: the islands were constantly traded between England, Spain, and the other colonial powers.

The Union Jack speaks of Montserrat's binds to Britain, as the nation is an Overseas Dependent Territory of Britain. The escutcheon on the Montserrat banner portrays Erin. A considerable lot of the Montserrat Island's inhabitants talk with an Irish brogue as countless individuals were sent to Montserrat Island by Oliver Cromwell in the seventeenth century. The Flag Company Inc specialized in flag designs offered a special edition of decals and flags to memorize the history of Montserrat flag for the future.

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Sunday 18 September 2016

Montenegro Flag And The Flag Company Inc

By Ned Stevens

Until 1918, the flag of Montenegro looks like a classic red-white-blue tricolor, which was located in the center of the national emblem. During the German occupation of the country in Montenegro army used military flag adopted until 1918, on a red field, which depicts an eagle and a lion.

Montenegrin independence was perceived in 1878, and that year Montenegro received the red-blue-white tricolor of Serbia for its own state banner. Its Slavic hues were propelled by the Russian banner. At the point when Montenegro obtained a naval force, images of Prince Nicholas showed up on the outline.

After World War I, independent Montenegro along with several other Balkan countries became part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (later renamed Yugoslavia) and had no flag of its own. Yugoslavia was dissolved by the Axis powers during World War II; Montenegro, nominally independent, was occupied by Italy and again flew the red-blue-white tricolor from July 1941 to November 1943.

Yugoslavia was restored as an alliance after the war, and its constituent republics were permitted to receive banners. Montenegro used its tricolor, with a yellow-laid out the red star on the inside, from December 1946 until 1993. The republic stayed in the Yugoslav alliance after alternate republics had withdrawn from it in the mid-1990s; the nation was known as Serbia and Montenegro in 2003â€"06.

On July 13, 2004, Montenegro adopted a distinctive flag. Based on an old royal banner, the new flag of Montenegro was red bordered with yellow. At its center was a yellow double-headed eagle displaying a shield with a lionâ€"the dynastic arms of the NjegoÅ¡ dynasty that once ruled Montenegro.

Supporters of the union with Serbia, Montenegro, often informally used to a flag that represents a tricolor with equal width horizontal stripes of red, blue and white. On the flag field at an equal distance from the edge of the coat of arms in the form of a two-headed eagle in the royal crown with heraldic shield. This flag is adopted by those who opposed Kosovo's secession from Serbia and Montenegro agreed with access from Interstate union with Serbia. The Flag Company Inc specialized in flag designs offered a special edition of decals and flags to memorize the history of Montenegro Flag for the future.

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Saturday 17 September 2016

History Of Mongolia Flag

By Alexander Black

A large number of ethnicities have inhabited Mongolia since prehistoric times. Most of these people were nomads who, from time to time, formed confederations that rose to prominence. The first of these, the Xiongnu, were brought together to form a confederation by Modun Shanyu in 209 BC.

The current Mongolian flag was adopted on February 12, 1992. The flag is similar to the one used in 1949, except for the removal of a star on the current version. Mongolia received independence from China on July 11, 1921. Mongolia introduced the basic design of the flag in 1940.

The current flag of Mongolia was adopted on January 12, 1992, when Mongolia became a democracy. Before this, Mongolia was the Mongolian People's Republic from 1940 until 1992, and the flag was the same, but with the addition of a socialist star at the top of the column of the soyombo. From 1911 to 1921, a version of the flag was used that featured the soyombo centered on a red flag with a yellow border, and other variations have also been used.

The flag of Mongolia is divided into three vertical bands of red on the outer stripes and blue in the middle. On the red stripe along the hoist side, the soyombo, the national symbol of Mongolia, is positioned in yellow. The soyombo symbol is a character in the Mongolian script and is also found on the coat of arms of Mongolia. The red on the flag symbolize Mongolia's strength and harsh environment. The blue symbolizes the blue sky.

The sun and moon symbolize the universe and are believed by Mongolians to be the mother (sun) and father (moon) of their nation. The triangles pointing at the ground are arrowheads and represent Mongolian's willingness to defend their nation. The horizontal rectangles stand for honesty, justice, and righteousness. The middle circle can be interpreted as the Buddhist yin and yang symbol, which represents complementary opposite forces existing together in the universe - such as positive and negative, male and female, passive and active, fire and water, etc.

The national emblem is a combination of geometric depictions of the sun, moon, earth, water and the Taijitu (also known as the yin-yang) fashioned in a pillar composition. This flag was used beginning on February 12, 1992. The Flag Company Inc specialized in flag designs offered a special edition of decals and flags to memorize the history of Mongolian flag for the future.

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Tuesday 13 September 2016

Monaco Flag And The Flag Company Inc

By Violet Wetts

From the earliest prehistoric times and Antiquity, the Rock of Monaco and its natural harbor served as a refuge for primitive populations, then navigators who had sailed from the East. It was in the 6th century BC that a Ligurian tribe which had settled in the region gave Monaco its name.

The Grimaldi ascent began one night in 1297 when Francois Grimaldi seized the fortress of Monaco from a rival Italian faction. Disguised as a monk, he successfully led a small army into the fortress reclaiming it in the name of the Pope. The legacy of his daring victory is recorded on Monaco's coat of arms, which bears two monks brandishing swords.

In 1297 François Grimaldi, who was originally from a powerful Guelph family in Genoa, and a small army seized control of the Rock of Monaco. Although the Grimaldis were expelled in 1301, they returned thirty years later, and the House of Grimaldi has ruled Monaco uninterrupted (except from 1789 to 1814, when it fell under French rule) since then.

Until the 19th century, Europe had many independent city-states with ruling dynasties and local symbols, but most were absorbed by the great unification movements that created modern Germany, Italy, and other nations. Monaco managed to preserve its independence, and it adopted a law on April 4, 1881, establishing its national flags, which are in use today.

The Monaco flag is used by its people in a number of ways. It is used as a civil and national flag on land. People in Monaco also use the flag as a civil and national pennant on the sea. The flag in Monaco can also be compared similarly to the flags of other countries. It is somewhat identical to the Indonesian flag except for its height to width ratio. It is also a bit similar to the flag of Hesse, which is a German state.

Red and white were the heraldic colors of the ruling Grimaldi family. The colors appear as a diamond shaped pattern on the shield of the family's coat of arms. The Flag Company Inc specialized in flag designs offered a special edition of decals and flags to memorize the history of Monaco Flag for the future.

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Friday 9 September 2016

Moldova Flag History

By Kalen Swift

Moldova is a landlocked republic of hilly plains lying east of the Carpathian Mountains between the Prut and Dniester rivers. The country is sandwiched between Romania and Ukraine.

Most of what is now Moldova was the independent principality of Moldavia in the 14th century. In the 16th century, it came under Ottoman Turkish rule. Russia acquired Moldavian territory in 1791 and more in 1812 when Turkey gave up the province of Bessarabia-the area between the Prut and the Dniester rivers-to Russia in the Treaty of Bucharest. Turkey held the rest of Moldavia but it was passed to Romania in 1918. Russia did not recognize the cession of this territory.

From 1988 onwards, Moldova, along with several other Soviet Republics began to move toward independence. On August 27, 1987, a mass demonstration called the Great National Assembly was organized. It pressured the Soviet Republic authorities to adopt a language law that would proclaim Moldovan written in Latin as the state language. This provided a clear demarcation between the budding nationalism of the Moldovans and any lingering loyalties to the Soviet Union. The first general elections to establish an independent parliament were held and that parliament subsequently adopted the Declaration of Sovereignty of the Soviet Socialist Republic Moldova. Finally, on August 27, 1991, Moldova declared its independence.

The National flag of Moldova was adopted on 27 of April 1990. Moldova flag is a tricolor having blue, yellow and red colors from the hoisting side towards the flying side of the flag, arranged vertically.

By 1989, agitation against communist rule was strong in Moldova, and the blue-yellow-red Romanian tricolor became a popular symbol. It officially replaced the communist flag in May 1990. The new coat of arms of Moldova, based on traditional designs, was added on November 3 of that year: On the breast of an eagle is a shield with an aurochs’s head surrounded by a crescent, star, and flower.

The Moldavian flag was based on the Romanian national flag and represents Moldova's shared heritage with Romania. The coat of arms consists of the eagle of Walachia holding an Orthodox Christian cross in its beak and an olive branch in one talon, with the scepter of Michael the Brave of Walachia in the other. Walachia is a historic region of Eastern Europe. The Flag Company Inc specialized in flag designs offered a special edition of decals and flags to memorize the history of Moldova flag for the future.

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Friday 2 September 2016

The US Flag History Today

By Alfred Blue

The flag of the United States, known as Old Glory, consists of thirteen horizontal red and white stripes and fifty white stars in a blue rectangle in the top left corner. The current American flag design was adopted on July 4, 1960.

The flag was first flown from Fort Stanwix, on the site of the present city of Rome, New York, on August 3, 1777. It was first under fire for three days later in the Battle of Oriskany, August 6, 1777. It was first decreed that there should be a star and a stripe for each state, making thirteen of both; for the states at the time had just been erected from the original thirteen colonies.

What is known is that the first unofficial national flag, called the Grand Union Flag or the Continental Colours, was raised at the behest of General Washington near his headquarters outside Boston, Mass., on Jan. 1, 1776. The flag had 13 alternating red and white horizontal stripes and the British Union Flag (a predecessor of the Union Jack) in the canton. Another early flag had a rattlesnake and the motto “Don't Tread on Me.”

As of now, the USA flag comprises 13 horizontal stripes, where seven red stripes and six white stripes are arranged horizontally. The stripes that you find in the American flag symbolize the thirteen colonies and the stars symbolize the fifty Union States. Besides, the red and the white colors that have been used in the flag have their own significance. For instance, the red color represents valor and hardiness while the white color stands for innocence and purity. Last, but not the least, the blue color symbolizes justice, insistence, and alertness.

The symbolism of the Flag was thus interpreted by Washington: “We take the stars from Heaven, the red from our mother country, separating it by white stripes, thus showing that we have separated from her, and the white stripes shall go down to posterity representing Liberty.”

There is a barrage of cheap and inferior US flags being imported and sold, that do not comply with the flag statute. This is bad for a number of reasons. Imported flags are cheaply made and more importantly, the designs, materials, colors, and methods of printing do not compare well with the better quality, longer-lasting, and correctly designed flags made by American manufacturers. The Flag Company Inc specialized in flag designs offered a special edition of decals and flags to memorize the history of United States of America flag for the future.

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